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Everyhting you could ever want to now about Adam Vinatieri

This comes from the official Patriots website. I don't know if it will be there forever or what... but there is alot of information.

Here is the Wikipedia...

This is a good story... as news goes...

I for one am happy with this deal... Without the Edge...
The Colts may need more than a FG for the win. :hmm:

It is interesting, whether you are an Indy fan or a fan of any of the other 31 clubs.

Personally, I think they paid too much.
No kicker should ever make that much money even if they can punt like this guy.

Time passes and we see a teen-age Clark, who is the frustrated equipment manager of the Smallville High football team. [The actor chosen to play the teenaged Clark, Jeff East, is a perfect fit for the roll looking like a young Christopher Reeve.] As Lara had predicted, Clark may look human, but he never would be. And like most teenagers, fitting in was paramount in his adolescent life. When Lana Lang (Diane Sherry) invites him to join the group to listen to records, he can hardly contain himself. But Brad, the captain of the football team, reminds Clark that he has equipment to clean up. As they drive away, Clark's frustration surfaces and he angrily punts a football far into the distance.

click Superman for full Synopsis/Review/Critique of the of the 1978 film "Superman: The Movie".

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I firmly believe that Brady did what Manning failed to do against the Steelers. Brady calmly moved his team into position for an automatic FG.

Take note there was no desperation shot at the EZ.
Then again we are talking about a FG to win and a FG to tie and a bit more time than that... interesting compare and contrast in any case.

Does anyone have any thoughts on kickers? Their roles? Compensation?
Anyone just not a fan of Mike Vanderjagt?

Here's a joke read...
LazyManJackson said:
I'm not a fan of Mike Vanderjerk.

That video sums him up, that and being a retarded ape
wow... really tapped the smack vein... let's be a little more dignified now my little pom from across the pond. :winker: hahahahaha...

I guess it is fair to say "idiot/liquored up" though...
if Peyton says it it is has to be true.:ha:

That joke story is a false report and I can not find it anywhere except on forums. I didn't know whether it would be best to post it as a tiny link or post the story in quote box...(edit?)
Colts kicker Mike Vanderjagt attempted to take his own life yesterday at his Indianapolis home. Carmel 911 received a frantic call from Janalyn Vanderjagt at about 4:35 Monday evening. Apparently, Janalyn had just arrived home along with the couples son Jay Michael. Janalyn found her husband Mike attempting to hang himself in the couples bedroom. Janalyn tried to persuade Mike to rethink what he was about to do.

Mike repeatedly attempted to kick the chair out from under him but was unsuccessful.:ha:

That's when Janalyn called 911. Police along with fire and rescue were dispatched to the suburban Indianapolis home. Rescue personnel were able to talk Vanderjagt down after about 10 minutes. Vanderjagt remained in an area hospital today in stable condition.
The point is as far as I can tell that story ran as news and has since been retracted... thus I can only find it as reposted. Still kinda funny.

I have decided to re-create this post at

here is the link. I wonder what they might say...:hmm:
what people you don't know think of this post/topic

by forum members at said:
krazieboltfan said:
kickers make clutch kicks during crunch time. but if the team cant get the kicker in the situation to make the winning field goal than they are all but worthless. i like vinatierri, the best clutch kicker in NFL history but i dont think he'll make that big a difference for the colts in the playoffs. they could have used him last year but this year like u suggested without edge their not goin anywhere wen it comes to making it to the big dance. imo. would be kind of ironic if the colts played the pats during the playoffs and vinatieri makes the game winner.
FinNasty23 said:
The Pats are retarded for letting AdamV go... I am pretty stoaked about it. I cant tell you how many damn game winning kicks he has had against us alone...

However, knowing the Patriots... they will probably turn Gramatica into the new clutchest kicker in the NFL... :hot:
JesusDavey said:
they got 3 sbs in 5 years , retarded is nowhere near that franchise and won't be for probably a good while
CBH said:
Can you say " Down side of a career?" He's not going to imp[rove, he's not getting any younger. I think Vander-idiot has a stronger leg, he is the most accurate kicker can you get better than that? Every kicker misses now and again.

I think they could have used the cap money in a better way to help the team as a whole. Only once that I can remember were they close enough in an important game that a kick would have made a difference, seems to me they either blow people out or get blown out in the playoffs.

That playoff loss to the Steelers was lost not soley by a kick, but bad calls on the Offense and bad D.

Kickers are truly a dime a dozen.
chilli311 said:
Vanderjagt was supposed to be one of the elite kickers in the league last year too. It's amazing how one shank can screw a whole career for a kicker. Hell, I remember all the people calling for Nate's head after the playoff game!
FinNasty23 said:
I will insult that team all I want... I ****ing hate them with a passion...
Originally posted by runnerone
As much as I've always liked to watch that clip, I just gotta say, you really suck for posting that salt in our wound here.

Thank you, have a nice day

This post is the first and only reply from patriots planet. :rolleyes:

Vinatieri is a bit better than Vanderjagt (primarily on kickoffs), but the Colts are clearly worse overall thus far. They lost Edge, Thornton, and Larry Tripplett and added... er... nobody...
They drafted Benson, but the GM or Coach or Owner, one of them said they will need two good backs on the team, so whether Jones get traded is up in the air.
I was just wondering because they might let Jones go if they think Benson's got potential but if they want two good backs, all you can say is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................
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