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I read a few bad reviews on Facebook - all by folks who pretty much require non-stop action and carnage to keep them engaged. They come from the action video game world I suppose..
For reasons mentioned before I liked it.
Same people that complain about Walking Dead all the time.


It would be classified as horror/action... not horror /drama.
Same people that complain about Walking Dead all the time.


It would be classified as horror/action... not horror /drama.
See the funny thing is I'm one who has been pretty critical of WD in recent seasons (although last season was a significant step up over the previous two IMO) yet I still really loved the FotWD premiere.
See the funny thing is I'm one who has been pretty critical of WD in recent seasons (although last season was a significant step up over the previous two IMO) yet I still really loved the FotWD premiere.
There has to be a balance throughout the season... too many people are all or nothing.
best I could tell from the WD s6 preview talk show is that FtWD is a 1 shot 6 episode thing, but if the ratings are there there could be a season 2

Supposed to be the story that WD missed while Rick was in a coma
best I could tell from the WD s6 preview talk show is that FtWD is a 1 shot 6 episode thing, but if the ratings are there there could be a season 2

Supposed to be the story that WD missed while Rick was in a coma
True... of course, TWD was pretty much the same thing.
If it was truly meant to be a 6 episode event rather than a running series then I kinda hope they leave it that way. Sounds like most people weren't crazy about the premiere anyway though.
I would say both series are drama - and are clearly character driven (TWD very much so at this point) with concentrated moments of action, if you want to call it that. Not a whole lot of car chases or fighting.
I dislike that TWD feels like it has a kill quota each episode but it comes with the ratings territory I suppose.

I like the subtle bits of impending doom in FTWD -
like the hospital immediately removing the old man who died, the sister awaiting a never-coming text from her boyfriend, people thinking footage is faked etc.
Things are going to go downhill fast from this point.
It will be an interesting ride.

Same people that complain about Walking Dead all the time.


It would be classified as horror/action... not horror /drama.
If it was truly meant to be a 6 episode event rather than a running series then I kinda hope they leave it that way. Sounds like most people weren't crazy about the premiere anyway though.

Yet they will continue to watch. I think people are attuned to talking sh*t about something as a default. Watch as the names on this show get anchored in pop culture like "Dixon" etc..
It will run as long as ratings warrant it. Kirkman compared it to the CSI franchises and there's talk of even more startups...
While I think they need to be careful as they're already running the risk of overkill.... I've always liked the idea of one set in the far north. Snow zombies would be pretty cool.
@CRUDS I did not notice that about the old codger... good catch

and I agree it will be interesting.

There is also that group from the 1st season of TWD that went their own way when the Rictators started heading to the farm.

I think the real purpose of this show is a bone to TWD hard core. Ratings will be much better than deserved cause amazingly this thing ends about the same time TWD returns
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