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* - new entry into top 100

1. Citizen Kane
2. The Godfather
3. Casablanca
4. Raging Bull
5. Singin' in the Rain
6. Gone with the Wind
7. Lawrence of Arabia
8. Schindler's List
9. Vertigo
10. The Wizard of Oz
11. City Lights
12. The Searchers
13. Star Wars
14. Psycho
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey
16. Sunset Boulevard
17. The Graduate
18. The General*
19. On the Waterfront
20. It's a Wonderful Life
21. Chinatown
22. Some Like It Hot
23. The Grapes of Wrath
24. E.T.
25. To Kill a Mockingbird
26. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
27. High Noon
28. All About Eve
29. Double Indemnity
30. Apocalypse Now
31. The Maltese Falcon
32. The Godfather Part II
33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest
34. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
35. Annie Hall
36. The Bridge on the River Kwai
37. The Best Years of Our Lives
38. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
39. Dr. Strangelove
40. The Sound of Music
41. King Kong
42. Bonnie and Clyde
43. Midnight Cowboy
44. The Philadelphia Story
45. Shane
46. It Happened One Night
47. A Streetcar Named Desire
48. Rear Window
49. Intolerance*
50. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring*
51. West Side Story
52. Taxi Driver
53. The Deer Hunter
54. M*A*S*H
55. North by Northwest
56. Jaws
57. Rocky
58. The Gold Rush
59. Nashville*
60. Duck Soup
61. Sullivan's Travels*
62. American Graffiti
63. Cabaret*
64. Network
65. The African Queen
66. Raiders of the Lost Ark
67. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?*
68. Unforgiven
69. Tootsie
70. A Clockwork Orange
71. Saving Private Ryan
72. The Shawshank Redemption*
73. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
74. The Silence of the Lambs
75. In the Heat of the Night*
76. Forrest Gump
77. All the President's Men*
78. Modern Times
79. The Wild Bunch
80. The Apartment
81. Spartacus*
82. Sunrise*
83. Titanic*
84. Easy Rider
85. A Night at the Opera*
86. Platoon
87. 12 Angry Men*
88. Bringing Up Baby
89. The Sixth Sense*
90. Swing Time*
91. Sophie's Choice*
92. Goodfellas
93. The French Connection
94. Pulp Fiction
95. The Last Picture Show*
96. Do the Right Thing*
97. Blade Runner*
98. Yankee Doodle Dandy
99. Toy Story*
100. Ben-Hur

Obviously lots to disagree or agree with. Citizen Kane always gets much love but it's never been my favourite. Heck, it's not even my favourite Welles' movie, that honor goes to the amazing Touch of Evil. I can' even think what I'd name as my favourite American offering, probably Lawrence of Arabia, Dr Stangelove or.... there's too many to chose from.

It's nice to see a few faves make there way onto the list for the first time, Blade Runner, Do The Right Thing, 12 Angry Men, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. They giveth, they taketh away; I'm not sure which films fell off of the list but I did notice another favourite Fargo is no longer there.
My favorites that didnt' make the list;

Interview with the Vampire
Animal House
Pink Floyd The Wall

Lesser favs,

Tender Mercies
Night Shift
Dr. Detroit
Problem Child

I'm surprised Lord of the Rings didn't make it.
bigtitan53279 said:
titanic over pulp fiction? that's tragic.

Yeah, what's with the ongoing love for Titanic? :suspect: It's an okay flick (I guess), but certainly not worthy of top 100 status IMO.

Hoffa said:
I'm surprised Lord of the Rings didn't make it.

Fellowship of the Ring is one of the new additions (ranked #50).

Animal House certainly belongs on the list.
What, no Bride of Frankenstein?
I'd like to see them rank the worst flicks if all time and compare choices to my own (which would definitely include Ghost Rider - which I just watched last night ,sadly)
titanbuoy said:
Yeah, what's with the ongoing love for Titanic? :suspect: It's an okay flick (I guess), but certainly not worthy of top 100 status IMO.
i dont know. i was bored to tears until the last 30 minutes when i saw it.
How'd Toy Story go from being a popular top 5 pick all the way down to 99? That's silly.

No City of God? No Crash? Those movies are better than most on that list. Clockwork Orange is too low as well as Shawshank. Just a piss poor list in general.
The Gloat said:
How'd Toy Story go from being a popular top 5 pick all the way down to 99? That's silly.

No City of God? No Crash? Those movies are better than most on that list. Clockwork Orange is too low as well as Shawshank. Just a piss poor list in general.

City of God is a Brazillian flick, this is the top 100 American films (or else we'd be seeing Seven Samurai, Battleship Potemkin, 8 1/2, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly etc on the list).

Crash is an interesting omission. It's a polarizing film, either you love it or hate... apparently enough hate it at AFI to keep it off of the list.

This is Toy Story's first appearance in the AFI top 100.

The best thing about these lists is the discussion that surrounds them. Other than that they are of course completely subjective and of no real value.
Wow, after studying the list I'm surprised that I've seen all but twelve...

Red - unseen
Blue - owned

Sorry for the self indulgent post, it will be a handy reference point for me

1. Citizen Kane
2. The Godfather
3. Casablanca
4. Raging Bull
5. Singin' in the Rain
6. Gone with the Wind
7. Lawrence of Arabia
8. Schindler's List
9. Vertigo
10. The Wizard of Oz
11. City Lights
12. The Searchers
13. Star Wars
14. Psycho
15. 2001: A Space Odyssey
16. Sunset Boulevard
17. The Graduate
18. The General*
19. On the Waterfront
20. It's a Wonderful Life
21. Chinatown
22. Some Like It Hot
23. The Grapes of Wrath
24. E.T.
25. To Kill a Mockingbird
26. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
27. High Noon
28. All About Eve
29. Double Indemnity
30. Apocalypse Now
31. The Maltese Falcon
32. The Godfather Part II
33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest
34. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
35. Annie Hall
36. The Bridge on the River Kwai
37. The Best Years of Our Lives
38. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
39. Dr. Strangelove
40. The Sound of Music
41. King Kong
42. Bonnie and Clyde
43. Midnight Cowboy
44. The Philadelphia Story
45. Shane
46. It Happened One Night
47. A Streetcar Named Desire
48. Rear Window
49. Intolerance* odd that this made the list yet not Birth of a Nation (which I haven't seen either.... booo)
50. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring*
51. West Side Story I'm pretty sure I watched this when i was a kid
52. Taxi Driver
53. The Deer Hunter
54. M*A*S*H
55. North by Northwest
56. Jaws
57. Rocky
58. The Gold Rush
59. Nashville*
60. Duck Soup
61. Sullivan's Travels* Really want to see this!
62. American Graffiti
63. Cabaret* I might have seen this one back in the day, can't recall
64. Network
65. The African Queen
66. Raiders of the Lost Ark
67. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?*
68. Unforgiven
69. Tootsie
70. A Clockwork Orange
71. Saving Private Ryan
72. The Shawshank Redemption*
73. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
74. The Silence of the Lambs
75. In the Heat of the Night*
76. Forrest Gump
77. All the President's Men*
78. Modern Times
79. The Wild Bunch
80. The Apartment
81. Spartacus*
82. Sunrise*
83. Titanic*
84. Easy Rider
85. A Night at the Opera*
86. Platoon
87. 12 Angry Men*
88. Bringing Up Baby
89. The Sixth Sense*
90. Swing Time*
91. Sophie's Choice*
92. Goodfellas
93. The French Connection
94. Pulp Fiction
95. The Last Picture Show*
96. Do the Right Thing*
97. Blade Runner*
98. Yankee Doodle Dandy
99. Toy Story*
100. Ben-Hur
Shawshank Redemption has a huge following. It's ranks #2 on IMDb user ratings.

IMDb Top 10 (based on user ratings)

1. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 219,916 (# of votes)
2. 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 261,783
3. 8.9 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 125,037
4. 8.8 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (The Good, The Bad...) (1966) 66,587
5. 8.8 Pulp Fiction (1994) 224,322
6. 8.8 Schindler's List (1993) 153,961
7. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 102,668
8. 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 163,985
9. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 201,736
10. 8.8 Shichinin no samurai (Seven Samurai) (1954) 56,499
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