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Are there any Oilers fans here that stuck with The Titans after the move..
If not, who was your team before before The Titans?

Meant to say "became", doh!
I was an Oiler before the move. My family was basically all die-hard Cowboys fans but I thought they were all crazy so I watched the Oilers with my mom instead. Of course I was like 7 at the time but I still enjoyed the game.
i used to be a broncos fan when i was little cause they had terrel davis, and john elway and once tennessee got a team, they flew out the window, i was very young so ya
My grandparents are in TX and since Nashville didnt have a NFL team, I picked the Oilers...but also rooted for the Pack and Broncos. When we got a was over, all TN Oilers and Titans
Creeping-Cruds said:
Are there any Oilers fans here that stuck with The Titans after the move..
If not, who was your team before before The Titans?

Meant to say "became", doh!

What about the time the Titans became the Jets?
When I was a kid I liked Atlanta cause I felt like I had to. I got really hyped on them when I was a little squirt. Believe it or not they were good for a minute. That was before ... ugh... liking the Falcons growing up was tough. I did start likeing GB though... the whole Farve thing was weird. I always latched onto the Broncos. The Oilers and Eagles were two teams I liked... They were both bad alot but they both had good times.

I did not like SF at all. I like what they did and how but I did not like that team one bit. I couldn't stand the Rams. I did not like the Dolphins. I did not like the Skins. I did not like the Colts or Patriots. When the Bills made it to their SB's... I was in their corner but by no means a fan. I don't like the Giants. The only California team I could tolerate was the Chargers and I didn't care for them much. My passionate hate for the Raiders developed later in life. I'm a long time steeler hater. Throw the cowboys in there except I did admire Aikman and Emmit..Irwin... I knew I was watching history. That's not to say I wasn't thinking Montana wasn't cool and Rice wasn't the best...

I had no feelings good or bad for the Bucs. I did not like expansion teams (fron the last 20 years) or teams that moved like the Browns. :winker: I hated it when Memphis was passed over for franchises so I automatically hated on very good expansion teams. I always kept looking to Seatle to get up and do something, not that I was their fan but I used to like to come out with predictions in the schoolyard like "you'll see... this season it will be the New York Jets and the Seattle Seahawks in the AFC championship." ... two teams I did not like or hate.

I wasn't a huge bears fan but that 1985 team was incredible. I have clear memories of watching that Super Bowl. I believe I was 8 years old. Here's the thing about all those teams... many of the teams I hated my brothers liked alot. I really didn't want any of those teams for my own. I once asked my brother why Tennessee didn't have a pro team. He said that is just the way it is and it wasn't going to change. Well it did and there is no way in hell my son is going to grow up without a team he didn't feel for.

I just wanted to see the Falcons win the west before I turned 21... hard times... get this... being a surrogate Broncos fan gave me a serious case of Elway Heartbreak... well Atlanta finally gets somewhere and is beat by the Broncos in the SB... Gee whiz! Then the Broncos beat my Pack in the SB... all the while the Tennessee Oilers are camping out nightly at a reststop somewhere on I-40... When the Oilers moved I began to follow the team with passion. Casual passion. My enthusiasm and love for the Titans has grown with each passing year.

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it, that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

By 1999 I was fully committed for life.
I grew up a Bungle fan (circa Icky Shuffle) cause my pops was from Cincy. Alway loved Moon. As a born and raised Nash-villain it was the greatest day of my young life when I found out TN was gettin' a team. GO TITANS!!!!
I was a fanatic Oilers' fan. I had no plans on changing teams even with the move. The Titans' own the Oiler history, not the Texans'... so it made sence.
Looks like Titanpride didn't "traitor out" his team.
If I was old school Texas I'd likely move with the team. :ha:

GhostZ said:
i used to be a broncos fan when i was little cause they had terrel davis, and john elway and once tennessee got a team, they flew out the window, i was very young so ya

You guys are making me feel OLD...
I was not an Oilers fan - anything but actually, I was cheering on the Bengals back when they nearly took out Dan Pastorini's eyeball...
I recall the big Earl Campell game on Monday Night against the Dolphins....
I was a die hard Cowboys fan until they fired Tom Landry, then I just kind of floated around without a team until the move was announced.
I was an Oiler fan long before the move to Nashville. And, I had no problem remaining a fan of the team following the move. Unlike when the Winnipeg Jets (of the NHL) pulled up stakes and left the city for Phoenix, Arizona (and became the Coyotes). To this day I have never cheered for the Coyotes because they moved out of my hometown.

So, I can relate to how people feel towards Bud Adams and the Titans.

Although, they've got an NFL team back now. We're still waitng on the return of the NHL. :irked:
I use the name Childress79 as a mark of respect to my all time favourite Oilers player . Ray Childress wore number 79 & in his prime he was IMO the best DT in football. I'm biased because he's the only Oiler I've ever met & he made a good impression on me.

While I accept Childress is a pure bread Texan I find it frustrating that his services to the Oilers are acknowledged on a Texans site instead of the Titans.

As a UK fan I appreciate that I have a different perspective. Where I come from if you decide to support a team in any sport then that pick is for life. Players,coaches & sometimes even owners can come & go. To me this is still the same team I've been supporting for more than half my life now.

It doesn't matter how many losing seasons they have or heaven forbid(cos I really like where they are now) any more moves or name changes they make,to me they are still the Oilers.

Having said that I can understand why many Houstonians disowned the team due to Bud Adams disloyalty to them. Mr Adams has no loyalty to either his team's players or their fans, past or present.:sad2:
Warren Moon and the run and shoot is the reason I started watching football. I live in CA so the move really did not effect me.
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