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Is it a pretty consistent show? We're needing another non-supes, non-comedy show to put in the rotation. It seems like a show people who watch tend to love yet you just don't hear it mentioned very much.

It's a tense, slow burner but very watchable. I can think of few shows if any like it. Takes place in the 80's and is filled with outdated tech etc.
The bad guys are the good guys are the bad guys..
I just finished S1 again and started S2, it's better the 2nd time around. They threw too much info at you too quickly at the start. Now actually being able to relax and watch it has made the process a bit better.
I didn't think S2 deserved all the hate it got. Sure it wasn't even close to S1 but S1 was near-perfect television.
I didn't think S2 deserved all the hate it got. Sure it wasn't even close to S1 but S1 was near-perfect television.

That's kinda how I feel about it as well. S2 wasn't great but it was buried by people before it even got a chance because of the hype and unreasonable expectations. What separated S2 from S1 was the time Pizzolatto put into the show. For S1, he was working on that for years. Then he was rushed to write up another season and it was someone's genius idea to have a revolving door of directors. People also hate on the acting, but it's really the writing that gave them a tough job to deliver on. McConaughey killed S1 and really made his dialogue work. You give that script to anyone else and we'd be making fun of that guy like some do with Vince Vaughn. Really, my major complaints are this.

-Too much information way too much fast. We never really had a chance to sit back, take a breath and evaluate what was all happening. There were too many characters introduced right off the bat and about 4 main storylines.

-The writing was too shaky. Awkward dialogue moments and having that many stories being processed at once will always leave you with plot holes and inconsistencies.

-The story. Okay, it was classic L.A. noir. I get that and love that background. However, the story just really didn't deliver for me. S1 laid this out perfectly, we knew what was going on with the characters, the objective, and while they had plenty of twists and nice moments, it was clean and organized. S2 was a bit messy.

All that being said, it does get a bit too much hate. It's still better television than 95% of the stuff that comes on. The main issues that people really have with this are...

They want that creepy feeling like they had in S1 dealing with the Yellow King.

They want another character like Rust Cohle.

They want Pizzolatto to deliver again and match the greatness he already wrote but this time in a shorter amount of time and with way too many people involved in the process.

I hope we get a season 3. I'm okay with waiting a couple more years as well to make sure it gets done right.
Oh, there were plenty of flaws in S2. But it was still enjoyable TV and I feel a lot of people were doing the show, as well as themselves, a disservice by holding it next to season 1 at every turn.

I didn't get the pissing and moaning about Vaughn as I thought he killed it. People tend to get their panties in a wad as soon as they hear casting they don't like and I think that automatically skews their opinion once they finally see it. Same thing with Affleck being cast as Batman. While that movie may not have been great (I still haven't seen it), from what I've heard Affleck was pretty low on the list of things wrong with that film.
Affleck is fine. He got hate because he was a bit overrated due to girls liking him. So guys jumped off the ship. Happens.

And True Detective was never that good. The ending of season one was about as stupid as anything I've seen in a while considering it was a realistic show until that point.
Haven't watched Preacher yet, out of town.
You might as well hold off if you are the type who hates to wait. The 2nd episode won't come on for two weeks.

So Gotham... it was fun while it lasted.
Obviously you know my biggest gripe. But even that aside, this was a very weak finale. I really hope season 3 isn't a hodge-podge of "Lets wrangle up all these monsters!" Court of Owls and/or Jerome please.
You might as well hold off if you are the type who hates to wait. The 2nd episode won't come on for two weeks.

Obviously you know my biggest gripe. But even that aside, this was a very weak finale. I really hope season 3 isn't a hodge-podge of "Lets wrangle up all these monsters!" Court of Owls and/or Jerome please.
The rush of it and cliches were too much... cut out the last scene and it could've been the series finale - as though they found out they had to end it suddenly.
Fear the Walking Dead is starting to feel like WD was for me a few years back.... I'm just watching out of habit. Will finish out the season but if it doesn't really get its hooks in me by then I probably won't be back for S3 (assuming it happens). There really are so many unlikable/bland characters and like 2 or 3 good ones.
Fear the Walking Dead is starting to feel like WD was for me a few years back.... I'm just watching out of habit. Will finish out the season but if it doesn't really get its hooks in me by then I probably won't be back for S3 (assuming it happens). There really are so many unlikable/bland characters and like 2 or 3 good ones.
A friend of my send my this link, as a response to FtWD:

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