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I am a die-hard Titan fan from Pennsylvania, and as part of my 18th birthday present (18 today, woohoo!), my Dad said he would drive with me down to Tennessee for camp! :brow:

Now I have been to two other camps before, Ravens (last year, my good buddy is a Raven fan, and I went with him, I mean, even if it is the Ravens, who can pass up a NFL camp?) I also have gone to the Eagles camp, because I live within 10 minutes of Lehigh, where they practise.

Both were good experiences, the Ravens signed more and were more personable (believe it or not), then the eagles. I went to the Eagles camp and it seemed like the entire team was indifferent toward the fans except for the no-namers.

The only sigs I got was Dhani Jones, who sucks anyway, Todd Stinkston, David Akers, who is a good dude, and then I got lucky...I caught a Mercedes on the way out and I met Jabar Gaffney and Reggie Brown. I talked to them for awhile after throwing in a couple David Carr jokes and winning Gaffney over. Gaffney is a really good guy and signed my eagles football for my nephew who is a big Eagles fan...needless to say...he is elated to be out of Houston, LOL!

So here is my question, who are the biggest signers at Titan camp? I know that they have designated times for players to sign, but they had that at Eagles camp too, and the only fans who got to get those signatures had to win a lottery to get the oppurtunity to get the designated players autograpts for that day.

I really like guys like Pac, Bulluck, KVB, Haynes, Reynoldo, and IT WOULD BE SO SWEET to meet these guys and get some pictures or even autographs.

Also, does anyone have access to Titan MVP passes? I would be willing to shell out money for them if that ensures I get to meet some players, coaches, ect....I am making a 10 hour drive to meet my team, I just don't want to be let down.

Just about everyone signs at one time or another. Check the calendar on the top menu to see who is signing the days you are here. And you never know who might come over to sign who was unscheduled.

I don't know how it will be handled at APSU but at Baptist Sports Park, I recommend fans move as far down to the right (towards the building) as possible because the players usually start to their left and work down towards the right.
If they use the APSU football locker room they are going to have to walk ALL the way across the parking lot from where the gym is, to field. I dont think the locker rooms in the actual stadium will be big enough. I hated that walk before and after every practice!
Is the football locker room the one that appears to go underground for several steps? If so, that is the one shown on local TV a few days ago -- and a good place to get autographs, according to the sportswriter.
They're doing autographs completely differently at APSU. The players are on a platform behind a fence (on the far side of the practice fields from the main entrance), and the crowd lines up along the spectator fence to get to them. Its not the free for all that it is at BSP. Apparently the players are signing for 30 minutes after practice, so you may want to get in line before practice is over if you want to make sure you get autos.
One thing to add... if you're going to a morning practice, you might want to go early and swing by the Riverview Inn beforehand... 104.5 is doing their morning show there through Wednesday of next week (August 9th), so you can go by there and meet Frank Wycheck during their commerical breaks.
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