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TitanJeff said:
Though I might likely boo my own mother if she wore a Ravens uniform, I would never boo McNair.

Don't feel alone TJ...I would boo your mother if she wore a Ravens uniform as well...
Laserjock said:
Don't feel alone TJ...I would boo your mother if she wore a Ravens uniform as well...

I boo her anyways ;)

But seriously, I wouldn't cheer for him unless he recognized us with a which point I would cheer loudly, but after the initial greeting....he is an opponent and therefore subject to intense bouts of booing and slander
Delaware Titan said:
Who's to say that Mac wont be out with an injury by November 12.:deadhorse

If he starts as a Ravens QB then that is probably more realistic than even Steve would like to admit.

I wouldn't boo him when he was introduced but I wouldn't cheer him either. Once the game started I would only cheer for him for each of his 3 picks he'll throw and for each sack he took.

And Mason threw the ball into the wall last season towards the end of the game when he finally got his TD. They said it was more out of frustration but at the time I really didn't care why he did it, it just rubbed me the wrong way.
how could anyone boo someone who has been the leader for our team for so long idc no matter what happens steve will always be a titan even if hes wearing that ugly purple uniform.. i would boo the titans for trading/releasing him.. i want mcnair to throw a bomb to mason for at least 70 yards if he does end up going to baltimore..
It's like this "Either you are with us or against us." And with the situation that is looking grim I think I have said enough for you all to get the picture.
RyansTitans said:
how could anyone boo someone who has been the leader for our team for so long idc no matter what happens steve will always be a titan even if hes wearing that ugly purple uniform.. i would boo the titans for trading/releasing him.. i want mcnair to throw a bomb to mason for at least 70 yards if he does end up going to baltimore..

kind of a bittersweet scenario huh
you want to see the guy continue to be successful
but then again Pluck the Ravens
RyansTitans said:
i would boo the titans for trading/releasing him.. i want mcnair to throw a bomb to mason for at least 70 yards if he does end up going to baltimore..

So what you are saying is that the Titans should give in and pay him the big bucks and put us back into salary cap hell again? Answer this honestly, over the past 2 years, has he played or practiced up to a potential worth the 23 Mil that he is supposed to get this year? or even well enough for I think 9 mil that he is asking? IMO he hasn't done enough to earn that much dough a year and certainly not enough to risk getting into any more of a salary crunch than we already are.
Mac could be Marino and Emmit Smith all round into the same guy
and he still wouldn't be worth investing 1/4 of your ENTIRE cap in

If there was ANY chance in hell that we could contend for the Ring than I'd give it some thought.
but we aren't
true.. wouldn't that suck for the Ravens.. get Mac to sign a 3 year deal.. worth some decent change and then he has that "straw that broke the camel's back" career ending injury".. ouch
Titanville said:
So what you are saying is that the Titans should give in and pay him the big bucks and put us back into salary cap hell again? Answer this honestly, over the past 2 years, has he played or practiced up to a potential worth the 23 Mil that he is supposed to get this year? or even well enough for I think 9 mil that he is asking? IMO he hasn't done enough to earn that much dough a year and certainly not enough to risk getting into any more of a salary crunch than we already are.

you kno what... ur rite.. maybe it is best that we trade him.. i think its just that im 16 and the only team that ive ever liked is the Titans.. and McNair has been the guy ever since and i just cant see anyone else there besides him.. it was hard seeing Eddie go but this is going to be worse idk i just wanna see this settled.. im still confused about how half of you people would boo him. thats messed up.:sad2:

McNair gave his heart and soul (and back, legs, ankles, sternum, hip....) to the Titans. He deserves a Standing O! If you want to boo someone, boo the front office for treating Steve the way they have through this whole ordeal. Vince is obviously the QB of the Future and I cannot for the life of me see how Kerry Collins or Billy Volek will be able to mentor VY (or how Norm Chow will be able to keep the Titans current offensive scheme).

McNair needs to be PAID. Period. The Titans need to do what they have to do to keep him in Nashville. Sacrifice an overpaid linebacker. Hell, cut ties with Pac-Man if you have to. But keep Steve in the huddle to really teach Vince the Titans offense, like it has been designed - for a QB who can scramble, run, and beat up the defense with his body. The Titans drafted for the they need to preserve that future by having the right mentor in there....and thats #9. :ha:


It's Like That!
Cutting Pac doesn't clear up any room for the cap. Then you are stuck paying him but not having him there to atleast get 2 more 15 yard penalties. You can't just make the money appear out of no where. Ok so now we should sacrafice whatever it takes from the team just to sign an injury proned QB who doesn't have the touch he used to. I don't think so. I like McNair, but you can't sacrafice an entire team just because you "like" a guy personally. He did a great job for us but you can't over pay a player just because he's been there since the beginning. And if you think he didn't get his money you kidding yourself. He got his money along the way, just because he "restructures" his contract doesn't mean he loses out on his $. It just spreads it out a bit differently. I wish Mcnair would realize what most of the rest of us have already realized that is he isn't what he used to be and shouldn't be paid that way now.
Why is half of the people saying that they would jeer Mcnair, come on, he's given so much, just forgot about what's happened in the last 2 months
you always remember the last thing someone does as they're leaving

Eddie George was an icon in TN, now how do you feel 'bout him ?
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