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ok GoT... I can't believe the way that place is run...

Welcome! You have entered [goChat] at 12:29 am
[goChat]: Smitty46953 has entered at 12:34 am
[Smitty46953] 12:35 am: hey
[Smitty46953] 12:36 am: u there?
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:37 am: messanger? a chat room is less bother.
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:37 am: right
[Smitty46953] 12:38 am: yes wasnt sure if work on dial up
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:38 am: so, what gives with all that GoT stuff?
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:38 am: What is the deal with Gray?
[Smitty46953] 12:38 am: got me???
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:39 am: Eddge is very quiet and now Swing is acting like old times
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:39 am: How can a man be banished for one short post?
[Smitty46953] 12:39 am: strictly my opinion ....we have a lot of young members who de -rep for about anything
[Smitty46953] 12:39 am: i am going to address with other mods
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:39 am: how in the world have I survived??
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:40 am: I'm a jackasss
[Smitty46953] 12:40 am: i seen no reason why GoT was de repped
[Smitty46953] 12:40 am: i just gave him a positive
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:40 am: GoT is a freakin super genius
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:40 am: he is funnier than I am
[Smitty46953] 12:41 am: i liked his comment after u posted my gazette
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:41 am: I hate to think you guys really run people out on a rail solely based on alligence
[Smitty46953] 12:41 am: it's not you guys trust me
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:41 am: did you read my reply to Grays 3 act rant?
[Smitty46953] 12:41 am: hell I enjoy it
[Smitty46953] 12:42 am: havent yet
[Smitty46953] 12:42 am: but i will
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:42 am: you will see it.
[Smitty46953] 12:42 am: how old are ya
[Smitty46953] 12:42 am: 45 here
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:42 am: we are done.
[Smitty46953] 12:42 am: ???
[Smitty46953] 12:43 am: we are done???
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:43 am: sorry 28. It's in profile. I've got to get to bed
[Smitty46953] 12:44 am: ok need shoot the #$%^&* someday i will work on gray
[Smitty46953] 12:44 am: later
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:44 am: no, I'm tired and it's almost
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:44 am: 1 am
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:45 am: I need you to help sort this out.
[Smitty46953] 12:45 am: thats kool have a good one
[SEC 330 BIPOLAR] 12:45 am: I'm just way tired
[goChat]: Smitty46953 has left at 12:45 am
smitty46953 said:
Bipolar the Titan said:
GoT said:
Bipolar the Titan said:
how the hell are you in the basement?:confused:

Who cares, honestly about what I would expect.

I would charactize my 1 post as attempting to be helpful at worst, polite and offering a possible superior option at best.

I really don't care though.

what the heck is a basement

That means that for some reason, maybe the fact that you registered though my referral link:confused:
is that basement criteria now?
anyways, it means you can not post in the other sections of this board. For instance, in that post about the game or whatever... if he replied I don't think you will have access to post there again or in the main forum entitled "Indianapolis Colts"
I did repost a great post from here at I'm going to shake the tree tomorrow and see what falls out. I totally have endorsed you BrokenRecord and WoolfolksUncle as being legit, complete with smack on/off switch. I think it's a bit odd that you make one obscure video game post and now you can only be a "smack monkey gimp" ... that ain't right. They know it. I'll give them credit for it right now.

be careful what you thank? that's my best guess.

I'd like to see you attempt to point out the flaws of Marvin Harrison... they bash Smith from Jagland here... It could turn into interesting discussion. I'd like to see Gray make the mature case against Jeff Fisher in Titans and NFL Talk forum. I'm not sure everyone is really sold on me... after all this time.

It doesn't matter. I'm not really doing anything too wrong. I need to watch my curses. I'm really not used to that particular freedom.

About the Manning stuff... I think I wore it out.
I'm pretty sure they know he's a d**kh*** but still a terrific player. Contrast that with Pdiddy Jones and there you have Peyton by a all is well that ends well. You myself, brokenrecord and Woolfolks Uncle had ought to drop by often enough to let them know they are ok by us... diplomatic cool...

I think I convinced many that smack is just "horsing" around... I dunno. Th first post I read this morning was like "go to hell and **** yourself. get a life" something like that, less profane. I was classy about it. Just keep coming. I'll have em watching "A Clockwork Orange" by Friday.

Only way anyone gets banished to basement (smack shack) is due to negative rep points least that I am aware of
:suspect: :banned: :) :irked:
T4Ten said:
What about me? I'm deep in the basement.
not anymore. The "smack war" has liberated all basement dwellers.

Because of this noble endevor all now have a clean slate.

Advice: Keep your nose clean and enjoy your new found liberties.

Respect the rules and keep in mind Titan Jeffs rule #6.

I will be deleteing some threads from here soon.

The smack war was a succesful, profitable endevor.

WoolfolksUncle, GoT, Broken Record and myself represent the "delegation"

Please, T4Ten... rep well for GoTitans in your troll adventures.
Well, I am an independant mercenary, who started fighting the war over there years ago, but like the US, you now come in late and declare victory and tell me how I'm suppose to act?
I always acted according to how I was acted upon, and will continue to do so.
T4Ten said:
Well, I am an independant mercenary, who started fighting the war over there years ago, but like the US, you now come in late and declare victory and tell me how I'm suppose to act?
I always acted according to how I was acted upon, and will continue to do so.

My friend....Conformity and Unity go hand in hand... United we Stand, Divided we Fall..... aka
Real Simple - There is STRENGTH IN NUMBERS
That's fine, WU, but I just don't like someone coming in and telling me how I'm suppose to act. I know how to act. But when someone acts toward me how they shouldn't, by god I will act up in return.
I started over there years ago, and followed their rules, but the total arrogant *******s they have over there bit into me, and by god I've been fighting back since and will continue. If they want to act better towards me, then I'll recipocate.

The blood that runs through my veins orginated in Northern Ireland, and it is in my very being to not let someone walk over me. I will fight the fight throughout my time, and my heirs will fight it for me after I'm gone. We derieve joy from fighting for what is just, and will never falter, will never cease, and will by god will never stop until the unjust falters, or ceases.
T4Ten said:
Well, I am an independant mercenary, who started fighting the war over there years ago, but like the US, you now come in late and declare victory and tell me how I'm suppose to act?
I always acted according to how I was acted upon, and will continue to do so.
I view you more as a POW. I was once thrown in your "basement" camp.
Your plight inspired me to rise to action.
I argued my way out and built up some rep.
Do what you will with your "non-basement" status... It is none of my concern for I have fought the good fight.

You are a SR first and a member second to me.
From now on, how you conduct yourself at Coltfreaks is none of my concern.

ManningChokes may appreciate my efforts... I do not know...
I do not care...

But as for those two "witnesses"... I am refering to the Pat fans who type dam90210 blue in the face... they may appreciate what the A-Team has done. (SR unit) ...

Come with us on crusade to plunder the Cowboys... we may involve Overalls and Swing... perhaps we will head to the Big Apple and have a double gang bang against the Giants and Jets both...

I do not know but this much I do know...
I want more memeber involvement in this user group.
I think it is BS that people volunteered and did not answer the call to arms...

That is okay. Maybe they failed to see the profit and merit in such an endevor... that is fine.

Together we liberated all basement dwellers and forced their hand in amending the way they "self-moderate"

They are still a bunch a sex perverts, but that I will never tell them for I have won the battle and the war and our SR unit has turned in a performance that challenges the notion that nothing good ever comes from smack and that it is a neccesary evil....

well, guns and bombs save lives. If you don't believe me, ask the Japanese.

I'm not going to make anyone walk the blank unless things get out of hand on this board. ...meaning if TJ gets pissed because we don't follow his directives as stated in user agreement. (rules)... you get the picture.

Also while I am thinking about it... please refrain from posting url links in OUR SMACK CENTRAL FORUM that take you to other SMACK FORUMS around the network. That is a waste and I have it on good authority that Jeff is annoyed by it.

I have much to say and think on. Each of you please notify memebers of this group that we need to evaluate our progress, draft directives, vote/propose a user icon avatar symbol... clear up new business... whatever.

Also I declare as leader of this unit that Patriot Planet is a no smack zone.
I encourage everyone to join... It is a wonderful enlightened place, much like Jeff's site here... Those are good people and the diversity of fans is nothing short of amazing. They are truly a model for how memebers of a forum should be...

I will admit that their forum is no where near as organized as
It is a bit strange to read all those jumbled topics togther.

I have much to say... I have threads to delete and I have threads to create in this user group...

By the way... congrats to everyone that was involved in Operation Barnyard.
I regret that the objectives were not stated from the get go... but I felt it best to keep it on a "need to know basis"

We have won the peace.
They will raid... when they do... follow the code of ideals.


I think our symbol should be this: :super:
I would like someone to nominate an alternative...Puck?:brow:

I believe we can have it appear next to the arcade trophy...

TitanJeff, please feel free to post sir on this order of business.
I was never a POW. The smack shack is right where I wanted to be. It is pointless to post in any other forum at coltfruits, since they are all a bunch of [asteriks] and trying to talk legit to them is futile since they are brain damaged when it comes to the NFL. They simply will not accept other viewpoint other than their own.
To them, Peyton is the greatest player who will ever live, it's never his fault, no matter what outcome the colts are always better, they will never have cap problems, etc, etc, etc. Logic and common sense do not work on them.
So, I had no aspirations to be anywhere other than the basement there. I have been sparring with them for SEVEN YEARS there. I have outlasted many there, some were clever and cool with smack, many others like what you see there now.

I will go along with your future endevours elsewhere. I can refrain from profanity when not faced with an idiotic ******* bunch like the doltfruits.

But don't think you "liberated" me from anything over there. There's a lot of history there you know nothing about. You're only seeing a very small picture. Kind of like standing on the beach in LA and thinking you're seeing the entire Pacific Ocean and everything that brought the tide in.
T4Ten said:
That's fine, WU, but I just don't like someone coming in and telling me how I'm suppose to act. I know how to act. But when someone acts toward me how they shouldn't, by god I will act up in return.
I started over there years ago, and followed their rules, but the total arrogant *******s they have over there bit into me, and by god I've been fighting back since and will continue. If they want to act better towards me, then I'll recipocate.

Trust me, I think everyone knows, my blood can boil over.... I have had my share of wars that broke beyond the borders of Smackdom.... thus my two warning ticks from TJ......
T4Ten said:
I was never a POW. The smack shack is right where I wanted to be. It is pointless to post in any other forum at coltfruits, since they are all a bunch of [asteriks] and trying to talk legit to them is futile since they are brain damaged when it comes to the NFL. They simply will not accept other viewpoint other than their own.
To them, Peyton is the greatest player who will ever live, it's never his fault, no matter what outcome the colts are always better, they will never have cap problems, etc, etc, etc. Logic and common sense do not work on them.
So, I had no aspirations to be anywhere other than the basement there. I have been sparring with them for SEVEN YEARS there. I have outlasted many there, some were clever and cool with smack, many others like what you see there now.

I will go along with your future endevours elsewhere. I can refrain from profanity when not faced with an idiotic ******* bunch like the doltfruits.

But don't think you "liberated" me from anything over there. There's a lot of history there you know nothing about. You're only seeing a very small picture. Kind of like standing on the beach in LA and thinking you're seeing the entire Pacific Ocean and everything that brought the tide in.
Fine. I accept that. Just as I do everything you say. Can I just view you as a poster boy for the greater good in my mind and just leave it at that?

Would you hatch a diabolical scheme?
I'm tring to put the pats and bolts at odds. Who you like in the nfc east?
get cozy with the skins and zich the 'boys... enlist overalls?

How the hell does Smitty view this?
How in the hell did Gunny post here?
Will Titan Jeff ever give a nod of approval?

All these questions and more on the next "episode":brow: of
As Bipolar's World Churns
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