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No reason to panic but definate reason for concern. We did look bad but I still think it's fixable. Fixable to the extent of 6 or 7 wins.
I am new to the boards and the first thing I see is a bunch of negative post(s). I went to the Saints game and had a really awesome time, got hoarse during a pre-season game(my god). Our future(VY) is looking really good... It's just the pre-season and IMO the Broncos are a playoff caliber team. Nothing to worry about fans, just keep faith in our players and not hold hopes so high! Things will get better, GO TITANS!
Starkiller said:
It was just 1 exhibition game. Some people sure like to get worked up over nothing...


And what will you say when it's "just" one regular season game? Or "just" one season? "Just" one decade?

Comeon man, our defence has sucked for so long and the play these last two games point to no significant change whatsoever. Something has to be done and soon.
well for one not everybody was dressed, i can't recall but one of starks or albert wasn't there. still a little bit concerned when I saw Sirmon get hammered on the Bell 1-yard TD on 4th down, and also the refs blew the call on the Thornton penalty, no way the receiver had a shot at that low throw... I guess it's the preseason for refs too.
Look here kool aid drinkers, what most of us that are complaining about is the aparent lack of any attitude about this team. They don't seem to mind getting their A**ES kick. The Titans once were a team that no matter what on the D side of the ball would beat on you. They might lose the game but they tackled hard, played hard and hit the other teams QB not make excuses about how you can't blitz or you can't play that way it exposes your CB's. Just play like you give a SH*t, that is all most of us want.
KptTitanFan said:
It's just the pre-season and IMO the Broncos are a playoff caliber team.
So is most of our 2006 schedule! Miami, Dallas, Indy x 2, Jags x 2, Patriots, Washington, Baltimore(?). No reason to be concerned?
If there is a problem, the alarmists discover it first.

My major concern (apparently as others) is the defense had no execution, no scheme, no cohesiveness- basically was uncoordinated and as a result Denver's first and second unit had their way with our first/second unit. They played like the same defense we've seen THE PAST 2 YEARS. This is what is the major concern. If this were a "blip on the radar", you wouldn't see passionate posts.

Can it be fixed-sure. How? There's the rub. Different people break it down different ways. At first we heard injuries-people healed, no improvement. Then we heard salary cap, personnel. We got some excellent FA's and drafts. They didn't show much in the Denver game. Now we're hearing/seeing attitude, focus, motivation. For some reason, other teams don't seem to have these kind of problems to the degree that Titans do.

So what's left to analyze. IMO, the common denominator is the coaching. Anyway, if you're satisfied with the Titans defense then I guess it is a false alarm to post that changes need to be made.
I for one am going to settle down and focus on the Falcons game to be a better indicator of where we are heading for the season. I freaked out and if there is anyone that has flipped the proverbial wig it is me. The upcoming came is going to showcase our starters better than any other preseason game so I'm going to cool out and trust that Fisher will take care of what needs to be done whatever that may be. I love this team and I want to win.
Big TT said:
Look here kool aid drinkers, what most of us that are complaining about is the aparent lack of any attitude about this team. They don't seem to mind getting their A**ES kick. The Titans once were a team that no matter what on the D side of the ball would beat on you. They might lose the game but they tackled hard, played hard and hit the other teams QB not make excuses about how you can't blitz or you can't play that way it exposes your CB's. Just play like you give a SH*t, that is all most of us want.

We need attitude. I would love to see the Titans defense play with a chip on there shoulder.
I personally didn't care that we didn't see any schemes in the game. The goal is to evaluate talent. It's usually easier to do that with straight-up football. For whatever reason, the Broncos felt it was a dress rehersal for the regular season and felt the need to run some bootlegs, etc. Big whoop.

As I've said before, the alarm is when you see players dominated just matching up as happened many times in that game.
The thing is, our defense can only move on from here, the can look at what they did wrong, and sort it out. Thats how sport works, you lose heavily, you build from it. All this game showed me, was that the D looked weaker than I thought it would, I'm sure we will be much better against my Dad's beloved Falcons

You can only learn from your mistakes.
rcarie said:
No reason to panic but definate reason for concern.

My thoughts exactly. I expect to see a lot better team on the field this Saturday. I like a win, but honestly I dont care. I'm more concerned with seeing effort.
The sky may not be falling, but there apparently is a problem at least according to Bullock and Hope. And it's essentially the same problem that Bulluck complained about last year: lack of effort by certain players.

KB has called Fisher out in so many words and challenged him to act and correct the problem. Let's see if JF acts or tries to ignore it at his peril.
We now have 3 players on D pointing out a problem on D...

Bulluck last year, KB and Hope (saying practice should have been re-started several times). Obviously there is a problem! I don't see it getting you?

And we're not talking about being out-schemed. We're talking about fundamental flaws that NO professional team...from Arena League on up should have! Of course there are some bad DC's out there, but I don't want one here.

The sky isn't falling, but the snowball is starting...first comes poor technique leading to blowouts....leading to lack of effort....leading to even star players making mistakes (to try and make up for everyone else) = BAD D and a BAD SEASON!

And it appears the Titans expect to win with a strong D, strong run game and the ocassional bomb. That won't work if the D avg's giving up 24+ points per game!

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