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five stars :rolleyes:
BlazingArrow#9 said:
We all know about the trouble Tim Couch had in Cleveland. His first season he set a record for most sacks in a season. He only Qbed one winning season at 9-7 and the second best year being a 7-9 season. He has been in the league since 99 (5 years as a started) the year the Browns made there come back to the NFL. Touted as there savior and the future of the team, fans poured into NFL shops to buy his jersey. Set back after set back slowly sunk Couch into mediocrity. First it was the line that was giving him issues. Then he did not have the receiver core needed to make his passes. Slowly people realized that yes these played a factor but Tim Couch would never amount to anything, being at best a backup on a mid level team.

This made me think of the career of David Carr. His first season he set a record for most sacks in a season. Carr has never had a winning season, and his best season to date was ‘04 when he led the Texans to a 7-9 season. When drafted #1 the Texans felt they had a base to grow on. This guy could do something special in the NFL or that was the talk around the league. The fledgling Houston fans and disgruntled Oiler fans of years past rushed to buy his jersey. Carr has not pointed fingers but goes out day in and day out and plays. Analysts in the league pointed the fingers for him. First it was his O-line. Then a lack of depths at the WR position. Starting to sound familiar?

I will take this even further…..

In 60 games Carr has a QB rating of 73.7, a completion percentage of 57.8 and a TD to INT ratio of .91.

In 62 games Couch has a QB rating of 75.1, a completion percentage of 59.8 and a TD to INT ratio of .96

Both are close in yards per game at 179.5 for Couch to Carrs 177.1. They also have the same numbers when it comes to average yards per pass of 6.5.
Tim Couch sacked 166 times; Carr 208.

When will the Cow fans realize they drafted another Couch? With the number one pick last season and a RB coming off of knee surgery the draft would seem obvious with a phenom RB and 3 solid choices at QB to replace what ales them. Instead they choose to pick a DE? It would seem that the Texans are destined to follow in the steps of the Browns. When we do not remember history it is bound to repeat itself.:hmm:
Holy crap dude. You might as well kick him where the sun don't shine. I'm flabberghasted. Coicidently, Carr is gay as well. His wife had those children by another man. Either that or a sperm bank donation... Everyone knows that Carr is a sterile bullock. You can tell by the way he quakes in the pocket prior to taking another sack that he doesn't sound off like he's got a pair. That's why his offensive lineman don't respect him because they know what a ***** he is. They say to one another: Why should we bother to protect him? I can't lay out for trannie.:closemout
Well I posted it in the smack forum for a reason. I could have easily cleaned a few things up and put it in another forum and gotten the same response out of him. It is not like Carr has proven anything in his career. Cow fans love him but it does not make any sense. I made the couch reference in a post a while back and he got heated but I could tell he showed restraint. I wanted to push it to the next level and see what he REALLY thinks about the subject.
do it at JAGS LAND!!!! IN THIS CORNER!!!

I can bill it like a prize fight... arrow vs. da hut :brow:

I can start a thread "Get in the ring" "In this corner"

Pic of the D-fense guy from the coliseum score board...

famous guy sorta... rocky's trainer I think.. bald...

I intro the thread and you revamp that carr/couch post, add pictures and chuck norris analogies for flavor. post it back here or whatever... I'll get to work on my intro and post a draft here... then I'll hit it and you post it...

sound crazy enough for you?
Broken Record ; GoTitans3801 ; GoT ; bigtitan53279 ; BlazingArrow#9 ;

Broken Record said:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
BlazingArrow#9 said:
maybe it was the FILO bomb? you ok dude?

I haven't heard from you in a minute.

You didn't quit drinkin did you?

Stupid *** employer expects me to earn my check this week. Obviously they don't know who I am. :ha:
we are going to have a battle royal thread over there dawg. I sent wurd.

GoT, 3801, I don't expect you guys to do **** I just wanted to be sure you were in on it... we going to butcher a cow on the road.
If it becomes a Titan Cow match and no Jags fans are involved it will get deleted. It needs to be a little sneakier. I have noticed that Underalls does not adress my post very often as well. I have owned him on a few of them especially on the jags board so he hides and does drive by smack. Like I said he hides under a rock.
Hahahaha!!! Did he actually say "big boy boards?" I mean really... big boy boards????? This is a new low in Internet machismo.
Arrow... that post was total smash, and it's an AFC South forum, so I don't see why it wouldn't fly but it's short on originality, to basically post it again, so I get that... I can't wait to see the next thing like that you come up with. I hope I don't have to wait another 500 posts though. That comparison is impossible to defend. It's a rare perfect smack and you don't even have to wait on a game...

Run something as good as that there. Give the Jags types something to laugh up. Stir the Muddmonster there bro. You rule that board, you know this, don't you? :ha: (evil laugh)
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Arrow... that post was total smash, and it's an AFC South forum, so I don't see why it wouldn't fly but it's short on originality, to basically post it again, so I get that... I can't wait to see the next thing like that you come up with. I hope I don't have to wait another 500 posts though. That comparison is impossible to defend. It's a rare perfect smack and you don't even have to wait on a game...

Run something as good as that there. Give the Jags types something to laugh up. Stir the Muddmonster there bro. You rule that board, you know this, don't you? :ha: (evil laugh)

Thank you all :ha:

I was talking about making a bout post matching up the two of us mud b*tch and me. I knew the Couch Carr thing would stand. I know allot more people want to make comments but there are a few Houston fans that will poop on them. Even Mudball has nothing to say and even says it bears some truth.

"The reason I didn't go after your little thread was that it was facted based opinion. That means it was atleast partially true. I have never said David Carr was a great QB."

Underalls is just so easy. Then he post that garbage on there page just asking for a Chuck Norris beat down. I was happy to oblige. His second post off of me calling him out was so weak. I have 3 threads not two. Ok so you are reiterating my post? Why not just call himself a MOO?
I have no idea. I put it in my signiture so he could get schoolyard when he gets desperate, just so he can dig a hole for himself. Maybe that is what pissed him off so bad. I'm clueless. I've been getting a hard time at Broncofreak today.
Broken Record said:
Mekooh is Hookem backwards. Hookem Horns. University of Texas.

It should be norom. :ha:

But thanks for the clarification.

I think I may have coined a new term on the Jags board.


I knew Carr Bomb could not hold back on commenting on that Carr things. I go away for a couple days on vacation and then have to make him look dumb
holy crap. has he given you a ring yet? I think the military is open now. I think don't ask don't tell left with the Clinton White House. That dumbass makes numerous references to geography. You know, that is one of Broken Record's pet peeves.
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