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SUMMARY: The Titans have begun studying various option formations, with the intent of making some a limited part of their playbook this season for their first-round pick, QB Vince Young. No NFL team is thought to have used the option for about 20 years, since around the time Young was born. But this could be about to change. The Titans may be planning on installing a "Vince Young Package," one that would include the option and force opposing defenses to have to prepare for more than just Tennesee's basic offensive attack. What Titans coaches will have to wrestle with is their desire to keep Young on the bench and season him. Using him to run the offense would expose him to NFL defenses sooner than the organization would like.

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.

the story is incorrect when it says the option has not been used in the nfl for about twenty years. I vividly remember us (the oilers) running it out of the run and shoot offense.....*smiles broadly*
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
We are going to shock this league.

Oh, you know it, brother. It really feels like we've turned a very good corner, even with the Steve situation still up in the air.

I can't wait until teams fear to play us again.
Puck said:
i hope JF is around long enough to see it

that article from also mentions LenDale as a ROY candidate

You and me both.

LDW - OROY - I wish they wouldn't print stuff like that. Makes me feel a little jinxed. Well, not me personally, but LenDale. Honestly, I hope Brown gets the yards, and LenDale gets the touchdowns that Brown doesn't get from "homeruns."
thats a big reason that they got him for now, because he doesnt have the break away speed that brown or someone like that has, but he sure can pound the ball in there
maximus said:
The Wishbone is a formation that they run the option out of I believe
The Wish Bone Is A Formation To Cause Confusion For The Defense BEcause of Misdirection Handoff Type Stuff I Rarely See The Option Out OF It. My Son' Varsity Football Team Has Runs It A lot
bob45x32 said:
The Wish Bone Is A Formation To Cause Confusion For The Defense BEcause of Misdirection Handoff Type Stuff I Rarely See The Option Out OF It. My Son' Varsity Football Team Has Runs It A lot

You know you don't have to capitalize every word?

If you rarely see the option out of the wishbone then your son's coach either doesn't know how to teach it or doesn't trust the kids to run it. The Wishbone was created with the sole purpose of misdirection with the 3 RBs and a QB. The most famous play out of the wishbone is the Midline option. The wishbone offense is primary an option oriented offense everywhere except with your son's team.
announcing this now only does one thing..............make you have to waste time preparing for it...............i think the Titans will show some formations in preseason just to drive other DC nuts on Mon and Tues................with Volek in no one will care about it but the first time VY steps on the field and the formation is anything close.............Chow will have a pass of that formation................Chow is not going to get VY killed.............VY will make plays from broken plays.....................

Here is a picture of Vince doing what you are talking about.
He does it all the time.
It's going to be a wild ride.

I will believe the option when I see it.
avvie said:
Thankfully, that's what happens when people post in caps lock. Big ups to TJ for adding that's part of Kimberly's legacy.
even tho its his legacy, its the most annoying thing ive ever seen
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