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selfish sob.

NFL shouldn't allow him back in the draft, he got drafted by his team and he should be staying with them.
The Saints suffer for doing nothing wrong.
Gunny said:
selfish sob.

NFL shouldn't allow him back in the draft, he got drafted by his team and he should be staying with them.
The Saints suffer for doing nothing wrong.

couldn't agree more....
Well, it's a little hard to judge the guy when we don't know what kind of contract offer the Saints have come up with.

But more imporantly that story seems fishy to me. For one a couple of "sources" say the agent is "toying with the idea", doesn't exactly sound like a certain fact.
And top off their theory with the fact that there hasn't been much contact between the GM and Bush's agent so far. But seriously, how much contact did Reese have with Young's agent until just a few days ago?

He may not be signed before camp, but I'm sure he will be signed.
Vigsted said:
I'm sure he will be signed.

You've got it! It doesn't really make sense for him to sit out the 2006 season, when you think about it.

If you're a GM would you draft him at #1 next year if he sits out this season?


I wouldn't either!
metal957 said:
Well I guess that means we have nothing to base the money off we give to Vince that we would normally do.

It certainly doesnt help negotiations with Vince, but it wont keep them from getting done. QB deals tend to be structured a little differently, and are worth more. Honestly, I'd think they'll use Alex Smith's deal from last year more than the 2 & 4 deals this year.
nigel said:
Suddenly the Texans are looking a whole lot smarter...;_y...tDubYF?slug=jc-bush072106&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

I'm starting to feel really glad that he didnt fall to three. Between his family's mortage while he was at USC, his thinking he's above the jersey number rules, and now this, its starting to seem like he's been reading too many of his press clippings.
Jackson, Mississippi?? that's one of the problems right there. I just hope he signs. But if he doesn't, I'd be willing to bet money that he has a major injury sometime this year and his career is drastically altered.

"I told my agent I want to be in here in camp on time ... whatever it takes, I want to be in camp on time," he said Saturday at the team's minicamp. "I think it is important to start off on a good foot and a good note, not only with the team but the city." -Reggie Bush

I thought this was interesting.
OilersTitansFan said:
What a joke. I'd be shocked if he didn't sign. This moron is just trying to scare the owner into getting more money.

and the media's making a big deal out of it like this is new...
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