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I'll be in town about 2 hours prior to kickoff for the Jets game, but have to head back to Knoxville pretty much right after the game. Any tailgate plans for pregame?
Broken Record said:
Great! Barring any traffic catastrophes I'll be under the bridge at 10 central.
I will be staying in a hotel in Franklin, I think. Mrs. Bipolar is going to a convention in the Nashville area... I will be in earlier than the typical...

word is the hot spot is to head to where Riverman will be set up...

south EZ, near Exxon? Something like that. He joined this group, so hopefully he can fill us in with details. The Don, Titanium, Laserjock have a nice spot, I went there for the Falcons game. They have a TV... but judging by some of the PM I've received from Riverman a few weeks back... he goes all out, the whole nine yards... I really want to meet the guy anyhow.
Riverman said:
Part I:
I'll let you know for sure. I usually make all the home games. Half the time, I set up a tent/chairs and grill pre and post game in Lot B entertaining business contacts. Depends on if I've got a kitchen pass from the Mrs. and what I've got scheduled Monday. I'd think it would be alot of fun one game to set it up for the GT gang.

Meantime, check out Lot B for white tent with Titan flags, portable grill, Alabama tag on the car/truck. We are usually one or two rows from the Exxon on the "fat grass". We'll be group of 4. I'm missing the Falcons game (family wedding in St. Louis) but I'm definitely going to be there at the Jets, Cowboys, etc.

Riverman has not seen our thread in here. He has the access. I'm hoping he will let us know "for sure"... however, we can always head to St. Ann's to hang out with Laserjock and Titanium. I understand The Don parks over there so that might be interesting to watch he and Hoffa meet...


also there is Brenda from NJ. This person sent an email with a phone number... I'm not calling her until Sunday but she wanted to tailgate. :tailgate: It is a 732 area code so that is where I am getting New Jersey from. I imagine she represents a group of Jets fans... I doubt she is looking to hand Bipolar a beatdown... Maybe it's a Glenn Close kinda thing


and she can't resist my Bipolaristic trawlin' ways... or maybe she digs mohawks... I dunno but for some reason she is naive enough to email her cell phone number... I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint her... still waiting to hear back from that email... or perhaps Bongo is looking to pull some Lee Harvey Oswald $hit and he just wants to cap on me from a third story window with a bolt action rifle...

in anycase... this thread needs a damn bump and we should nail down a destination to head to after we rendevous at the Crabshack...

Hoffa... Joes Crabsahck means a pair of benches on the other side of the street from the restraunt itself... under the Shelby Pedestrian Bridge.

I'm going back to bed now. :sleepy:
Hey, I'm not a fighting cock at my age, that's why I just carry a gun...but I wouldn't have no beef with a Titan fan. It was those Manning-lovers that irked me.
The only thing about the self-professed "Don" that gets me is his arrogance in calling himself "The Don". That's a title others give you by earning respect. This is The Don in my book,


I'm a fun loving guy, smile all the time, and got no vendetta I carry.
BTW, I have met the so-called Don before, and we get along.

I will be at the Crab bench at 10. I wear a Colonel Blake hat covered with Titan pins. I will be with a friend, who is an off-shore oil driller, or whatever they call those roughnecks that work in the gulf. Eventually they call their widows, but that's neither here nor there.

Brokenrecord, are you going to the UT-Air Force game? I'm going to that, and will get back late Saturday and then up early Sunday for the Titan tailgate. Maybe we could begin the tailgate in Knoville Saturday evening?
I will have my drink in hand at kick off. I'll raise my glass and drink when the ball is kicked to start the season if you want to join me. If not I will just pretend you did. :ha:
Hoffa said:
Brokenrecord, are you going to the UT-Air Force game? I'm going to that, and will get back late Saturday and then up early Sunday for the Titan tailgate. Maybe we could begin the tailgate in Knoville Saturday evening?

Man that would be awesome, but unfortunately I'm not going to the game. I spend all of my football money on the Titans, so I usually only go to one or two UT games per year (when I can luck into tickets).
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