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SUMMARY: Before you demand a trade to another team make sure there is a team out there who would actually want your services. That is the kind of sage advice Chris Brown and his agent, Wynn Silbermann, would have been wise to follow before they demanded a trade from the Tennessee Titans. For the life of me, I cannot think of any other NFL team that would be kind enough to put Brown atop their depth chart the way the Titans were.

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awesome does this mean brown will stay now? i hope so... Brown and White... idk if any of u watch wrestling but as Carlito would say.. "now thats cool"
There was never a question of whether he would stay. It would be a huge outside shot for him to leave. All that happened was that Brown's agent "requested" that he be traded. The titans don't really have any interest in trading him, so unless someone comes along with a major deal, it's not going to happen. At least he's making sure to say today that he'll be here to work no matter what.
Brown is just doing good business. He realizes he has to "bust it" this contract year for a good contract at year's end. If he gets injured doing it- he is screwed. He just wants some job security if it is out there. I take no insult. He's never been a distraction to the team and I doubt he ever will be.
that was a pretty harsh article to write about him tho, but the good news is that it looks like he will be staying in tennessee
a little harsh obviously someones bitter over the fact hes asked for a trade but honestly i dont think anyone really expects the Titans to trade him...theres no reason....hopefully he can have a big year with the Titans and get resigned next season...i dont feel 100% comfortable handing over the job to lendale white just yet...
There is some truth to it, but again, his value will not be maximized here. No matter how well he plays his replacement is on the sideline waiting. One glimmer of hope for White and Brown is out of a job. But not only that, you'd have to be a fool to think he will score TD's here. White is almost guranteed to be the finisher. He's in a three back rotation in Tenn. Fisher proved he would split carries last year. It will happen this year too. Brown may not be able to find a job elsewhere, let's face it, but there's no job for him here either. He can drown here over the course of a year or two and watch as his career toilets out, or he can try to steal a starting job somewhere else. His career is on the borderline of "over." And he can sense it. It's a good career and business move to try and get traded regardless of the market value.
This was just a matter of his new agents being able to say to him "see we are working hard for you" and posturing for an extension. I hope it backfired on these 2 guys and Chris understands it did him more harm than good not only here but around the league. They made it look like Brown didnt want to compete I dont believe that but thats what they made it look like. Good for Brown not to play more games and say he will be in camp on time. This his probably going to motivate him more than anything that could have happened.
Brown may not be the future here once White develops, but there's no reason he would have a better chance to "showcase his talents" somewhere else this year to try and earn a new contract. If Brown is running well, White won't get many carries. I don't know if you noticed, but Henry didn't get many last year, except for when Brown would get injured after someone touched him. The point is, Brown is the starter, Henry isn't pushing him much, and White is a rookie. We've stated that we're committing to running the ball more. Why would he think this is a bad place to show off and really earn his next contract. Sure, send him to Denver. He can have three big runs all year behind Bell and Dayne, that's much better.
i really dont think white will do much to challenge Brown....white isnt even in football shape and isnt the type of runner that Brown is, therefore keep both...lendale can be the guy who comes in for short yardage, but why get rid of your fastest running back, who can also catch and block better than the rest, the fact is lendale white may not pan out to be all he is being hyped to be, how do we even know he will be the future?
I feel confident that White is gonna' be great...When, I not sure. But Brown and White are two very different types of running back, and can compliment each other if they can stay professional about it.

I've have mixed feelings about Brown, and I don't think his agent did him any favor asking for a trade at this time. But truth is, I hope they both do well...Henry too...Hey, when was the last time we had too much of a good thing?
no matter what i still have my doubts that White will be the franchise running back you all think he is....i will have to see how he does this season and see how good he actually really is.... just i dont understand why you think he will be THAT great that he would force Brown to the bench... to me thats very doubtful
Yeah that article is little harsh. Brown's no star, but he's not as bad as that article or some stats say he is. Well, that's my unbiased (I swear) opinion :brow:
A little competion will hopefully get the best out of the three, and if they can´t stand the pressure how can they expect to be superbowl contenders.
I don't know why a lot of people are this much surprised about Chris asking to be traded, to me it wasn't a question of if but when. You got to admit it is pretty crowded at RB. He wouldn't get prime carries so that way he wouldn't get a good contract with another team, and if he did get a contract with this team it would be at best 3 years, as LenDale White is the future at RB for this team. Not surprised at all- and I have been saying he would prolly like to go to Denver for the longest.
asus64 said:
A little competion will hopefully get the best out of the three, and if they can´t stand the pressure how can they expect to be superbowl contenders.

You bring up a great point. If the teams win, all three running backs win regardless of their individual stats. Titans go to they playoffs, Brown gets extended or a big contract somewhere, Henry gets extended or traded somewhere and White gets more carries next year.
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