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With the hype of what everyone thought about the 2006 Titans, what do you think they are going to look like at the October 22 BYE week?
Personally, I think the Jets game, win or loose, will set the pace vs the Chargers. The rest won't matter. If we loose against the Jets, what little motion this team has will fall completely apart. With nothing to loose, Volek out, Vince in.
If the Titans beat the Jets, they might have a slight chance to beat the Chargers.
The next 4 games, Miami, Dallas, Indy and Washington, (all predicted to be playoff teams), well hopefully we can keep from any further embarrassment.
OK. The first thing I'm going to hear is, "It's still preseason, one more to go".
I'm not buying it. This 2006 team is BAD and has too many problems. One more preseason game is not going to change much. But anyway, with all things considered, what do you think?
The Jets and Dallas are the only teams that the Titans really have a shot of winning based on the performance thus far. Both don't have much of a running game to talk about. TO might just be able to destroy what little bit Dallas has down there. Look what he has done to Philly. I don't know if Martin is healthy in NY or Julius Jones in Dallas, but that could be the difference between winning and losing for us. It probably won't matter anyways since a rookie like Norwood from Atlanta can run all over our 1st string D. :irked:
Dang, who voted 0-6? Thats some crap. Do we have a Colt fan that joined the site? I voted on wishfull thinking (4-2) I may be giving the boys too much credit but I sure hope im right.
After the first preseason games, I can understand even a Titans fan not seeing us winning a game. We're not looking good at the moment... I still think we'll beat the Jets...
I agree with the reasoning that says winning or losing the game with the Jets will set the tone for our season. (or at least the front end) ... Things don't look good. Volek is getting WAY too much credit for being a real starting qb. His highlight reel with the crazy sound effects last night made me want to puke. The Titans have major issues all over the place. This team is not making a move this year. I hope Vince Young gets much needed experience over the course of the season. If we start better than 2-4 I will be surprised. The important thing to keep in mind is that all of this must be kept in perspective. It takes time to rebuild. Things will turn around for us soon enough... It's just not going to be this season.
There are alternatives to winning these games on the field. Fans have to do what fans have to do. T-Rac is only the beginning.
Titan said:
Dang, who voted 0-6? Thats some crap. Do we have a Colt fan that joined the site? I voted on wishfull thinking (4-2) I may be giving the boys too much credit but I sure hope im right.
Fitantitans voted 0-6. 2006 is by far the worst I've seen this team play. Unorganized, unfocused and undisaplined. Too many problems in too many areas. As someone said a few days ago, if we play against a team that has a RB, we're doomed!
Our schedule is very tough. The first half being the hardest. I give the Titans 50/50 chance against the Jets. It's down hill from there until our BYE week.
As you are hoping you are right, I am hoping I'm wrong!
TitanJeff said:
Washington is 0-3 and got beat 41-0 last night.
Washington's Mark Brunell, who hasn't led a scoring drive in any of his 11 preseason possessions, including seven last night, went 7-for-16 for 51 yards and three sacks.-Associated Press

Does that sound like anyone you know?
Volek hasn't a touchdown pass anyways.
I guess sub 30 yard field goals are scoring drives.

If we are even at the bye... I'll shave my head again.
You can call me out on that if you want.

I'll do you one better.
If we are above .500 at the bye, I'll do it anyways.

This is in no way a prediction that we will be .500 or better at the bye.
Ewker said:
0-6 or 1-5 not much difference..I went 2-4 but I could have just as easily said 0-6 myself
I'm guessing you are thinking they will beat the Jets and the Chargers. As I said earlier, I hope I'm wrong.
And as for BiPolars comment, Volek is known for his deep passes. The only problem is that the O-Line won't hold up long enough for a deep pass to develope.
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