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How is bennett a backup? Is givens also a backup? Bennett's numbers the last 2 seasons are better.

As for volek that might be true but if volek was as good a QB as bennett is at WR we wouldn't have a problem..
Volek is an idiot...

Given his track record as a player and his durability he should have expected us to bring in a vet QB of similar stature. It's just common sense. For a lifelong injury prone backup to expect to just be handed a job is stupid. It's just that management waited so long to bring collins in..

My take on volek's play is that the coaching staff(Fisher-chow) feel that we have a solid and deep corp of WRs and TEs and that volek should be playing better because of that. They probably have seen enough film of open receivers that never got the ball and decided to bring in some insurance. Makes perfect sense.

If volek thinks that he should be handed anything he is an idiot! I doubt if quality offers will start pouring in for the cary baby either.

Volek will soon be third string with splinters in his ***.
I have waffled back and forth on this because I have tried to determine why this move was made. I can only believe that the coaches must be seeing something on tape and during the games and practices that they don't like. I do not know what the throw is supposed to be on each play, but maybe when you evaluate what the play was supposed to do and what Billy did they found he just was not reacting and making the throws?

I know he missed wide open receivers in the Atlanta game...I sat there yelling and pointing at them run down the middle of the field while he looked down a receiver off to the side.

Dont know if Collins will be any better, but he apparently has been making some tight throws in practice that must not have been being made up to now.

Guess we will wait and see. Good luck to Billy wherever he goes. He is a good guy, just maybe not our best option at QB....will be interesting to watch.
Bobo said:
I don't see how # of times throwing can be used in your arguement. You can say he has more experience....but he hasn't gotten any better with age.

Passer rating is the same deal as above.

Collins has been a below average starter for his career, and Billy may be the same if he plays as long, and his play goes down (which brings his stats down)....but no one can say yet. But you brought up "every" stat being better, which simply isn't true.

I want to see Collins play with our O to judge him against Billy, regardless of these stats.'re right, looking at the stats of Eli Manning i'd have to say Volek is better than him then. Better passer rating, and completion % and better td/int ratio. Who would you take?

Not a very solid arguement either way and yeah let's see what Collins can do, I'd love to see Billy start over him. Billy's 3 years younger and doesn't have much time left to prove himself. I think he's upset because he knows this might be his last shot to be a starter.
Don't know why slackmaster is hating on KC so much, jeez, the difference that KC is gonna make is very little in terms of performance, I guess there will be more sacks...Volek is annoyed, and is now acting like an eejit and I don't get it.
2ToneBlue said:'re right, looking at the stats of Eli Manning i'd have to say Volek is better than him then. Better passer rating, and completion % and better td/int ratio. Who would you take?

Seems like you're throwing a red herring into this. I never tried to compare the stats to say who was better, just pointed out the error of you trying to do so. Pretty simple huh?

I do agree about seeing what Collins can do for us. Can't say I'd be upset if they just threw Vince in there early though.
Is there anyone like me who --

1) Can't really understand why the FO has done things the way they did

2) Liked Billy, but didn't really think he had the leadership qualities needed to
be a starter in the NFL

3) Is tired of losing

4) Hopes that since we got him, Collins will do well for us

5) agrees that there is probably more to this than we know ( like he didn't
earn the respect of enough of the other players --see my earlier post on
this thread)
We've seen so much of a scrambling QB that some must think that you have to scramble to be a starting QB in the NFL. Volek is in the same catagory as Delhomme, Carr, and Kurt Warner. I am not saying that he is as good as any of them, but I am saying that he can be. He may not be able to scramble effectively, but that is not a requirement for being a starting QB in the NFL. Put him behind the Colts, Patriots, or Broncos O-line and they could make playoff runs with Volek as their starter. I am just saying that the Titans are trying to put the cast on the wrist when the shoulder's the thing that is broken. Go ahead, throw Collins into the season opener as the starter. I predict a 0-3 starting record. I will not go beyond that, because the point I am trying to make concerns Collins learning the offense that fast. Fix the O-line and put Volek in and then we have a chance of winning a couple of those games. I digress... It is useless for me to be mad at something that I cannot control, but I am seeing a long season ahead and I don't like it. Best of luck to where ever you land, Volek. I will be cheering for ya, man...
Sukrillux said:
Best of luck to where ever you land, Volek. I will be cheering for ya, man...

If you've noticed ( and I'm pretty sure no one has) I've been a supporter of Billy...I wanted him to do well. Apparently many didn't think he was getting the job done

Still his bank account may in fact get the last laugh. If he isn't traded,but is in fact cut, ( not out of the question) He will be in demand. Alot of teams need his services, if not a starter, as a dependable back-up.

As I was saying...he may end up with a more lucrative contract than he has now...It could happen

Yeah, I've felt a little sorry for him ( a feeling I don't have for too many people whose worst case scenario is he makes a million dollars this year to sit the bench)

Thru the years, I"ve also been sad to see dozens of other player go. But such is the nature of the game...

Bring on the season....( hope we don't suck too bad)
RollTide said:
How is bennett a backup? Is givens also a backup? Bennett's numbers the last 2 seasons are better.

As for volek that might be true but if volek was as good a QB as bennett is at WR we wouldn't have a problem..
What I meant to say was, Bennett as a starter. Volek is a better backup QB as Bennett is a better #2 recv'r.
I think the Titans must be delusional. We don't have a good team. There is no reason to think Collins will upgrade Volek. So let Volek screw it up. I will admit, he's looked horrible, making bad decisions, and playing gutless, but what does it matter. We are at best a .500 team. And I'm surprised some people don't see that, because you look at our roster, and you don't see anyone who has talent, except for Young. As far as Volek, he's got more potential than Collins. I think giving him just the preseason is not enuff. He still deserves a few games to blow this thing up. Maybe fewer than before, but at least give him one game to show what he's got or doesn't have. Volek has no market value as a starter in my opinion. This is where he makes it or breaks it.

If Volek blows up, I'm for Young coming in. It's his team. Everyone knows it. And although we are split, at least half of us think he's ready to play. That's more than enuff to get 'em on the field.
I don't know why everyone seems to think the team is just going to suck. I will not concede defeat. Not until I've seen the real deal on the field. This Preseason crap doesn't tell you very much. I know Collins can play. He plays ugly if you ask my opinion. Billy played much uglier last year. He doesn't seem to fit well with what Coach Chow is doing. I like Billy V, but not enough to watch the team lose games that they could have won. The defense and special teams will be better this year, that will give us plenty of chances to win games. We can't play a rookie if we want to win, and we can't play a guy that isn't getting the job done. I hope we get a decent draft pick for billy. But if not, let him go. A stinky mess regarding playing time is more detrimental to the team than a not so hot Vet backup.
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