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Titans Statment on Mcnair judgment

“We will respect the decision of the arbitrator who heard lengthy testimony from both sides and ruled for and against each party in his decision. We stand by the fact that we were looking out for the best interest of the club in our action and our intention was not to punish Steve. From our reading of the decision, it looks like the arbitrator felt that the circumstances of this case were unique and special as they related to Tennessee state law and not necessarily a breach of the CBA.

With this element now resolved, we assume Steve would rejoin our off-season program at some point. I also would expect to see discussions between the Titans and Bus Cook re-opened in an attempt to work out something that would be beneficial to both sides.”

What do you think??
EZpickin said:
“........and ruled for and against each party in his decision.

it would be nice for this to be extrapolated a bit

including the part regarding "as it pertains to Tennessee State Law"
EZpickin said:
"I also would expect to see discussions between the Titans and Bus Cook re-opened in an attempt to work out something that would be beneficial to both sides.”

See they slip that in and for almost a moment you have this little bit of hope he comes back ........

I feel like a grape in a clinching fist. Fleeting hope is there but only a matter of time before it is crushed.
SUMMARY: "We will respect the decision of the arbitrator who heard lengthy testimony from both sides and ruled for and against each party in his decision. We stand by the fact that we were looking out for the best interest of the club in our action and our intention was not to punish Steve. From our reading of the decision, it looks like the arbitrator felt that the circumstances of this case were unique and special as they related to Tennessee state law and not necessarily a breach of the CBA. With this element now resolved, we assume Steve would rejoin our off-season program at some point. I also would expect to see discussions between the Titans and Bus Cook re-opened in an attempt to work out something that would be beneficial to both sides."

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.
Starkiller said:
Actually, it's your move Baltimore
Right. They'll open the door to him. McNair will look bad if he doesn't show up to workout. He also knows a major injury would kill any chance he goes to Baltimore.

There's still possibly a long way to go here.
TitanJeff said:
There's still possibly a long way to go here.
The longer the better for the Titans.
No team would like to be in June camps without their starting QB for 2006 (especially one just coming in their system).
Jeff, do you think the Titans may choose to keep Mac and dump Volek in an effort to win now, knowing we have Young for next year? It is an interesting thought.
Why not just dump Mauck instead? Unless you think Volek has significant trade value? I don't think Billy is costing us much compared to his value.
the best thing for several parties is (in the event Steve leaves) for Billy to go into the season as the starter (getting the majority of reps with the 1st team unit throughout camps / pre-season) and showing some good reel for 10 weeks or so

then Billy's value should go back ... possibly back to where it was at the end of his '04 campaign (wishful thinking ... I know)

Billy wants to be a starting QB in this league, so I believe he'll be on somewhat of a mission this season to get out there and be productive at a level that will benefit his future

its a win-win situation - the obvious disadvantage is the absence of Steve
Tungtide said:
Jeff, do you think the Titans may choose to keep Mac and dump Volek in an effort to win now, knowing we have Young for next year? It is an interesting thought.

Even with Mc at the helm, I still don't think we'll be a contender
I have faith that Billy can come in and lead this team; hopefully '04 style

Billy's value is somewhat low right now
just getting a few more starts under his belt and some exposure should put him back on the radar
Puck said:
Even with Mc at the helm, I still don't think we'll be a contender
I have faith that Billy can come in and lead this team; hopefully '04 style

Billy's value is somewhat low right now
just getting a few more starts under his belt and some exposure should put him back on the radar

Maybe you're right, but it could be the difference of a 7-9 or 8-8, 9-7 year to a 3, 4, maybe 5 win season without Steve and William Volek at the helm!
McNair is not going to stay. And no, I don't see there being that much difference in wins with Mac instead of Volek. Mac is strickly a pocket passer now with little mobility and typically will miss practices and games with injury. Realistically Mac is not that much of an upgrade.
Mac wants to be released ASAP and probabally doesn't think the Titans will want him working out so they will release him soon. However, if I'm the Titans I call his bluff, open the doors (he will not show up anyway) and drag this thing out as long as possible. Mac will lose if he hurts himself working out as will the Titans and I don't see Mac hanging out at the facility after what has transpired.
Perhaps Volek does see this year as a year toprove to other teams that he can be a starting QB, if he's sure that the future of the Titans is Young, which looks like it will be.

I think Bud isn't looking at a win now situation just yet!
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