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Both sides are equally to blame in how this has been handled from a PR perspective. I would really love to know what the Titans plan was concerning Mac heading into the offseason. I think the plan was to keep him but at a reduced rate that was cap friendly. I don't think the FO considered the deal that they offered Mac in Jan. a legitimate deal. It was a low ball offer. I think the FO was planning all along to wait until after the draft to really address the Mac situation. If the FO was planning on trading mac they would have done that back in march when teams like the Fins were shopping for a QB.

I also would really like to know what Mac's plan was heading into the offseason. Did he truely want to return to the Titans? or Did DMase have him brain washed that the Ravens could win a SB with him.
you know cook/McMVP had already done the ratbird negotiations anyways.

This whole thing is about McMVP wanting to go to murdermore for the $$$$

always has been IMHO
TitanJeff said:
I'm beginning to wonder what Reese was thinking allowing Bus to negotiate with the Ravens.
They'd have to get it done before a trade could be worked out anyway. It's not like Steve can just sign with them at any time...
don't take this too seriously, but seriously...

nigel said:
Starkiller said:
Overblown, not overdue...
We have a winner!

Kuharsky was talking about this on 104.5 this morning, and brought up that McNair is hardly blamless in this situation. He is the one who started the whole ball rolling with his talk of retirement. Once your franchise QB makes comments like that, you have to start thinking about the future. Not to mention his work habits over the past couple seasons havent been of those of a guy who has the fire to play three more seasons.
hello? Paging Jon Small... scuze me... I know you two are almost always in total agreement but I'm uncharateristicaly confused... but when I say
"Steve McNair can kiss my butt.":homer2:
But that's a completely different issue as to whether we should hold it against McNair. He isn't demanding a raise, a trade, or his release. He isn't holding out. He has a contract that the Titans agreed to a few years ago, and thus far McNair hasn't done anything but live up to it.
How does that jive with this?
Now Jon, you are a real smart guy and I'm sure that you are not going to let some foul mouthed, few bricks shy of a load, blue collar kool-aid drinker get the best of you... but you have to tell me man...
You guys are obviously in agreement...
That is about all that is clear to me in regards to my quote.

My whole point is that there
is plenty of blame to go around

(not that I made that point... I just feel that way)

It's about the money. We know Steve is simply not worth what we agreed to pay him. Isn't that the lowest common denominator?
Hey, I pay nigel very well to be my yes-man and lackey... :ha:

Seriously though (if I must), this is business in the NFL. The Titans think McNair isn't worth $10M this year and don't want to give him an extension because they expect Vince Young to be the QB by 2007. McNair doesn't want to take a pay cut and does want to have some reasonable guarantee that he'll be a starter for more than just 1 year. The 2 sides just don't mesh.

So now it's a matter of either the Titans keeping him at his current salary, trading him to Baltimore, or cutting him and seeing him go to Baltimore for nothing. The obvious solution is a trade, but the Titans want more than the Ravens are offering. So the Titans are simply making the best use out of the month and a half they have before they need some real cap room in order to get the best trade they can get.

It isn't pretty, but it's business. And while I'd much prefer to finish it sooner rather than later for McNair's sake as well as the team's, it's hardly Bush league.

The modern-day Busch Series was formed in 1982, when Anheuser-Busch sponsored a newly reformed late-model sportsman series with its Budweiser brand. It switched sponsorship to the Busch brand in 1984, and in 1986, was renamed from the Sportsman series to the Busch Grand National Series. Grand National was dropped from the series' title in 2003.

maybe it's a sponsership kind of thing?
Like Reliant Stadium or LP Field?

just a theory.:))
disclaimer: not a political opinion

Gunny said:
oh, so the whole of America cannot spell Bush. :brow:

Explains alot, doesn't it?
Do you know how they spell it in Texas?

W - I - L - L - I - A - M - S
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