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The Andy Kaufman Home Page


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Will the "real" Andy Kaufman please stand up?

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Does anybody like the band REM ?

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yeah, I know, if you are unfamiliar with this guy it takes a few to get him.

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This next one was a instant classic.

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Wow! That was something.
See, Kaufman had this gimmick he did as a wrestler.
Pretty crazy stuff. Here's a picture.


This next clip is crazy. I can't even grasp the hysteria...
it gets pretty good...

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Anybody used to like or hate on Kaufman?
Any comments, memorys? Favorites? Dislikes?

Wouldn't take a leak on him if he was on fire?
The Andy Kaufman Bio.
Andy would have wanted it that way.
In 1983, Andy was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. Andy was stricken with grief as he was not a smoker or drinker and he never used drugs. When he told his friends and co-workers, they just believed that it was another one of his pranks.

Andy experimented with foreign science to try to rid himself of the cancer, but despite his efforts it is believed that his experimenting only shortened his life span.

In the spring of 1984, Mr. Andy Kaufman passed away from lung cancer. Many of his fans believe that it is all a joke, and that he will be back. It was never beyond Andy to make a joke last as long as twenty years as long as he got the reaction he wanted.

Andy was a great inspiration to comedy as we know it, and he will be missed greatly by his fans.
I was not even born yet but from what I have heard from him and seen he looked funny as anything. Thanks for the vids BIPOLAR
The Elvis Presley bit doesn't have the same impact here. The thing that made it so great was that AK was an unknown at the time, and he came out doing 3-4 horrible impersonations first, using his Latka Graves character. He made the audience feel embarrased for him, and them knocked 'em out with Elvis. Good stuff.
I happened to be watching the live broadcast of "Fridays" when Andy and Micheal Richards had their infamous fight. The incident made national press for several days afterward. It was painful to watch at the time, and I remember being p.o'd at Andy for "forgetting his glasses". As the credits rolled, the camera went through the studio to the dressing rooms to show Andy sitting on a stool and crying. I still have a hard time believing that it was all a prank.
"Man In The Moon" revealed this incident and the Jerry Lawler beef to be elaborately scripted hoaxes, but one can't help but wonder of there was actually some truth to them, and that this movie was a PR cleanup job.
But that would be the genius in it would never know the truth.
avvie said:
I happened to be watching the live broadcast of "Fridays" when Andy and Micheal Richards had their infamous fight. The incident made national press for several days afterward. It was painful to watch at the time, and I remember being p.o'd at Andy for "forgetting his glasses". As the credits rolled, the camera went through the studio to the dressing rooms to show Andy sitting on a stool and crying. I still have a hard time believing that it was all a prank.
"Man In The Moon" revealed this incident and the Jerry Lawler beef to be elaborately scripted hoaxes, but one can't help but wonder of there was actually some truth to them, and that this movie was a PR cleanup job.
But that would be the genius in it would never know the truth.
:winker: :coltssuk:
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