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I'm so tired of you all just giving up on vince young so quick! Yea you can throw some stats at me but i don't care!

Here is what I thought about the game....

1. I don't believe Chow is using Young the right way! Vince makes plays outta the shot gun but for some reason we just don't run the gun as much as we need to!

2. all great QB's have some great WR's RB's or TE's around them what does young have?

3. Plus he doesn't look loose, I don't know why but he just doesn't! We have to work the offense around him and as of right now were NO where close!

Vince told the fans we would make the playoffs and what happen we made them!

I just hope of the 08 season Tennessee just puts some playmakers around him! We need a game breaking WR and a very solid TE. As soon as we get that then are offense is gonna be great! Lendale is going to be a good one but with a solid wr and te running lanes will open up!

As far as the D goes I think we'll be just fine if pac comes back to the team! I mean just think about it, Secondary court, pac, mike and hope!!! Plus are front 7 is one of the best in football! We really need to work on the offense in the off season!
I just get tired of these fools acting like this! I mean Gage was a nice lil pick up but can anyone and I mean anyone NAME one game breaker on the offense? It's a team sport, not just vince! FO needs to get the tools to help out vince!!!!
if they aren't going to let vince run then they shouldn't have drafted him. if he's not running because of the leg injury then ok.
Titans got caught up in his Rose Bowl performance, all the hype. Too bad option QBs in college can't make it in the pros.
Some years ago, there was a commercial where two guys are driving a Corvette 5 mph in a parade. One guy says to the other, "This is so wrong."

I was reminded of that commercial every time I watched the Titans play this year. Now granted, I don't know everything that goes on in the boardrooms or on the sidelines and I doubt that many of us really do. But it looks to me like Norm Chow has Vince Young on such a short leash that he's choking off any chances for success for the Titans.

Granted, Mike Reinfeldt didn't do the Tennessee offense any favors last off season - and that may be part of the problem - but would it kill the Titans to go deep every now and then?

It's painful to such a snail's-pace offense and it's even more painful to watch such a gifted athlete spend three hours either handing off the ball or throwing seven yard outs.
Xplayer52 said:
I just get tired of these fools acting like this! I mean Gage was a nice lil pick up but can anyone and I mean anyone NAME one game breaker on the offense? It's a team sport, not just vince! FO needs to get the tools to help out vince!!!!
I get tired of fans that cant' see that it wouldn't matter who we had at receiver. Young can't throw a deep ball, he's has horrible accuracy, and can't identify or decyfer the most elementary of defense's... he's a one trick pony that scored a 6 on his Wonderlic test. If we had a Owens, Moss or Johnson at receiver, we would have side-line drama because they wouldn't put up with and get tired of Youngs hack job.
Vince isn't a great QB now. But he also just finished his 2nd season after leaving school early and has little talent around him. Lots of QBs who ended up being great had poor or average stats in their first couple of seasons.

It's way to early to make any final judgments, either way...
Xplayer :
1. There aren't too many rushing plays you can have from the shotgun. So we should use the shotgun more so that the defenses will know when we are going to pass?? more shotgun isn't the answer, play action is.
2. Yes vince needs better talent at receiver for 2 reasons. our guys can't get seperation to get open. when they are open they can't hang onto the ball. If we caught half of the dropped passes this year,vince would probably not look quite as bad statiscly.
3. Looseness could be several factors. trying to learn to pass is one factor. being injured is another. Thinking that he is just going to pull it down and take off for 30yd touchdown runs is not going to happen anymore after his rookie season when he schooled people doing that. I don't think he's going to get away from bob sanders spying him. defenses are playing him different now that they know what he can do, but in the long run that will be an advantage when teams have less coverage on receivers adn we have receivers that can take advantage of single coverage and vince can recognise that and get them the ball.
The last part of the equation is that vince's opportunities for cutting him some slack are almost over. Next season is going to be the one for him to really blossom as a passer, so time will tell how good he is really going to be.
As a passer, Vince has no potential. If they have no intentions of using his legs, his draft choice doesn't make any sense. No top receiver will want to be a Titan as long as Vince is here. I'd love to eat my words in this off-season with a big signing, because without it, we have maxed out at 10-6 and barely sneaking into the playoffs.
ncaalover12 said:
Titans got caught up in his Rose Bowl performance, all the hype. Too bad option QBs in college can't make it in the pros.

Did you ever watch Texas play while vince was there? They very rarely ran the option. I mean if you call the zone read an option play then maybe. But it's not like nebraska of the early 90's.
utdtitans said:
Did you ever watch Texas play while vince was there? They very rarely ran the option. I mean if you call the zone read an option play then maybe. But it's not like nebraska of the early 90's.

The zone read is a type of option play, and yeah I did watch VY while he was at Texas. For some reason he actually seemed to be a decent passer in addition to an awesome runner while in college. I'd love to see him succeed, but whether it's him, the coaches, or the gameplan for some reason I'm having a hard time believing he can get the job done.
I'd like to see the zone read put back into our offense personally. I feel last year it was quite effective at times. I mean maybe not with lendale but put henry in there for it and it will be tough to defend. I'm hoping a big part of his running is this quad injury which will heal in the offseason. I mean it's only his 2nd year and we don't need to panic yet. Very few qbs are successful in their first two years unless they have superior talent around them.
You can run perfectly well out of a shotgun, as long as you send out 3 or more WR's. And with Vince as a potential runner, it becomes deadly. I think it would benefit the team as Vince can see more of the field at snap and see more as the play develops. In play action, you may fool the defense some of the time, and get some time when you do, but in my opinion Vince needs more time to see the defense from snap than less. If you have fast WR's that will help too, as it creates more chaos which will help Vince. We need guys who can get open, instead of tall possession receivers. That said, Gage seemed to click with Vince so he may be the exception. But My vision of the best offense is shotgun, spread, speed rb, and speed WR's. I think we should be a fast team, except when the Defense is fast, and when it is, use lendale to pound them.
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