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SUMMARY: Despite not knowing how a drafted player will workout for about three years, many of the national sports publications released their grades today on the Titans draft. Here are a few comments from those articles.Jarrett Bell, USA Today"Norm Chow won't be reunited with Matt Leinart but gets to mold one of the draft's most electric athletes in QB Vince Young. Chow will be reunited with power back LenDale White, who will have much to prove after sliding down the charts."

What do you think about this article? Post your comments below.
They are right about the busts. But they won't happen, I am positive. Well I am positive about LenDale White, no one knows about Young, yet.
Rob borges.....gutless...

Gives and A slash D. What is that? He needs to make up his mind.

Dan pompei thinks that white is a huge risk at 45?

None of these idiots even adressed the other picks and none even bothered to mention our move down from 39 to 45 that got us a 4th rd pick and still netted us white. That was key!
RollTide said:
Gives and A slash D. What is that? He needs to make up his mind.
He obviously likes the picks, but understands the risks.

RollTide said:
None of these idiots even adressed the other picks and none even bothered to mention our move down from 39 to 45 that got us a 4th rd pick and still netted us white.
Maybe they had to write blurbs for the other 31 teams in the league. Damn those idiots!!!
If these guys really were that good they would be GMS and they are trying to take the middle of the road because they work with all these teams and need to keep a good relationship. This draft gives us hope to get back on top. No one knows how any of these guys will turn out but I love our draft.
Jeff thanks for all your effort on our behalf this weekend. You were on top of the draft and gave us much better info on our picks than NFL Net. or ESPN. You gave up your weekend and I cant imagine how much work this was it is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
I agree with Tide to a point. Giving a range like A to D- is somewhat of a cop out. These guys should rate the draft based on how they feel the prospects are going to compete. Saying A to D- is not a judgement call at all. Tide is right, being able to move down, grab an extra 4th and still get White was a great move to get a guy who was rated as high as mid 1st by alot of "experts".
Carpy said:
Mel Kiper is worse. On ESPN Insider his grades range from a B+ to a C-. No A's, No D's and no F's.

No spine.

Of course not, an A would require you draft exactly as in his mockdraft or strictly according to his big board. An F would have to be the exact opposite.
I love our picks! I'd rather swing for the fences, then settle for a bunt and play it safe. Vince is a home run pick in my opinion.
Mike O'Hara (The Detroit News) hit the nail on the head, Young and White you can defend, but from there on it was headscratcher upon headscratcher.
fltitan said:
Jeff thanks for all your effort on our behalf this weekend. You were on top of the draft and gave us much better info on our picks than NFL Net. or ESPN. You gave up your weekend and I cant imagine how much work this was it is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
I appreciate that. I hope all enjoyed.

I still can't believe the server didn't melt. :brow:
I'm thinking these 'idiots' grade the teams picks on their fist day, because we didn't have a 3rd round pick, they didn't mention any other players.

Mel Kiper who every one seems to hate mentioned Calvin Lowry to a very small extent
The first to picks I will give them a A+. A lot of these will be wanting to shot themselves if White works out to be fine. Now the picks after that are hard to grade because of the fact that they were picking the BPA. I would have rather them draft some O-linemen but with them not taking any that means they believe Bell, Loper, and Stewart can handle the load. Also don't forget if Steve is cut Ty Law is still out there floating around to fill a veteran void in the CB position.
Let's be honest, if we had taken Matt Leinart and then White at #45, the press would be all over our jocks. Right or wrong the grades would be A's across the board.

You see what they're saying about Leinart to the Cardinals? They've practically got him in the Hall of Fame.
The more I think about it, the more I like our second day picks. Lowry was the best SS avaible. Yesterday, Terrell Davis was asked to name his sleeper pick of the draft. His choice was Stephen Tulloch. I'm looking forward to seeing this guy. Terna Nande is an amazing physical specimen. (4.5 speed, 41 lifts @ 225.) Jonathan Orr has good numbers (4.42, 6'2"), not bad for a 6th rounder. Finnegan has great speed (4.35) and will probably play CB. Toone is another athletic linebacker to add depth. Quinton Ganther is the only pick I can't defend because, frankly, I don't get it.

The reason the one writer said A or D is because both our picks are boom or bust prospects. They're either gonna have great careers, or no one will remember them in five years.
I don't know if he can be moved to FB or not. But apparently he is pretty shifty and is a good pass blocker, so he could be a 3rd down back like Holcombe was. Also he can contribute on special teams.

If we deal either Brown or Henry, we'll need a #3 RB. That would come down to a competition between Ganther, Nash, and Peyton (and any UDFA we have in camp).
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