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SUMMARY: Tennessee Titans General Manager Floyd Reese says he doesn't expect any contact from Steve McNair's agent Bus Cook before next week’s grievance hearing. “Bus is an attorney, so I’d be surprised if I heard anything from him before the grievance hearing. But I guess there’s always a chance that he could call,” Reese said. If the Titans win the grievance hearing, the team can technically hold on to McNair until late August. However, they will need money to sign their draft class by mid-July and currently do not have the cap room to sign them. If McNair wins, he'll either be allowed to participate with his teammates in workouts or be released.

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At this point I think that if we had any hopes of keeping McNair the FO would have tried to make something happen before the hearing. Looks like we wont make much of an effort to keep him and will wait for the ruling on the grievance to determine when to release him. I hope its August and he gets there very late and not in football shape not because of Steve but to mess the Ravens up as much as possible. IMO Cook and the Ravens had this contract settled long before we gave them permission to talk to each other. Good thing for them the NFL doesnt enforce tampering.
fltitan said:
At this point I think that if we had any hopes of keeping McNair the FO would have tried to make something happen before the hearing. Looks like we wont make much of an effort to keep him and will wait for the ruling on the grievance to determine when to release him. I hope its August and he gets there very late and not in football shape not because of Steve but to mess the Ravens up as much as possible. IMO Cook and the Ravens had this contract settled long before we gave them permission to talk to each other. Good thing for them the NFL doesnt enforce tampering.

Yeah, I agree. I imagine we pushed a deal (our final offer) last week and either they are chewing on it (or laughing at it) this week. Just a matter of time before his departure is announced. Obviously, the ruling determines if we'll get anything for him. SAD.
well Titans could always allow him into the facility, but make his personal workout watching movies instead of anything physical, make him sit in a wheelchair while moving about ect..

OK kidding about the wheelchair but you get the point. Even an unfavorable ruling would not force the Titans to release him at this time.
If we lose out at the hearing and we don't have any sincere intentions of him playing here this year I think he'll be immediately released.

I think the final offer was probably made yesterday or the day before, so there's still a reasonable chance that McNair is considering the final offer and an agreement could be made before the hearing. Not likely, but possible.
fltitan said:
At this point I think that if we had any hopes of keeping McNair the FO would have tried to make something happen before the hearing. . . .
Couldn't it also be that they are fairly confident of their position and think a favorable ruling for the Titans would put them in a stronger negotiating position with Cook?
As I see it there are really only 3 scenarios (and all pretty much a win for the Titans):
1) Baltimore coughs up a 4th (or whatever the Titans are currently asking for)
2) McNair and the Titans agree on a new contract
3) Titans settle for the 5th round pick Baltimore already offered
Broken Record said:
If we lose out at the hearing and we don't have any sincere intentions of him playing here this year I think he'll be immediately released.
I don't know if that is the case at all. Here's what we have to look at:

1. Do the Titans truely need the money saved by releasing McNair? $10 mil goes a long way and gives the team the ability to bring in a few more vets but I don't think that'll offset what losing McNair does. If Reese has options, he might do what he said he'd do a while back and cut Sirmon and restructure Bulluck and make another move or two and keep McNair for '06. These moves wouldn't have to happen anytime soon and could go into July unless Reese has a vet he wants. McNair knows that keeping him would kill any leverage to get a long-term contract. Reese could force the Ravens to give up a third-rounder in '07 if they want him this season.

So the Titans could lose the case, just open the door to McNair and welcome him with open arms. I wouldn't be surprised that they start talking about just playing out the deal again.

2. Reese takes what he can get from the Ravens and lets McNair go sooner instead of later. I just don't see Reese giving McNair away for a fifth-rounder. But the Ravens will wait this out because they may be able to get McNair for nothing. I can't see Reese allowing this to happen.
TitanJeff said:
I don't know if that is the case at all. Here's what we have to look at:

1. Do the Titans truely need the money saved by releasing McNair? $10 mil goes a long way and gives the team the ability to bring in a few more vets but I don't think that'll offset what losing McNair does. If Reese has options, he might do what he said he'd do a while back and cut Sirmon and restructure Bulluck and make another move or two and keep McNair for '06. These moves wouldn't have to happen anytime soon and could go into July unless Reese has a vet he wants. McNair knows that keeping him would kill any leverage to get a long-term contract. Reese could force the Ravens to give up a third-rounder in '07 if they want him this season.

So the Titans could lose the case, just open the door to McNair and welcome him with open arms. I wouldn't be surprised that they start talking about just playing out the deal again.

2. Reese takes what he can get from the Ravens and lets McNair go sooner instead of later. I just don't see Reese giving McNair away for a fifth-rounder. But the Ravens will wait this out because they may be able to get McNair for nothing. I can't see Reese allowing this to happen.

We're on the same page I think and I'm personally rooting for #1 to occur, but what I said originally is that if we (front office) don't have any sincere intentions of him playing here in 06 we'll make a move pretty quickly. I'm leaving the option open that bridges have been burned that can't be rebuilt and we're just jerkin' the Ravens around right now. I hope that's not the case and I think that Fisher is probably McNair's strongest ally in Nashville right now. When Fisher says, we're going to do everything we can to work it out, I believe him. When Reese says it, I think... meh.... maybe.:ha:
TitanJeff said:
If Reese has options, he might do what he said he'd do a while back and cut Sirmon and restructure Bulluck and make another move or two and keep McNair for '06.

Sorry for the multiple posts, but what did Reese actually say regarding this? I can't remember reading anything about us keeping McNair at his current number outside of fan opinions. If he said something to that effect to the media I'd be thrilled that he's publicly stated it's an option the front office is considering.
Broken Record said:
I didn't keep up with the Arrington situation. What went down there?
Arrington got Washington to release him early by forfeiting a $4.4M bonus that they had to pay him later on. It was moronic and he lost a ton of money thinking that he was going to get some huge payday as a free agent.

As for Steve, that scenario isn't an option for him. There's nothing for him to forfeit that would convince the Titans to cut him. They already save the maximum cap run whenever they cut or trade him.
Starkiller said:
Arrington got Washington to release him early by forfeiting a $4.4M bonus that they had to pay him later on. It was moronic and he lost a ton of money thinking that he was going to get some huge payday as a free agent.

Wonder what Arrington scored on his Wonderlic?:ha:
Broken Record said:
Sorry for the multiple posts, but what did Reese actually say regarding this? I can't remember reading anything about us keeping McNair at his current number outside of fan opinions. If he said something to that effect to the media I'd be thrilled that he's publicly stated it's an option the front office is considering.
Reese said before the free agency period that the team was willing to just ride out the $10 mil for '06. Maybe Reese was blowing smoke because he then went out and signed the FAs.

I have a hard time seeing that but I would think it would keep some options open.
I don't think Arrington was so stupid. Maybe it wasn't about the money. If you'll think back, there was some problems between Arrington and the coaching staff. They actually benched him at one point. Washington was ready for him to go and Arrington was ready to go somewhere he was wanted.
wplatham said:
I don't think Arrington was so stupid. Maybe it wasn't about the money. If you'll think back, there was some problems between Arrington and the coaching staff. They actually benched him at one point. Washington was ready for him to go and Arrington was ready to go somewhere he was wanted.
They had to release him anyway, it just would have waited until after June 1.

It was definitely stupid...
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