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Quote from Aug 24 Tennessean:
"Twenty two percent (22%) of the roster sat out Wednesday afternoons practice".
22%!!! That's almost 1 out of every 4 players, and the regular season hasn't started yet. What's going to happen when these guys really start hitting each other!
Maybe they all have the T.O issue. Maybe they are sitting out until the regular season so they dont get hurt, or over playing a small boo boo to stay healthy for a couple more weeks.
Yeah...I ridiculous. I don't know how other teams are holding up...but it seems every year we have more and more guys injured...still makes me wonder what the deal is. out...I think I see our D-line coming.....

:injured: :injured: :injured: :injured:
Gunny said:
fire the S and C coach.

I'm not sure I'd go there just yet. First I want to see if other teams have remotely the same number and injuries and second I want to see if our players are bunch of wussies who sit out because of "owwies"...

I dunno, a lot of those "injured" players looked a little too relaxed in the Isnide Titans Training camp show, but maybe that's just me.
Gunny said:
yet? this is going into it's 3rd year of ridiculousness.

The injuries this year are nowhere near as bad as 2004. And some of last years injuries you can't put on the coach (Roby's horsecollar tackle etc.).

Actually what bad injuries did we have last year other than Roby and Jones? I don't even remember, it didn't seem that bad to me.
I don't think many of the injuries are serious. You gotta understand, most of these guys have a guarenteed roster spot at this point, so why they tryna kill themselves when the season ain't even started? I don't see this as a problem, unless you got fringe players sittin' out with minor stuff.
As Fisher said today, many of these guys are worn down from three weeks of training camp. They don't have their legs. Technique is impacted. These guys are not going to be as fast or sharp as they will be when the regular season opens.

Now, Fisher has two weeks to get these guys back to 100%.
Come to think of it there was one bright spot in the Denver game.

The D was actually getting up off the ground at the end of a play instead of laying there like they had been shot by an elephant gun. That got real old in 2004 and there was much less of it in 2005. Hopefully the D can learn to go to the sideline when they get their hand stepped on instead of laying in the middle of the filed waiting for Hawkeye, Winchester and Hotlips to come to their rescue
fitantitans said:
Quote from Aug 24 Tennessean:
"Twenty two percent (22%) of the roster sat out Wednesday afternoons practice".
22%!!! That's almost 1 out of every 4 players, and the regular season hasn't started yet. What's going to happen when these guys really start hitting each other!

You think thats first I thought it said only 22% practiced Wednesday :whoop: :injured:
as soon as a top player goes down on our pretty sorry defense, such as bulluck, pac man, or one of our top d lineman, the defense will be so weak the texans might have a better d percentage at the end of teh season
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