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Dude, who cares? Normal people dress up and go to the movies. People dress up and go to NFL games. It's a thing and it's harmless.

Unfortunately I was dragged to the Hunger Games, movie would have been a lot shorter if she just shot the rest of them when they were sitting at the camp. 4/10
Saw the Avenengers last night. Great film.Can't wait to see it again.Hulk steals the show.

Have to admit my reaction to seeing people in costume at a cinema would be wtf? At a costume party yeah but jusy not feeling it at a cinema.
Look, I'm all for "never growing up" and all... but my god. You can have fun, be a fan, etc without throwing your sex-life down the drain.

While I like to laugh at people that do that to... your comment is moronic.

So if you dress up once to have fun and go to a theatre you have no sex life... yeah, right.

Of course, not everyone is trying to get some every single night of their life, most are not as obsessed with sex as you.
What I don't get is the kids who go to movies just to make out. You're paying $20 to make out. It seems like everyone I knew in high school did this. I did it twice, but it was only because I let my gf pick the movie and she picked The Fog and Elizabethtown and those were too brutal for me to watch.

I'm going to see The Avengers sometime this week.
^ I think it's the easiest way for teenagers to get alone with their girlfriend. Most don't drive and live at home (high school students) so the movies is the easiest place to make out lol.

I saw the Avengers last night & WOW. And let me add in, I was never a comic book guy and pretty much no squat all about Hulk, Ironman, Captain America, etc, outside of them being marvel super heroes. And I still ENJOYED THE HELL out of this movie. So epic, wow.

I agree that it's as good as a superhero movie is going to get.
It was definitely great and entertaining. As I was watching I was thinking "man, been lots of action and great fight scenes so far!.... and the enemy hasn't even been engaged yet!..."

Big LOLZ at the final post-credits scene.
While I like to laugh at people that do that to... your comment is moronic.

So if you dress up once to have fun and go to a theatre you have no sex life... yeah, right.

Of course, not everyone is trying to get some every single night of their life, most are not as obsessed with sex as you.

I'm like the least "sex-obsessed" male I know.

But my comment wasn't literal- though the correlation between those that dress up as comic characters, star wars characters, harry potter characters, etc at movie theaters and virginity is probably an overwhelming percentage AND not a coincidence. How many girls are going for the tard in a captain america mask battling it out with his buddy Thor?... Yeaahhhh...

Forgive me for saying what everyone is truly thinking.

---I saw The Avengers tonight.

I make it pretty well known how stupid I think most comic based movies are. The Spiderman series was terrible (all of them- not just 2 and 3), Fantastic 4 was a joke, Captain America was the worst movie I've ever spent money on, etc etc etc. Honestly one of the few tolerable flicks were The Dark Knight, and even it was a bit slow and drawn out... I was checking my watch often throughout. I did like both Iron Mans... just wasn't very memorable.

So- going in to Avengers, I fully expected to hate it. People said Captain America was great, and this felt like it'd be just as crappy. Chris Evans is involved, and he makes Channing Tatum look like the greatest actor of our time- The character Thor is involved... which can't be good. And Hulk is in there also... another negative. Yet... somehow... Joss Wheldon put it all together. It was f**king wonderful. It began fast and never stopped. The fight scenes were great, the character's all fit well together, the humor... all of it was so well done.

I was truly surprised and engaged the entire film. Didn't want it to end.

As entertaining as any movie I've seen in a long time.

Captain America was still ridiculous looking and made me giggle pretty much any time he was supposed to be serious... but other than that- all good.
Surprisingly, Captain America is becoming my favorite hero character; a simple, brave Super Soldier with humility and a conscience. Yes, he's SUPPOSED to look ridiculous, and he knows that he's a fair reflection of our concept of patriotism.
Me after reading DW liked the Avengers

Surprisingly, Captain America is becoming my favorite hero character; a simple, brave Super Soldier with humility and a conscience. Yes, he's SUPPOSED to look ridiculous, and he knows that he's a fair reflection of our concept of patriotism.

Here are my issues with Capt America:

1. Chris Evans is god awful. Has one facial expression- which looks like he's staring at the sun.

2. The suit. Ok... we can modernize it enough to make it acceptable. But any time he's running around or doing something it looks hilarious. This would be ok, but in dramatic moments it kills it.

3. He's utterly worthless as a hero. He throws a shield? Serious?

4. His dialogue is always goofy and super corny. I do get why he appeals to the typical "dumbed down" American stereotype though. So I get why people like him.

5. Has zero "cool" factor. Kind of important in super heroes.

6. His movie. Enough said.

7. Of course, this isn't a character issue and only a personal stance, but the entire idea of patriotism is stupid to me. So that doesn't help any, since... well, it's a large part of that character.
I thought Ryan Reynolds was Deadpool? He's perfect for it.

And agreed @ best comic character.

Oh. Ryan Reynolds... was he the dude from Blade Trinity? If that is who plays the character, then ok.. that is awesome. For some reason in my dope riddled brain I was thinking dane cook.

Also congratulations in your WONDERFUL taste in comic characters!
Deadpool will always be in Wolverines shadow. I have never liked Deadpool past his ninja looks and he is most likely one of the blandest characters to come out of Marvel Comics. If anybody is interested in a copy of New Mutants #98 (his first appearance). I will hear offers hehe.

As for the Avengers... I loved it! I watched it in IMAX so with a lot of action came a lot of sound..I was very impressed. In my opinion, Hulk got a little bit more time in the movie than he should. The Thanos easter egg in the credits was the best part of the movie for me! Infinity Gauntlet!!!!!
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