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"I have never before been in a situation where, as soon as practice ended, the first guy out the door is the quarterback."
So, feel like you were disrespected by the team? Maybe if you'd put forth some effort last year, instead of mailing it in....
**** McNair.
Nine said:
I was told something today that completely changed my perspective on the McNair situation.

A high-ranking member of the Titans organization recently had this to say about the McNair particular, McNair's leadership and locker room presence in '05.

"I have never before been in a situation where, as soon as practice ended, the first guy out the door is the quarterback."

More evidence The guy had checked out way before the end of last season just like I've been saying!
I've been thinking about this for a while now.

I noticed something different about Steve at Training Camp last year. He wasn't as serious about things, he joked around a lot. Maybe I'm just the only one that noticed that I didn't really see the intensity in McNair. Of course the team gave him a lot of time off during Training Camp because he was McNair, but something just hit me odd when I watched the practices. I kind of had a feeling at that point that Steve wouldn't have a good year. Did he become a little lazy? Or maybe his "status" finally got the best of him?

That's one reason why I think Steve will do well in Baltimore this year. He will be refocused, he will work his tail off in camp to try and learn the playbook and gel with his receivers. He already has a huge advantage in having Mason as a go to guy. I don't think he'll get the amount of time off during training camp that was given to him by the Titans, he will have something to prove and I believe he will prove it.

Just my opinion.
I guess I'm just a hater.
Titanium, I agree with you.
I'd rather see him fail though.

He's just a damn carpetbagger to me now.
In the United States, the term carpetbagger was an term for Northerners (Yankees), especially former Army officers as well as businessmen and politicians who moved to the South during Reconstruction between 1865 and 1877. It was originally derogatory--suggesting an exploiter who did not plan to stay-- but was embraced by some of the Northerners involved. Carpetbagger is now the term used by historians.
Titanium said:
I've been thinking about this for a while now.

I noticed something different about Steve at Training Camp last year. He wasn't as serious about things, he joked around a lot. Maybe I'm just the only one that noticed that I didn't really see the intensity in McNair. Of course the team gave him a lot of time off during Training Camp because he was McNair, but something just hit me odd when I watched the practices. I kind of had a feeling at that point that Steve wouldn't have a good year. Did he become a little lazy? Or maybe his "status" finally got the best of him?

That's one reason why I think Steve will do well in Baltimore this year. He will be refocused, he will work his tail off in camp to try and learn the playbook and gel with his receivers. He already has a huge advantage in having Mason as a go to guy. I don't think he'll get the amount of time off during training camp that was given to him by the Titans, he will have something to prove and I believe he will prove it.

Just my opinion.

I noticed it 2 years ago at the first preseason game. I told all the people around me at the game within 5 minutes of Kickoff "There's something wrong with McNair" They said they didn't think so. But I noticed how slow he was walking on the field with his head down when the offense took the field. It was only a few months later he said he was thinking about retiring.
The fire was gone!
Those preseason games against Cleveland and Green Bay?
I thought we were rocking pretty good.
We won those exhibitions I believe.

I'll take your word for it if you say you have a clear memory of it. Right about now I can believe most anything.
Titanium said:
I noticed something different about Steve at Training Camp last year. He wasn't as serious about things, he joked around a lot. Maybe I'm just the only one that noticed that I didn't really see the intensity in McNair.

Y'know, I actually felt the same way during the 2004 training camp, except I thought the entire team seemed flat. There just wasn't any fire

I figured it was just me, and that my perception was off....but as we all saw, they really never righted the ship....the offense was horribly out of sync, and from that day forward, we've only seen a handful of solid games. In any given game, there is either a complete breakdown on offense, defense, or both....and it all started back in training camp, 2004.

Hopefully this year will be better. From everything we're hearing, guys are working harder in OTA's...there's a sense of purpose and a fire that has been MIA for the last couple years. With any luck at all, it becomes something much bigger and better than the listless gyrations we've seen for the last couple years.
Well...I thought this was an interesting quote from McNair. I am still ticked that we could not find a way to keep him around and just cannot get over the fact that he is going to play for Titans-North.

"It was a sad day when I got the call from my agent to be traded to Baltimore — a team we despise and we hate. But I think we all as athletes know when you want to accomplish something in life sometimes you have to make a change.

"In this stage in my career I have to make a change. Not by choice, but it is something I can live with. … I just want to make sure the state of Tennessee realizes Steve is only going on vacation. I'll be back."
MacNine said:
Nice post. My only argument is that the Titans didn't want him for more than 1 year. He feels he can play 2 maybe 3 years and the Titans only wanted him for one.
The same heart and desire that made him step on the field so many times with an injury is the same which wants to start beyond '06.

Right or wrong, I don't think you can blame a competitor for wanting to continue on.
I think most of us would have made the same choice Steve did. It is his career, his livelihood, and his professional goals. Eddie wasn't offered anywhere close the money Steve got- so I won't draw a parallel.

IMO Steve is being less than honest (or diplomatic as always) when he offers "comforting words" like he did in the Tennessean today.

Money and his belief that his best shot at a super bowl ring is with the Ravens. That is the summary of the reasons he chose to leave. The Steve McNair I had made in my mind would have said no to the deal and stuck with us with the belief that THE TITANS were his best chance at the super bowl.

We all get a little more real as we get older. It hurts to see Steve's reality doesn't include us except for his "retirement". I'm not sure I can support any of his retirement enterprises in the Nashville area.
How we look at it in the future depends on how events unfold.
We can look at EG, a player wanting to compete beyond the role he felt likely as a Titan. One lackluster season later, now where is he?

If McNair has a few seasons left, we will look at it differently than if he has a medicore to bad season, after which he is backing up (excuse me,... mentoring) Boller rather than Young.
While I'm all on board for the loyalty-thing (team first, etc), you can't fault a guy who's not going to be able to continue his career past his MID-30's(!!) for wanting one more big payday. The guy's going to retire at age 35-36...Anyways, I'll still root for him when he's not playing us. That's just the gentlemanly thing to do.

When he IS playing us, I expect him to throw 4 INTs and get sacked by KVB at least 3 times.
Excellent points all around, but I stand by my decision to no longer be a fan of McNair until he comes back here to retire.
Thanks for letting me vent. This will be my last post about this situation. Time to close the door and move on.
Some good points on here, both about McNair's reasons for leaving, and a potential reason why he hasn't been playing as well the last two years. It would make more sense that he would be more motivated coming onto a new team. I understand the nature of the competitive drive, wanting to prove yourself, and that that is part of being a champion, a warrior, and many of the other things that Steve is. I think the problem for all high-level atheletes is the transition between having to prove yourself, and figuring out what will be important to your life in the long term. Maybe he really thinks he can win a superbowl with Baltimore, and I'm sure that's been a lifetime goal of his. True, he's had a heck of a career here, but do you all remember the headline the day after he got MVP? "Lombardi trophy next for McNair." He's had his eye on it a long time, and it's not hard for me to believe that that's the real reason. If he'd won the Superbowl with us, one more freaking yard, then I'd bet he'd stay. There would be no professional goal that he hadn't been able to obtain here. But we didn't win, he didn't get it, and I think that drive to do as much as he can, as was mentioned in that article a week ago posted by TJ I think, besides being responsible for making him a true leader, is also responsible for his willingness to go to baltimore.

This is the "only" reason why u should forget about Mac


There it is:brow:
I wish Steve well with the Ravens, they are a good team but I don't think they have enough to win the Super Bowl.

In the long run, Titans will be better than the Ravens, don't hate the Ravens just yet!
I've had exes who talk less trash then some of you guys. Some of y'all sound really hurt and bitter. This is a business; let it go. :sad2:
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