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When will the Titans organization the upper managment stop acting like idiots and turning in a brief period of time a winning and class act team and frenchise into a busch league shotty and low ball organization.

I am just not sure where this franchise stands with its fans, and certainly its players and its obvious they dont care at all for any of its players no matter what they have done for the franchise, the community or anything else. Going back to the Godfrey situation he took a pay cut when they asked him because he wanted to be part of the team and a week later he is cut without hesitation. Now I understand the Salary cap has had its effects on other teams around the league and buisness is buisness but there is also good buisness and doing buisness and not caring if its done well or badly.

The massive pay cut of DMase, K Carter, S Rolle etc and the lot of them were not even informed they were getting cut according to Mason he found out the following day in the newspaper and with all those guys and what they gave to the Titans they could not have even recieved a phone call letting them know what was going on to me that is just poor buisness.

We all know the Mcnair situation its a mess. The biggest name this city and team have known and has been the face and the warrior for the Titans and again the Upper Management folks (Adams) really showed there true colors they dont give a damn about anyone that plays here and that has me very concerned for the future of this Franchise. I love the Titans dearly I am just very concerned about the direction and the face this franchise is and continuing to be maybe there might be change in direction. Is there really any hope in this franchise showing some class and respect????
This ain't high school football, you know. Those guys, McNair, Godfrey, Mason ect all knew their value to the team. It is a business, leave your college rooting fan knowledge at home. The team has to look out for the best interest of the whole not McNair's feelings or any other players for that matter. The truth is that McNair(look I'm a fan, got an signed photo in my office that cost me $100 to prove it), is on the down side of his career and unfortunately for him/us that came at a time for the team that it had a chance to draft a QB of the future that will play a lot sooner than McNair wanted. Do you or anyone else really believe that McNair will play this entire new contract with the Ratbirds, or even this entire season for that matter without injury? I highly doubt it.
TitansCountry25 said:
certainly its players and its obvious they dont care at all for any of its players no matter what they have done for the franchise, the community or anything else.

The players have been well compensated for everything they've done while part of the team.

And don't forget that it was Rolle and Mason who wouldn't restructure so we could keep Eddie (by "coincidence" they all had the the same agent). Kearse was demanding a pay that he was not worth and he since gone on to prove he isn't worth it in Philly.

Secondly, don't give me crap that Mason didn't know he was going to get cut. We were neckdeep in captrouble and had to trim some of our highest paid players. If he didn't realise he was one of them, he's dumber than he looks.

About Kevin Carter we released for the same reason, we couldn't afford him at his current salary, but it was our hope to re-sign him to a new contract later, unfortunately the Dolphins gave him a better deal.

The whole reason the Titans have been in caphell is because we've gone overboard compensating these players for their services rendered, so they get no pity from me.
The Titans organization has made it's share of public relations blunders lately which, regardless if they want to acknowledge it or not, has impacted how many fans feel about the team. They clearly should do a better job.

Players were released. It's the NFL. It happens.

But the franchise and many of its players have done a lot for the community and I think it is extremely unfair to make a blanket statement like that when the facts state otherwise.
TitansCountry25 said:
When will the Titans organization the upper managment stop acting like idiots and turning in a brief period of time a winning and class act team and frenchise into a busch league shotty and low ball organization.

I am just not sure where this franchise stands with its fans, and certainly its players and its obvious they dont care at all for any of its players no matter what they have done for the franchise, the community or anything else. Going back to the Godfrey situation he took a pay cut when they asked him because he wanted to be part of the team and a week later he is cut without hesitation. Now I understand the Salary cap has had its effects on other teams around the league and buisness is buisness but there is also good buisness and doing buisness and not caring if its done well or badly.

The massive pay cut of DMase, K Carter, S Rolle etc and the lot of them were not even informed they were getting cut according to Mason he found out the following day in the newspaper and with all those guys and what they gave to the Titans they could not have even recieved a phone call letting them know what was going on to me that is just poor buisness.

We all know the Mcnair situation its a mess. The biggest name this city and team have known and has been the face and the warrior for the Titans and again the Upper Management folks (Adams) really showed there true colors they dont give a damn about anyone that plays here and that has me very concerned for the future of this Franchise. I love the Titans dearly I am just very concerned about the direction and the face this franchise is and continuing to be maybe there might be change in direction. Is there really any hope in this franchise showing some class and respect????

Although I agree with the points you made I couldn't help noticing a more important failure of our public school systems.
TitanJeff said:
But the franchise and many of its players have done a lot for the community and I think it is extremely unfair to make a blanket statement like that when the facts state otherwise.

Jeff, I don't know who you're responsinding to (you really should learn to use the quote tags :brow:), so I'll assume it's me.

My point is these particular players that the fans are upset about are being paid millions in compensation for the job they do. And that's including the off-field work and the risks of being fired basically day to day.

If there's anyone you should feel bad about it's the players who don't make millions and who are cut arbitrarily around the league. Yet you don't see any fans champion their cause (well maybe OJ Small and Reynaldo are the exceptions :lol:).

I would feel exactly the same if Steve Balmer was out on his *** tomorrow; he too is well compensated for that risk.
TitansCountry25 said:
The massive pay cut of DMase, K Carter, S Rolle etc and the lot of them were not even informed they were getting cut according to Mason he found out the following day in the newspaper and with all those guys and what they gave to the Titans they could not have even recieved a phone call letting them know what was going on to me that is just poor buisness.

Its amazing how many people still dont understand this. None of those guys took pay cuts. They had future unguaranteed salaries turned into a guaranteed signing bonus that they got immediately. Not a single one of these guys gave up a dollar. Godfrey was the only one who actually took a paycut.
nigel said:
Godfrey was the only one who actually took a paycut.
And let's remember Godfrey was bringing home a big paycheck and couldn't stay on the field for half the season in '02. Though you can't blame the guy for getting hurt, the team didn't see much of a return on investment.
TitansCountry25 said:
Now I understand the Salary cap has had its effects on other teams around the league and buisness is buisness but there is also good buisness and doing buisness and not caring if its done well or badly.
:hmm: I need a nap.

FYI - Players come and go. Start rooting for the laundry.
Soxcat said:
Although I agree with the points you made I couldn't help noticing a more important failure of our public school systems.

we calling the Spelling Police or the Grammar Police???

I understood the post well enough

Them's Titans business folks is mean. I'm tellin' ya- they don't play fair.
Starkiller said:
Overblown, not overdue...

We have a winner!

Kuharsky was talking about this on 104.5 this morning, and brought up that McNair is hardly blamless in this situation. He is the one who started the whole ball rolling with his talk of retirement. Once your franchise QB makes comments like that, you have to start thinking about the future. Not to mention his work habits over the past couple seasons havent been of those of a guy who has the fire to play three more seasons.
Plus my understanding from one of my sources was that Mac had a verbal agreement to stay if VY was chosen, and then starts up the Ravens who was trying to squeeze who??
nigel said:
He is the one who started the whole ball rolling with his talk of retirement. Once your franchise QB makes comments like that, you have to start thinking about the future.
Regardless of the retirement talk, I think the writing was on the wall. We've had numerous seasons now where McNair hasn't practiced but once (if at all) with the team during the week but played on Sunday. Does anyone think this situation is going to improve anytime soon?

How long do you go with "he's a game-time decision" on Thursday when you are wanting to build the team back up? How do you game plan?

I hope McNair stays healthy and is productive (except against us) for another couple of seasons but I wouldn't invest what the Ratbirds are willing to to keep him.
No one can say that the deal the Titans offered McNair wasn't "fair".
It might not have been equal to the amount the Ravens could afford to offer,
but McNair was offered a fair contract that would have allowed him to finish his career where he started it.

He and Bus are the ones who decided to look for a bigger windfall elsewhere.
How long will the Packers be held "hostage" every offseason waiting for Farve to decide if he will play more or not? I think the Titans did exactly what they should have once their QB started talking retirement and his production on the field started to drop a bit. I love Steve and I think everyone wants to see him retire a Titan, but their has to be give on both sides and so far on the McNair side there really hasn't been any.
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