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Man, I loved Steve McNair. That guy came out on the field and gave it everything. If it was 3rd and 6 and everyone was covered on a called pass play, Steve would just go out and get it himself. He was the epitome of a team player. He would take the lick to move the ball. Steve is absolutely my favorite kind of quarterback and I've always been proud to have him in Tennessee.

Let's look at this recent decision, though. First off, let me say that I realize the business side of things and I fully understand that money makes the world go 'round.... but how much money does it take to make the world go 'round? Is it $1 million dollars? How about $5 million dollars? What about $10 million? With $10 million you could earn around $400,000 per year in interest if you had it all invested wisely... Let's get up to a realistic level... $50 million dollars. The Titans have paid McNair $50 million dollars. 50 times more than any jerk who won Survivor ever got.

This is enough money to take someone off the farm in Mississippi and set them, their children, their grand children and their great grandchildren up for life with the right financial advice. Not only set them up, but make them extremely wealthy.

Yeah, sure, you're not Bill Gates, but you've got enough money to take care of a couple generations of your kin folk after you die. How much more do you need?

Now we throw Vince Young into the equation. McNair had a choice to mentor a young man who is apparently very important to him. He's been called a father figure to Young. Young even referred to him as "pop" or something like that in a recent interview.

This seems like an ideal situation. Start for one, possibly two more years, teach your protege... the guy everyone says will be the future Steve. The evolution of Steve. How much is that worth to you? Are you really concerned about the third generation you might support?

So your choice is to stick around, help Vince kick off his career in style, take a slight credibility hit (maybe) and give props to the colors who have supported you for 11 years or go to your most hated enemy, dump your protege and pocket a little extra cash.... you choose the latter?

I'm very disappointed. I can't believe that I had to sit and watch you hold up the purple and black. Everything that you fought against. Just so you could pocket a little extra cash. That is pitiful Steve. You should be ashamed.

God bless the Bus.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
I have not even read the post Brad but I know you well enough to be able to judge this book by the cover and agree 100%.

Vader feels the same way. The lockout was all a reaction to Bus Cook. He was trying to force our hand and we did what we had to do to protect our interests. Meanwhile he did everything possible to exacerbate the situation. There is no telling what kind of lies he fed Steve. Steve is big on respect I hear. I wonder how he looks in the mirror. Steve is going to get pushed out of the blackbird nest just as soon as he delievers that high draft spot. Steve did blow the chance to live forever here. Unless he takes Baltimore to a Super Bowl win, there isn't enough money in the world to make him happy. One day he will be drunk in a bar room with Eddie George comiserating on how they both fagged out on that promise they made to eachother... that is to never leave Nashville without that SB win.

Good post Broken Record.
Ouch, good post, and very insightful. I remember the first years of Eddie and Steve vividly in Oiler Blue and the way they played the game, it's a shame it all comes down to money. They would've gone their graves as the best Titans ever.
Nice post. My only argument is that the Titans didn't want him for more than 1 year. He feels he can play 2 maybe 3 years and the Titans only wanted him for one.

At the end of the day, these guys have a lot of pride and ego. Baltimore made him feel wanted, pursued him and gave him the money. The Titans low balled him, locked him out and treated him like an outcast.

I am disappointed in the turn of events, but McNair did what he felt was best for him and so did the Titans. Time will tell.
Well, I have to restate my belief here and that is it wasn't about money or playing time. Steve simply didn't believe he could get back to a Superbowl in Tennessee. That is why I cannot be a McNair fan anymore. Because he abandoned the team and the FANS. Yes, Bus cook I'm sure planted these ideas in Steves head. It really kind of shows a different side to MAC and that's why it's hard for a lot of fans the believe it. He was DISLOYAL!
As far as the mentoring goes.....he apparently had no interest. This after talking about Chandler treating him like crap his rookie year and being no mentor at all.
flamehead2 said:
Well, I have to restate my belief ...
When you sign a six year deal and take a NOD type role on the back end you might as well believe in magic bullets. What difference does it make to Steve what year exactly he got back to the Super Bowl? He would have been our starter and he could have had spot duty forever. He could have had an intangible effect on Young... A type of influence I can not even express... McNair could have "made" Vince. Bus had to go and :banned::cuss:it up so he could make a payment on his yacht.


Steve is only human. Sorry kids.

Bus Cook is going to burn in hell.

All of this is why i dont think Mcnair and Vince are very close , if he was a like a father to Vince why wouldnt he stay and teach him , heck , he has made millions . so it cant be a money issue.
didn't Jay Cutler sign with Bus Cook? sorry SOB.

And SEC, don't kid yourself, Bus Cook ain't got no damn Yacht, the Mofo can't swim. He had to make sure he paid off all of his debt from back in the day of swindling people and getting caught.
I'm still a McNair fan, though I'm still hoping for the Ravens to go 0-16. He wants to keep playing past this year and I can't blame him.
twoseven said:
All of this is why i dont think Mcnair and Vince are very close , if he was a like a father to Vince why wouldnt he stay and teach him , heck , he has made millions . so it cant be a money issue.

ok... time to play a little message board informal straw poll game.
Two questions. Pick a smile that best illustrates the situation.
(that's not really a question but let it count)
#2 Did the song fit the graphic?

Why not?

It's up to you to know music.;)
Starkiller said:
I'm still a McNair fan, though I'm still hoping for the Ravens to go 0-16. He wants to keep playing past this year and I can't blame him.

At the rate he's going and if he does play the next five years... he'll wind up like Earl Campbell. He just has to be smart about his decisions.
I ain't buying into this "it's Steve's home, make him stay" thing.

He gave everything, then quickly devalued himself by showing that he's ready to hang it up if things don't go his way.

He was denied his rightfully earned money, regardless of the fact that an NFL contract isn't a contract at all. I wish they would quit calling it something that it's clearly not.

He put in his time here, and for whatever reason, Reese #@*&ed it up. If he feels it's time to go, then it's time to go.

You'll all forget about it soon enough. If he kicks some butt with the Ravens, then good on him, in spite of the fact that I absolutely hate that team and it's crappy town.

Oh, and BTW, he mentored VY without VY actually being on the team. The Bell system works in Maryland also, from what I understand.

John "It's easy to diss an east coast metropolis from here on Maui" Hughes :brow:
Steve will win a superbowl he has to he came too close and he's given too much to the game for him not too. The Ravens have a pretty good team and with Steve running the offense they are going to be something special. I hate to say it but Steve is a lot better than the team he was on last year. In 14 games he still threw for over 3000 yards and had 16 TD to 11 int. That was basically with a receiving corp that didn't know who to score. Mason and Todd Heap will make Mac a top quaterback again and plus he has so much to prove. You never put a warrior in a position to prove himself. All this always injured talk do you realize Mac has only missed 18 games in 11years. That's less than McNabb, Culpepper, and Micheal Vick. He has played at least 4 years longer than all of these players.
All I can say if Steve does have some fantastic year this season IMO it will only prove my point in my post about him and bus having this thing planned in advance.
I was told something today that completely changed my perspective on the McNair situation.

A high-ranking member of the Titans organization recently had this to say about the McNair particular, McNair's leadership and locker room presence in '05.

"I have never before been in a situation where, as soon as practice ended, the first guy out the door is the quarterback."

So, feel like you were disrespected by the team? Maybe if you'd put forth some effort last year, instead of mailing it in....

Yesterday, my heart was broken. Today, I say good riddance.
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