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Thanks, dude. I can always count on you.

Yes, I need to buy Madden 07 this weekend. Debating: regular version or $10 more costly Hall of Fame version?

Checking in with the video game thread now.
I'll take your bate...

Heaven forbid it gets to the point where we have eleven convicted felons (released of course) on the field. Are you going to stand up and cheer them along with your son?

No that would mean they were oakland or baltimore fans....
If the Titans lose Pacman this year due to those morons in NFL headquarters, you can kiss this season goodbye. If he gets his act together, on the other hand, I guarantee he's getting drunk off Mai Tai's and Lava Flows in February.
Canadian Titan said:
Pacman has MAJOR problems!

What's wrong with this guy?!?!

He may have major problems. But this particular instance is blown way out of proportion. I still don't understand why the police would arrest him as he's about to leave and the situation is about to dissolve on it's own. It's not like he was making death threats at the security guards (I'm pretty sure that's a felony of it's own right).
Gunny said:
You do realise 24 hours makes a day?

1.30am Friday -> 24 Hours later <- 1.30am Saturday

Titans game - 8.00pm Saturday Night.

Clearly Pacman was arrested just over 40 hours before kickoff.

bigtitan53279 said:
:ha: too classic.

I just got done reading this entire thread. Some feel the thing to do is to cut Pacman? Just give up on him just like that and turn to the draft? Trade him to Atlanta? Was that the answer? If you are for cuttting or dealing Pacman you are a fool. The ramifications of such a move are far too severe. Pacman needs to be fixed. They should pay a practice squad player a stipend to live at his house. I'm serious. This guy needs a roomate.

hold on.
90% of everyone when they post about pacman--->:whoop:
Some of you sound so ridiculous preeching atop a high horse.

If you are going to talk about how Pacman is so blessed,

just shut up and pray for him.

The guy has the the has a serious case of BTED (Between The Ears Deficiency) We knew this going in. The most eye opening post of this entire thread is GoT's with the sentence by sentence breakdown of a Titan's F.O. statement. The who's who of Tennessee Titans mug shots reads like a laundry list of a list celebrities who have checked into the Betty Ford Clinic. I read every word of that as well. I suggest everyone do the same.

I'll tell you what I think is messed up. The fans act as if they are in total denile when a Titans player physically abuses a woman. How many times has that happened? I lost count. Hey, those guys know when to shut up, so their status as role models is safe right? :suspect: Get's far less play than TuPacman's big mouth on his bandana'ed head. Some of you guys make Bumpin' My Music sound like a Weird Al project entitled Firin' My Uzi. This is beyond spin. The simple fact is Pac didn't do ****.

What should be of greater concern is the frequency in which these incidents occur. (amonst the roster as a whole) Forget that this isn't Pacman's first. What has happened with other players on our team that is just as bad or worse since Pacman's last? That is what is upsetting to me. That is the big picture to me. That is where the problem needs to be addressed. Just as Jones's career could end, I see a scenario that drags Fisher and Reese down the tubes as well.

Do you guys know what the difference between Peyton Manning and Pacman Jones is? If you attempted to mug Peyton Manning with a taser he would hand his wallet right over. If you attempted to mug Pacman Jones with a taser (or anything) he'd kick the **** out of you.

I don't want to hear Pacman is a thug because he ended up in a fight over something stupid back in college or last summer. Young men with alot of testosterone do hot headed things. That does not make Pacman a theif as some alledge. I like fight in my football players. Step off Pacman's throat and go start a thread supporting Andre Woolfolk (that other 1st round selection that we still haven't given up on) as he prepares to go out there and defend his roster spot.

Fisher's decision to bench Pacman tonight was the correct decision. I was afraid he was going to let him play and thus erode what was left of his grip on discipline, thus setting the stage for catastrophe. I'm not conviced that he has fully averted danger but one thing remains clear. This problem is bigger than Pacman. The players shall respect Fisher for this stand he has begun to take. Pacman can be a champion in street clothes tonight if he walks the sidelines purpose.
I do believe that this latest pac incident has been blown out of proportion. When Channel 2 news breaks their newscast with a "Breaking News" story and it was to say that Fisher will hold Pac out of the game tonight, then things have been blown out of proportion a tad.

Pac just needs to realize that his every action, even if it's buying a gallon of milk at the Mapco is going to be watched. I question why the young man was at a bar in Murfreesboro at 1:30am and was already excused from practice the next day for "personal reasons". Obviously, he didn't have to return to Atlanta to tend after a sick family member or something like that.

Pac is just an immature young kid with an incredible amount of money at his disposal. For some people, that is a recipe for trouble and obviously that's the case for Pac.

One positive thing about this whole thing is that Pac won't be injured tonight.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
:ha: too classic.

Pacman needs to be fixed. They should pay a practice squad player a stipend to live at his house. I'm serious. This guy needs a roomate.

I nominate Laboy for his room-mate,that way we could pay a stipend to a left end to keep Pacman out the deep end.:rolleyes:

But seriously, I think that was a great post Bi Polar.

SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
What should be of greater concern is the frequency in which these incidents occur. (amonst the roster as a whole) Forget that this isn't Pacman's first. What has happened with other players on our team that is just as bad or worse since Pacman's last? That is what is upsetting to me. That is the big picture to me. That is where the problem needs to be addressed. Just as Jones's career could end, I see a scenario that drags Fisher and Reese down the tubes as well.

That's the big picture to me too. Unfortunately its out of our hands.

Since the Bronco's game this whole forum has taken on the personality of frustration & disallusionment. I know its justifiied, we still have a long ways to go before we can be a contender again & besides there are reasons to be worried about the organisation as a whole.

In the case of Jones I don't condone his **** but underneath the mixed up,immature & badly advised cashed up kid I can still see his desire to succeed is bigger than his problems.

I've already said this once in another thread but he could have took his 1st yr money & flipped us all off. Whatever anyone thinks of him I for one want him to make it & I'd rather root for him than join the pointless hater bandwagon.

Here's to tonight's game bringing some positives so we can end this downer & move forwards
GLinks said:
I was going to post the same thing. Clearly, "math" is not one of "Overalls' " strong suits.

BAMARON...we can be cool.

Overalls....:bs: :moon2: :))

You're right math isn't my strong suit, but I wouldn't tell too many people outside of Tennessee that Friday is not the day before Saturday.
You are just manipulating peoples words in a vain attempt to make them appear to not know what they are talking about. Your posts about the timeline of events are irrelevent to the issue at hand. They are merely a lame personal attack to draw attention to yourself. People have been caring less and less about your "opinions" as far as I can tell. Honestly, it seems to me that your posts are entertained because certain members take pleasure in making you make yourself look foolish. Then again I could be mistaken. Perhaps my friends really care what you think. :suspect: I think what you think and what you post are seperate agendas all together... bottom line, contribute something worthwhile in the NFL talk forum and save the childish games for smack. I'm getting tired of calling you out on this every other week.
Hey, as long as the Kid gets double digit int's and knocks the dust of someone's clock every now and then, and doesn't commit any felonious acts, they say in NY, about it!
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