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I'm not smacking, just really surprised that you guys took Young and White.

Young isn't half as good as Leinart, and White is fatter than me. I'd be worried about both.
I personally think Fisher is getting tired of it... first Reese selected Pac-man after he made it clear he didn't want him, now you have the Owner stepping in and telling Reese to take Young, regardless of the fact Fisher and staff wanted Leinart ( which he is the Owner, so he has that right )... but I personally think it was a last big F.U to Houston before he dies. We need to fire our scouting staff for the Mid-to-late round selections ( With the exception of Jesse Mahelona ). This draft class was a joke considering the talent we left on the board.
SwingOnDeezBalz said:
I'm not smacking, just really surprised that you guys took Young and White.

Young isn't half as good as Leinart, and White is fatter than me. I'd be worried about both.

are u kidding me, their pass complete % were basically the exact same, young is a lot more of a leader than leinart and he can take control of the game, and that is something that leinart cannot do, he can throw the ball thats it, vince can run too
I tend to agree with those that say Leinart is about as good as he is going to get, while Young still has tons of untapped potential. Leinart will still progress a some as he learns the ins and outs of the NFL but the potential that Young has IMO completely drowns Leinarts potential. Leinhart will be another Manning, stuck in the pocket most of the time and if he doesn't have a great line in front of him to protect him, then he'll spend as much time either running for his life of enjoying the view of the sky above wherever he's playing that week.
SwingOnDeezBalz said:
Young isn't half as good as Leinart
Young has easily the most potential. It's kind of like Kerry Collins versus Steve McNair back in the mid-90's. They are going to be patient with Young (at least in 2006). I agree that he is a risk, but if he pans out he'll be an absolute stud.

Leinart, meanwhile, is hardly a sure thing himself.

White is fatter than me. I'd be worried about both.
So is Jerome Bettis. But I'd rather have the Bus in the backfield than you...

Anyone who watched LenDale White at USC knows exactly how good he is. He is good shape now (aside from his hamstring), so I'm not concerned.
Let's see. Oakland, Jets, Detroit all passed on Leinart. Maybe you're worried that you window is closing and you lost perhaps the most underrated key to your offense in James.
Mel Kiper actually said it're not drafting for who's most ready to play this year...but who'll be the best QB in 3 years+.

And that's a good analogy by SK. Who would you have drafted knowing what you know now...Kerry Collins or Steve McNair. Actually, Young is ahead of where McNair was (overall) and faster while Leinart does not have Collins' arm.

Better me a QB with an avg arm who was drafted in the top 5 and was worthy of the term...franchise QB....AND led his team to the Super Bowl....

Now you know why no one drafted Leinart that early. He has limited upside, he can't throw in the meadowlands, and he doesn't have the gun for Oakland's vertical passing attack.

Next question?


PS - LenDale White is arguably as good or better as any RB in the draft save Bush...and even Bush didn't supplant him in the USC backfield as they split carries. THAT should tell you how good White is. And if you're still confused, replay the National Championship game and tell me who the best RB on the field was. Or just look at the stats.
if they didnt have lendale white they would not have done anything, because we (texas) completely shut bush down which is most of their offense
GhostZ are you crazy? The Texan defense was not good in that NC game. As people have noted you didn't even come close to stopping Bush nor did you come close to stopping the USC offense. They put up over 30 on you. You had a very good and timely stop and basically ended up with the ball last and in the hads of someone USC had no answer for. I agree about the rose colored glasses.
The reality is...Bush took himself out of the game. After he tossed the lateral which Texas recovered, he was out of it. White on the other hand, carried the load and if not for an excellent stop on 4th and 1, White may have been the MVP of the National Championship game.

While Texas didn't stop Bush, they did contain him for good stretches of the game...which is about all you can hope for against such a good RB.

But the point is...Bush is awesome. No one can dispute that. However, White showed up big time in the biggest college game you could have. White projects well into the NFL. And if you think about it another way...

The Titans got arguably the 2 best players on the field in the National Championship game. I'd say that's a heck of a couple of picks!!!

Titanpride said:
This draft class was a joke considering the talent we left on the board.
It's a joke anyone really thinks they know how a draft class will turn out before any ever step on the field.
i agree... and i also agree with you Gut... we took the best two players from the rose bowl game which in my opinion is a pretty good barometer for how well a player will do in the NFL(i'm going to take flak for this i'm sure)... it's the biggest stage and both Young and even White were the leaders for their team (in that game).. Bush is electric no doubt.. but in the Rose Bowl he wasn't his same self... especially after the failed lateral..which I have to say... Young tried later.. successfully...
For the things I'm hearing, I'd much rather have Young that Leinart now. Leinart has had a ton of publicity, but I will say I question his ability to lead a team at the NFL level. I've heard too many great comments from/about Young and his leadership. He even said he planned on coming in and, while respecting the vets, being a voice in the locker room. I want that guy on my team. He's a risk, but so is Leinart. Leinart's in a better position in AZ, but he's going to keep them at the middle level, never a championship. They'll make the playoffs a few times, but the guy doesn't have what it takes.
As for White, he's what I want in the backfield. We invested in Brown, a slick runner with a great burst and a heck of a stiffarm. However, he gets banged up sometimes, and others can't be counted on for needed yards. White goes straight through the hits, he can be our next eddie. I'm pumped, Go Titans!
TitanJeff said:
It's a joke anyone really thinks they know how a draft class will turn out before any ever step on the field.
I thought having a opinion was the objective of the board. It's funny, the same people that jumped all over me for saying we should have never drafted Pac-man... that his production would never compensate for the problems he was going to create... are now saying " Cut him ", " what were we thinking".. ect. But I didn't know what I was talking about then either.
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