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Vigsted said:
ok, just to make it clear I'm not defending his actions against police officers or security personnel.

However. How do you get charged with public intoxication if you're at a bar??
Like Ron White said to police when he was arrested for public intoxication after being thrown out of a bar.

"Officer, I was intoxicated in a bar. THOSE guys made me intoxicated in public."
nendzone said:
In the big scheme of things, this is kind of like the real-life equivalent of the Jacksonville game last year. Could've been so much less of a story than it was, because Jones just doesn't know when to stop and walk away.

I honestly do think there's a lot of good in him, but the anger management issues are frustrating and a little scary. I just shake my head when I think of how much control he has over making his life as an NFL personality easier or harder, and he's been choosing the hard way nearly every damn time.

(* sigh *)


It really sounds like Pac could have left the bar when asked to and we all wouldn't be talking about this situation this morning. But nooooo .. Pac had to continue on with his mouth repeatedly. I'm sure the alcohol content had a lot to do with Pac not acting rational, but again it comes down to choices and the young man just can't seem to make the right one's when it comes down to situations like this.

I bet Fisher could spit nails this morning
“No tolerance for any off the field legal issues. That relates to the entire team. There’s a no tolerance policy as far as we’re concerned. I will not tolerate any off the field issued. There will be definite disciplinary action taken by the organization.”

-- Tennessee Titans Coach Jeff Fisher, January 2, 2006.

Anyone ever hear what went down with Finnigan? If nothing was done to him, think anything will happen to Starks or Pacman?
Gee the last sentance of this article states that we're playing the Falcons in Pac's hometown of Atlanta tomorrow. I'm glad I didn't plan on going to LP Field, I might have been the only one there ;)

"The Tennessee Titans just wrapped up training camp on Thursday and will play their third preseason game Saturday night against the Falcons in Jones’ hometown of Atlanta."
last year he didn't get to play the Falcons because of the holdout. This year he may not play because of his excursion to the Boro with his homies from Atlanta.

Pac needs to remove all Georgia phone numbers from his cell phone.
Normally not a big fan, but this seems appropriate...

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I'm waiting for the day his temper loses him that million dollar home when he punches someone.

Fisher needs to sit him tomorrow night, fine him and make him attend anger management classes. He's 2-for-2 on major penalties so far this season.

Despite the talk of him "maturing", it has only been four months since the gas station incident.

Nothing has changed.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Arrested Development anyone?
Laserjock said:
When security ends up calling police because you are loud and obnoxious then bingo. Just because its a bar does not mean everyone becomes a punk.

He could have simply walked out and reported to the security the issue.

I heard a guy call into 104.5 a few minutes ago who is from the Boro and he says this place is pretty much watched by the police there anyway....apparently its not exactly the classiest place in the world.

If I had the mansion he had I would be bringing the party to ME....I just don't get it.

The guy like to go out, and he's supposed to stop cuz he's in the NFL now? What is it, the freakin white house??? He's a hothead, always will, always will be, and sure, his off the field rep was shot even before he was drafted, but frankly I don't give a damn if he cusses out cops. I did before, and I still had a job the following monday.

As long as he does his thing on the field, I don't care if he gets caught dancing naked in front of Damien Nash's house. He was drunk, and it's his right to get drunk if he wants to, and if a biatch stole his wallet, being a hothead or not, I'd be royally pissed, and I'd be double that if some loser security guard comes to me trying to act all authoritative with me and not paying attention to what I'm saying. Everybody's out to get him, and I sorta feel his thing, I'd go bonkers too if everyone was out to get me.

If you guys don't understand that that's fine, you can keep b|tchin, but blame Reese for taking him over Rolle knowing he had a troubled past, don't be pissed at Jones for being what he's always been, blame the GM for "gambling" on him, along with his long line of bad drafts (just had to toss that in there :grrhee: )
TitanJeff said:

ok, I know I'm from a much more liberal country, when it comes to these kind of things. But seriously, he get's arrested for yelling profanities at security officers while drunk?? (that's what I read from the above link)

I'm just glad I didn't grow up in America, I'd have been arrested countless times if yelling profanities while drunk is a crime...

A DUI is much more serious, because you actually endanger other people, as is beating up your spouse, so Pac's punishment should be the same or less than Finnegans and Starks, imo.
Security Guards = Glorified police wannabes.

FYI the Gas Station incident had nothing to do with Pacman. If it were Bulluck or KVB it would have been long forgotten.
Sledge said:
If you guys don't understand that that's fine, you can keep b|tchin, but blame Reese for taking him over Rolle knowing he had a troubled past, don't be pissed at Jones for being what he's always been, blame the GM for "gambling" on him, along with his long line of bad drafts (just had to toss that in there :grrhee: )
Honestly, this is a good point though I don't agree with much of the rest of the post.

I don't think we are to the point yet where we write off Pacman. The kid is only 22. He's not committed a major crime. I don't even rank it close to what Hopkins and Starks did. It's the number of involvements and that they appear to point to deeper issues that concern me.

But if this thing doesn't correct itself, then Reese will be held accountable for the pick.
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