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SUMMARY: Titans Coach Jeff Fisher commented Wednesday on RB Chris Brown's request to be traded. "I have not spoken with Chris," said Fisher, who currently has Brown slated at the top of the team’s depth chart. "That does not surprise me and that should be an indication of where Chris is (in this process). I could understand Chris wanting an extension. Chris wants to be here. So, him asking for a trade does not imply that he doesn’t want to be here." Fisher went on to say that the move was likely made by an eager agent who felt it was in the best interest of Brown to push for an extension. "Chris changed agents and the new agents came in and they had a sit-down meeting and they want to talk extension. Right now’s not necessarily the time to talk extension because we’re busy with other contracts. They took it upon themselves to demand a trade and went public with it, so to me, I’m going to throw this in the agents’ laps and not Chris’.

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So how many players out there tell their agents, "hey, look out for me and don't bother me with the business details. I just wanna play football and get paid." ?

This isn't a rhetorical question. I think that some players probably say that, just wondering. If it was my career, I'd definitely not want my agent to talk to anybody about anything, especially the press, without my say so.
This is kind of what i was thinking all along. I freakin hate agents in the NFL. 99% of them are money hungry greedy SOBs. There is no team loyalty anymore from players due in part to agents filling their minds with BS. There should be a fixed salary for agents..regardless of how big/small their clients contracts are. Makes me sick...what is it going to be like in 10 or 20 years? Hopefully college football won't be totally corrupt by then too.

sorry. just venting a little bit. I love the game of football too much and sports agents just piss me off. No respect for the game or the fans.
I have a hard time believing Brown had no knowledge of this before it happened. Also, he's had a few days to comment on it and hasn't. No doubt he'll be asked Friday about it.

But I can see an agent floating out the idea and pushing it on Brown just to see what it might generate.
Volek told Rosenhaus to can it last year when he went into why the Titans needed to trade him. I haven't heard Brown say anything about his agent's comments...
yes, it is due time for Chris to say something publicly
or at least to Jeff - "I have not spoken with Chris"
"That does not surprise me and that should be an indication of where Chris is (in this process). I could understand Chris wanting an extension. Chris wants to be here. So, him asking for a trade does not imply that he doesn’t want to be here."

seems to me though that if Chris wanted an extension - he should ask for an extension

he'll probably say something real cozy this weekend and we'll all get all warm and fuzzy on him again and somebody will actually represent with a Chris Brown sig

like this :
I thought this was the case all along, they has JUST interviewed Brown about a trade when there were rumors about the organization wanting to trade him, he said he planned to be here....
The agents work for the players, its not the other way around. Chris knew what his agent was going to do, it might not have been Browns' idea, but he knew. If he didn't, he needs a new agent.
well no **** he knew it was going to happen, the other people arent saying he didn't, they are just saying is that it wasn't CB's idea and that agents are slimy scumbags which they are...Brown wants to stay in Tennessee but just wants an extension...job security
if he knew they were going to do it, he apperently didnt have a problem with them doing it. they work for him, if he didnt want them to go public with it, they wouldnt go public.
I wouldn't sign Chris to anything right now. He hasn't proved that he can stay on the field. Starting the 06 season with Volek & Brown as our starters in the valueable roles that they hold is scarey. Hopefully if they do re-sign him, the contract will be full of 'ifs'.
fitantitans said:
I wouldn't sign Chris to anything right now.
It is certainly a risk right now to do it but they would get him much cheaper than if he rushes for 1,500 yards this season.

If the Titans are interested, they'll begin talk AFTER the rookies are signed. Extensions are rarely done this time of year and it was premature to begin talks before the rookies were signed.
I wish Brown was what we thought he would be in the past...
I thought he would step up once EG was gone...

He just gets hurt way too much.

Hey Puck, I jacked yo snack again.
thats nice BP
I dont see many fans reppin Chris

here's how I envision next offseason

Billy and Chris BOTH have monster years this year
and become hot commodoties
and we trade both for picks/vets

we get what we want - they get what they want
and then Vince and LD start week1 in 07
Sure Brown knew about the trade thing and the agent does work for the player but these guys make thier living selling BS to GMs and players. Im sure they told a nice story about how this would help Chris and he bought it. Any time a player is in the last year of their contract they get really nervous about injuries and anything else that could cost them big $. Chris wants an extension and we shouldnt blame me for that what he should be held accountable for is hiring agents that are to dumb to know this was the wrong time and the wrong to go about it.
BTW, Brown spoke to the media on Friday. He didn't say he didn't want to be traded. He simply said his agents are working on that and that he isn't involved...
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