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RollTide said:
Rolltide, official chirman of FAAC, find andre an alternative career.
Looks like Andre is already preparing for that inevitability:


• Following his football career, Woolfolk aspires to develop his own comic strip. He has been drawing regularly since he was a young child and is currently building a portfolio that features several celebrity caricatures, landscapes and an assortment of other pieces.

• Woolfolk has worked diligently on his golf game in recent years. He currently shoots in the high-70s to mid-80s.
Ok ok....

I deleted the waffle house and mcdonalds posts. Even though i do think andre would be a fine executive with either company. He is a smart kid with plenty of options outside of football. Fair enough.

I still think the rhinos are the best bet short term though!
TitanJeff said:
WU, the writer for AP is always at practice. I've met her before. She gains all her information first-hand.
A woman!!! Come on Jeff. You don't expect us to believe anything that a woman has to say.....about football, do you???


BTW: When did Nendzone get the job?

TitanJeff said:
WU, the writer for AP is always at practice. I've met her before. She gains all her information first-hand.

That means she must also spend time each day reading through the articles and posts on
Soxcat said:
That means she must also spend time each day reading through the articles and posts on
And knows that this is a hot topic.....worthy of discussion.

She also finally realizes that I've been right all along.

hmm...I wonder if she will write up Reynaldology...

Be honest, if the AP report had said how impressed the Titans are this year with Woolfolk's work ethic, outstanding improvement and that he was finally starting to look like the CB the Titans thought they were getting when they burned a 1st round pick on him you would have thought the report was the most credible report ever.
The sad thing is I really do believe Andre is giving it 100% and effort is not his problem.
Please provide a link to where me or anyone else for that matter "bashed" or even questioned his "work ethic". If not, I'd say we're done here because the "results" speak for themselves.

I've questioned the results since early in '04 and said he'd end up on Special Teams. So far I'm right on the money.
Lay off of Andre. This thread has become how bad can we piss off WU. If someone talked about your family this way, you would respond.
Agreed. This string has become weak to say the least. If the guy makes the team as a started he does if not let it go. Not like your a** is humping out there to make the practice squad.
Slipjack said:
Lay off of Andre. This thread has become how bad can we piss off WU. If someone talked about your family this way, you would respond.
BlazingArrow#9 said:
Agreed. This string has become weak to say the least. If the guy makes the team as a started he does if not let it go. Not like your a** is humping out there to make the practice squad.
Welcome aboard guys.

I don't see a thread about Andre Woolfolk. I see a thread about a couple of guys who enjoy riling up another man just because they feel they can. From what I can tell, this Woolfolks Uncle will retort unjust negativity to the point of going overboard. That is what seems to be going on here. It looks as if certain posters derive pleasure from angering this Woolfolks Uncle, because they know he is more than a fan.

They know he loves Andre Woolfolk for more than a football player.

I know it's roughly 6 weeks until there is some real NFL action to talk about. This stuff is sad. It's not hard to imagine posters here getting happy if Woolfolk were to get burned on the feild... look bad... get run over or give up the score... It's not hard to imagine posters here rubbing WoolfolksUncle nose in it just because he has the emotional attachment.

This type of message board activity is called flaming. I find it acceptable in certain doses. It really looks like smack forum territory to me in these chronic instances. I'm astonished that it passes for legit football talk in this forum. Maybe Woolfolks Uncle shouldn't draw the fire by defending Andre in the manner in which he does.

Do you know what I really don't understand? I don't understand why otherwise credible posters would risk their diginty and the respect of fellow forum members in the pursuit of tasteless humor with the kind of cheap shots that get fired over this. Maybe it's jealousy.

I wish my cousin or brother was an NFL player. I wouldn't and don't let my little daydream take control of me to the point where I tirelessly seek out and attempt to hurt another human being with exaggerated, ridiculous posts with no real purpose other than to flame. I don't think Andre Woolfolk is a real great player. I can say that in a respectful manner.

I can also look to his past and dismiss him as soft. I can also say that in a respectful manner. I needn't make a complete mockery out of him in front of this Woolfolks Uncle. People would lose respect for me. I would be looked down upon. The whole Andre Woolfolk "thing" is total bunk when it comes to the harshest critics. It's a complete waste of time and I for one as well as others I'm sure are totally turned off by it. Turned off by it to the point to where I don't even want to look at an Andre Woolfolk topic because it is full of hazing and flaming.:sad2:
I just come in here to preach Reynaldology...and possibly tell a few posters refered to above that I slept with their sister...just rile em up a bit.

Reynaldology Rule #1 - Treat all as equal...unless it's Peyton Manning.
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