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The Titans need to weigh out there options and make moves quickly in those directions.

For example, what are we doing with our new cap money? Is it soley reserved for our rookies and we'll keep the rest (meaning we bring in no more free agents)?

Or are we gonna make some tough cuts and squeeze in a vet or 2?

If we're bringing in a vet or 2...whom and at what position. The first position to be considered is QB. Is Volek our man for this year or do we sign another starter like Kerry Collins. Do we need a backup if we don't sign a new starter? Volek has been a bit fragile and our OL was fairly leaky last year.

And speaking of OL, do we look to bring in a vet OT to help our run game and save our QB's who'll either be a somewhat fragile Volek or an immobile Kerry Collins.

And of course, everyone knows defense wins championships and if we want to get back into the playoffs sooner than later, we need to sure up the D. Yes we brought in Thornton and Hope...but is that enough? Do we go with a bigtime CB instead? Or a talented but coming off injury guy (like Plummer)?

If you were Reese, how would you spend your money? Know that in order to sign anyone, you probably have to make several vet cuts.

There's plenty of talent at CB so I don't see any reason to bring in any FA's there. OL and QB are the biggest concerns in my opinion.
The most CRITICAL position is now the OT. However, there may be some unfound talent in Loper. I don't know. I have never really noticed how he plays. If the Titans can prove a strong OL with a much improved defense over last year, I say it will be a good sign. We could at least win the games on the ground if Volek is not performing as I expect he will or injured. FA vet QB signing is not the priority in this offense. The OT situation is. I am having a good feeling about the defense this year. Most fans don't think much of Shwartz, but we've got 2 new players in that defense that know how to play defense well. I am hoping that the experience will rub off and work some magic.
I think the coaches have a lot of faith in either Bell, Loper, or Stewart at RT. If they didn't think any of those three could do it, they would've already brought someone in. (IMO)
I think the FO should hold off, for a little while, and see how the OTA goes. If help is needed buy someone cheap for depth. This year is a break even season at best. Spend the money on current Vets and front load the contracts as to not be held hostage to the cap later on.
CB: Ty Law probably ain't worth it. While I'd love to have him spend a year with our young guys to help them develop, you know he's gonna want a 3-5 year deal for some serious deniro. And where would that leave lord Reynaldo?;) That's not to say I wouldn't be stoked to see him in a Titans uniform. :brow:

Probably our best bet is to sign some cheaper depth at the position. It's certainly possible.

OT: While I think this our biggest position of need, I just don't see anyone out there right now. Am I missing someone? I would love to get AT LEAST one more OT in here to compete for the job. Preferably someone with some starting experience or whose played with a Pro Bowler. Perhaps we could pick someone up in a Brown trade. Not likely but possible.

QB: Oh man. This is a tough call. We have to sign a guy this week if we're going to. Backup all the way. No way we sign someone to compete with Volek now. Replace him when he goes down week two, yes, but compete with him now? No thanks. Fiedler, Collins, Maddox, Rothlisberger. There's not alot out there. Man I wish we'd snagged Flutie!

As for cuts... the obvious one is Sirmon. Anybody that complains and tries to put themselves above the team can kiss the fattest part of our Titan butts. Start Tulloch or bring in friggin Donnie Edwards. I still would love to see the Thorton-Edwards-Bulluck trifecta.

There you go. Trade Brown for Edwards. Cut Sirmon. Sign Law. Recipe for a top ten Defense. :brow:
Anyone that advocates trading Brown is a damn moron. We have no reason to trade our best RB in a year that we aren't going to be doing anything special.
Dangermode said:
... Fiedler, Collins, Maddox, Rothlisberger. There's not alot out there. Man I wish we'd snagged Flutie!....

first off... i hope you are joking about flutie... second... when the heck did ben rothlisberger become available?
Back to your questions, Gut. Observing them over the years, I think Reese and Fisher have pretty well indicated their intended course with this "new found" cash. I think they've postured themselves to create a new core group, with enough funds in the bank for future tweaking. I don't expect any big name acquisitions this year, with the exception of maybe-maybe Kerry Collins (if you call him a big name).

Their free agent acquisitions to date have been strategically targeted above average players.

#15 - Hentrich: Over the last couple of years, that boy has earned the right speak whenever he wants!
# 2 - Bironas: Can still only speak when spoken to.
note: Where's my kicker?

#21 - Hill: Love the kid's attitude and desire to excell.
#32 - Jones: Good talent, lousy attitude and ethic.
#28 - Thompson: Out of position, step late all year.
#26 - Woolfolk: To date a role player, and injured.
#24 - Hope: Stability, experience, winner, hope:)
note: Tank was running in mud last year - one year removed from ACL. Hope is an upgrade to a healthy Tank. I don't really expect them to make another move here. If they do, strongest possibilities: Plummer, Law. Choice: Plummer - cost/age (albeit with injury history). Again, don't expect another move here.

#53 - Bulluck: 'nuf said.
#59 - Sirmon: Like Tank, running in mud last year due to ACL. Defensive QB player/coach on field = smart player. *****ed a little bit about position change, but at last check, he's on the field working.
#50 - Thorton: Speed baby...we need that big.
note: probably set here.

#93 - KVB: KVB
#91,#98, #95 - OK boys, third year. I think Fisher said they've all "majored" into their respective roles. Code speak??
#90 - Starks: Get it back.
#92 - Haynesworth: Big butt. Stay on the field.
note: DT probably set. Not too much available in FA at DE.

#83 - Bennett: years of timing work with Volek. It shows.
#89 - Givens: Much the same thinking as the Hope acquisition.
#87 - Calico: Like Sirmon and Tank, was one year out from knees...running in mud. Fisher said he's quietly making his move, has his legs back, and is catching the ball better. We'll see. Givens might get his # :)
note: Three Amigos and O.J. Small...somehow went from nothing to crowded. Probably set here too.

#71 - Roos: Coaches so far seem satisfied with his transition to LT.
#70/#76 - Loper/Stewart: I don't have a clue here. I here #60 Bell is in the mix here as well. I thought he was more of a G/C. Munch should sort it out.
#75 - Olson: Cost benefit analysis.
#69 - Piller: Ditto.
#68 - Mawae: Brought in the bad *** Cajun country boy to anchor the OL. Munch-like on the field.
note: I could see a FA pick up at RT...mid level vet, at most.

and the...QB's:
#7 - Volek: It's your time, Boy. Shine and stay healthy.
#8 - Mauck: I guess.
#10 - Young: A matter of time. Forcefield On!
note: Maybe a vet...maybe. Can't see big bucks spent here this year, except on Young.

Recap: Maybe pick up another DB. Maybe a RT. Maybe a vet QB. None cap maxers.

Well Gut, there you go. That may all be a load of dribble, but that's how I read it so far. I think it highly likely that offseason developments this year have followed a blueprint set in place some time ago. The idea being to build a new core group of players, and make another run at the precious!!:winker:
I wouldn't say Pacman has a lousy attitude and ethic on the field. He seems dedicated to coming into training fit (as proven over the last 2 years) and despite being a hothead on the field it is passion more then anything else.
At least Pacman ain't Chris Henry. Besides, while I agree his energy is misguided at times, it's whats eventually gonna make him great.
Gunny said:
I wouldn't say Pacman has a lousy attitude and ethic on the field. He seems dedicated to coming into training fit (as proven over the last 2 years) and despite being a hothead on the field it is passion more then anything else.

I don't know Gunny. I'm thinking back to last year...punk on the field too...cussing the ref, getting benched, etc... I guess I'm just gettin' old or something. I don't have that much patience for no class, infintile punks. Everyone is expected to come in fit. The idea is to be there on time to learn. That being said, I do hope he matures. He does have some awesome talent.
I hear you. So do I. I'd just like to see a dash of humility. Exactly how many picks did he get last year? Production just seems a little out of balance with his ego.
How many touchdowns did he score? 3 (1 counted, 1 was a penalty, and 1 was the stupidest call I've ever seen.) Now he's gotta start snaggin passes. I expect him to greatly improve this year.
Ive heard alot about us cutting Sirmon due to his high salary.. what is the point when we have this new money and only have a rookie backing him up and he is one of the brains on the defensivie side of the ball
Somebody help me understand this talk of bringing in Kerry Collins? He's spent his whole career as a so-so QB....and for for the most part a loser. How well Volek will do...I guess we'll see. But I love the guys attitude and work ethic. He know the guys and the system. He's been loyal. (you don't see that too much in the NFL)

I can't see anyway we help ourselves by bringing a guy who may not be any better that Volek, at the same time spending money better spent at another position.
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