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It's clear that McNair isn't going to sign a new contract with the Titans. It's also clear that the Titans are not going to just cut him and let him go without compensation. Right now, Steve's career is on hold until the Ravens ante up.

It's Bus Cook's job, as Mac's agent, to get the trade going. As much as we hate Drew Rosenhaus, he'd have gotten a trade down by now. He got a trade worked out for Carlos Hall. Bus has McNair a new contract all worked out in Baltimore yet he can't convince them to up their trade offer from a 5th round pick to a 4th round pick?

Now, maybe the gears will start to turn once the greivance hearing is done. But I don't think that outcome is going to cause the Titans to cut McNair, so the delay makes little sense to me...
Starkiller said:
Now, maybe the gears will start to turn once the greivance hearing is done. But I don't think that outcome is going to cause the Titans to cut McNair, so the delay makes little sense to me...

You think the team will allow McNair back in the facility even if their ploy is to hold out for a better trade and not to keep 9 for 2006?
Yes, if the other alternative is to cut him and get nothing. They know the Ravens want him. And they know the Ravens won't want to wait until the last minute to get him.
I'm not sure I agree, but supposing it goes down that way, Titans lose the arbitration and agree to let McNair back in to avoid cutting him and getting nothing in trade. When would the next team activity occur that would have to include McNair? I don't keep up with the offseason schedule well enough to know. Would there be a practice or voluntary workout that day or would it be several weeks before another team activity? Could McNair come work out at BSP whenever he felt like it?
No way the Titans keep McNair if they rule he should be released or allow to work out. McNair could feign injury to expedite his release/trade.
Riverman said:
No way the Titans keep McNair if they rule he should be released or allow to work out. McNair could feign injury to expedite his release/trade.
Steve wants a new long term contract. That doesn't help him.
The other this is that after all this, if Steve wants out of Tennessee, do you really think he's going to show up and start working out if the arbitrator says the Titans have to let him? No. This grievance is all about two things...

1. Precedent. The NFLPA doesnt want teams to be able to lock indivudial players out as a way to force contract negotiations or protect value in future trades.

2. Bus and Steve are hoping that the outcome of this ruling will be the Titans are forced to release McNair. I dont see that happening.
This is on

Titans Head Coach Jeff Fisher brought his 2006 Titans back to the practice field for the first time since the draft Tuesday.

The one-day session will be the final lone practice before multi-day on-field activities take place later this month and in June.

Does anyone know when "later this month" is? I'm guessing that will be the first time they have to deal with Steve participating.
I believe the players are there for daily workouts but the next OTA is in a couple of weeks. McNair wants to be able to workout there.
Sorry to be dense, but let me make sure I've got this straight. If the Titans lose out and are forced to cut him or let him in and they opt to let him in, that means he's back working out almost immediately after arbitration (probably within 24 hours).
TitanJeff said:
I assume that would be the ruling. Whether or not he does it would be in question.

Exactly. I would think that if it all shakes down that way, he probably wouldn't show up for workouts until something is settled with the contract.
I think that this grievance has very little to do with the Titans not letting #9 work out at their HQ. It seems to me that he was wanting to be a starting QB for 3-4 more years. I think that all of the talk of drafting a QB in the first round got Steve to thinking about how long of a future he will have here. Let's say the Titans actually drafted Reggie Bush... assuming he was still available to us. I think that McNair may have been more willing to work out a contract with TN. Everyone thought that bringing Vince to town would help correct the McNair situation, but in fact, it makes Steve want to leave more. Everyone's Vince crazy now (and everyone should be) and McNair's days here are numbered. I also think that McNair was told by his agent to "blow up" some minor issue to help get released more quickly. The media took the "McNair's Locked Out!" story and ran with it. That's just what Bus wanted to happen. Steve is already in a purple jersey... in his daydreams. Let's make it real... sooner than later. I understand that the hearing must come and go before anything can be done officially, but don't drag it on until July... Who want's a "team leader" who doesn't want to be your team's leader?
Broken Record said:
This is on

Titans Head Coach Jeff Fisher brought his 2006 Titans back to the practice field for the first time since the draft Tuesday.

The one-day session will be the final lone practice before multi-day on-field activities take place later this month and in June.

Does anyone know when "later this month" is? I'm guessing that will be the first time they have to deal with Steve participating.
Ironically enough, May 16th.
I like many Titan fans thought Mcnair would have a better chance of working out a contract if we drafted Vince Young

I also thought that Mcnair wouldn't mind being the tutor to Young, show him the ropes of the NFL, how to get it done on the field. I thought Mcnair was willing to do that, and then leave in a couple of years to a team heading for Super Bowl glory, and grab a ring before retiring.

Now Mcnair is heading to the Ratbirds, I feel now that even with my love of Mcnair, I will curse his soul, boo him like heck and dream of him getting smaked to the ground by KVB and hoping he doesn't get up as we destroy the Ratbirds!!!
LazyManJackson said:
I will curse his soul, boo him like heck and dream of him getting smaked to the ground by KVB and hoping he doesn't get up as we destroy the Ratbirds!!!

Now that's harsh! As long as it's a temporary, "out for game" injury, I suppose. :ha: Nah, McNair is a good guy... he's just disappointing all of his fans...
I heard John Clayton on ESPN last nght. His final words were something to the effect of....."Steve McNair wants to be a Raven but the Titans are holding him back right now".
For some reason that resonated with me more than any thing I have heard thus far. IF the statement is correct, it really made me realize something (and I love McNair for everything he has done and given for all of us).....
If Mcnair "WANTS TO BE A RAVEN"...if that is how he feels and does not want to try to work something out, and really WANTS to be a Raven......
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!
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