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Really looking forward to checking that out. I'm planning to catch up on it and probably Fargo once most of these other shows I'm currently watching go on their "midseason breaks".
After I posted this I ended up watching Talking Dead and they had a fan poll asking "Whose voice was that?" and the choices were Glenn, the blonde guy, and "someone else".

It never even occurred to me that it could've been the guy from the couple who stole Daryl's bike. Apparently they took his walkie as well. This could make sense as when they stole his bike the girl said "I'm sorry" and Daryl said "Not as sorry as you will be" or something like that. They didn't seem super equipped to take care of themselves so maybe they stepped in some s*** pretty soon after riding off?

IDK, I'm still just hoping and praying they don't pull that lame "Glenn's been alive this whole time!" angle.

I'd say it's done deal he's alive. Don't watch the clip if you don't wanna be kinda pissed..

and for what it's worth they just cast this guy as Negan:

so maybe Glenn meets an already established demise at a later date..
I'd say it's done deal he's alive. Don't watch the clip if you don't wanna be kinda pissed..

and for what it's worth they just cast this guy as Negan:

so maybe Glenn meets an already established demise at a later date..
Yeah I've been expecting they'll pull some crap like that. Oh well. Not like I'll stop watching over it I just think it's cheap as all hell.

Saw the JDM casting. Love that guy. I didn't get far enough into the comics to meet Negan but I know he's a big deal and some of the stuff he does.
Into The Badlands...

A show by the guys that did the comic The Ultimates.
Intro is by Mike Shinoa from Linkin Park.
One of the producers happens to be the main guy.

We'll see how it is...
I recorded it but opted to catch up on some Homelands last night.
Maybe tonight after Fargo - which IMO is easily the best thing on TV right now.
Great great stuff.

Into The Badlands...

A show by the guys that did the comic The Ultimates.
Intro is by Mike Shinoa from Linkin Park.
One of the producers happens to be the main guy.

We'll see how it is...
So... Into The Badlands...

Acting was... adequate to bad.
Story was underdeveloped - way too early.
Action is fun... which it should be.

Only real thing that draws me back is... what resides outside the Badlands.

My theory:

The Badlands are a piece of land separated from surrounding countries that are developed and making progress in a post-apocalyptic world. The Barons of this land chose to maintain a rather archaic lifestyle - hence no guns, just hand weapons.

Think Middle East countries compared to the rest of the world, but without the oil.
Gotham needs Jerome.
Haven't watched tonight's episode yet, but... I'm beginning to think I've discovered its true weakness: they plan and focus on the wrong characters. Fish last season. Galavan this season. Too much Bruce. Too much Barbara.

The real gems have either disappeared, background or still building up - Bulloch, Riddler, Penguin, Jerome ... hell I'd throw Alfred and Selena in there.

Undermining itself.

Haven't watched tonight's episode yet, but... I'm beginning to think I've discovered its true weakness: they plan and focus on the wrong characters. Fish last season. Galavan this season. Too much Bruce. Too much Barbara.

The real gems have either disappeared, background or still building up - Bulloch, Riddler, Penguin, Jerome ... hell I'd throw Alfred and Selena in there.

Undermining itself.

Tough to disagree. But with 20+ episode seasons I can kinda sorta understand why they need to take things slow and focus on some of the less interesting characters. That said, Fish's story did go on wayyyyyyy too long. And Barbara is super lame, especially sans Jerome (I really thought they were building toward her being a Harley type figure to Jerome's Joker). Galavan I haven't really minded this season because I figure it's at least leading up to something big and exciting. We'll see I guess. Bruce's story has actually gotten more interesting this season IMO. He was clearly being forced into each episode of season 1 and it just felt.... well, forced. Now he's actually coming off as relevant to the story for the most part.

As for last night's episode. I had to laugh at Penguin going all emo. Although it was kinda cool to see....
... him and "Riddler" together. Will be interesting to see how that relationship plays out from here.

I didn't really like the Nygma character early on but that actor is really, really good imo and has won me over.

And yeah, totally agree on more Zsasz. He should be one of the central villains at this point while most of the other bigger name villains have yet to rise.
I imagine you would be hard pressed to imagine life without guns.
USA defeated the British so in America we make our own laws and dont obey some queen on the other side of the globe.

You should actually try living a republic sometime. Its pretty sweet. Have our own Constitution and everything. That Constitution guarantees Americans the right to as many guns as they please. Sweeeetttt!
oh please....

USA is the world leader in carbon production. Not much Saudi oil makes it to the USA

but yes the whole worlds economy is based on oil so the fact that a major oil producer gets a say should not be a surprise.

renewable is the way forward if only cause current policy is unsustainable in the long term
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