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Originally posted by Bipolar Titan
Well, I'd like to update you all that the smack war is over and the ends have justified the means. It all dealt with the practice of "self-moderation abuses"
Basically, if you declared anything that was not Pro-Colts, you were banished to basement. This was a result of the voting a reputation point system and the practice of "giving thanks" which is tagging whatever one might like with a public thankyou... kinda different, but OKAY... If it only took 2 dereppings to banish a poster to what is called here "the assclown asylum" ... very unfair. In December shortly after joining I was banished to "the basement" after making fair remarks about the SanDiego game... did not sit well with some and I had to argue my way back... well, after watching some strange smack shack practices go on, practices that many boards would not tolerate... I decided that I had seen enough, plus I was tired of thinking about Vince Young and the McNair saga... so yada, yada, yada...

too much for me to tell and more than you care to read...

yada, yada, yada...

I made war...
I came here for an innocent... to get one to join up just so I could illustrate how easily one could be segregated...

didn't happen cause it didn't matter...
found one anyhow... he was derepped for nothing and banished... then I had a case...

and now, repping is moderated by a rep mod there to assure that one is not unjustly revoked of their posting privilages...

so, in summation, it was more than fun.
There was profit. There was merit...
And now is a more visitor/user friendly site...

Anyhow, just thought I owed an explanation... one might ask... why not just state these intentions in the first place? Well, I believe that any rational person would care even less... I didn't think that I could appeal to someones sense of fairness when it pertained to something they did not care about...

So, I figured my best bet was to appeal to the primal side of the human psyche. You guys are obviously way to evolved to engage in raiding and pillaging. That's fine... But I and my user group have given ALL those that were relegated to the basement their full posting privillages again. A clean slate all the way around.

I have no idea how I was not "put back in the basement" ... maybe they gave me some kind of tolerance because I argued my way back out of the basement... anyhow....

I couldn't allow you guys to just dismiss me as some nut with no life and a chip on his shoulder. The only reason I ever went to Coltfreaks was because I made friends with a troll at goTitans.

Here is a fun link by that sorta. Ironically he is one of many mods at Coltfreaks... maybe that is how I was able to walk such a fine line....

anyhow... Coltfreaks is becoming a different place. If you have been there before and were turned off I encourage you to return. Perhaps even click that picture and register... since you are such historic rivals and all...

your bored Titan friend.

John F. Wilkerson

ps- Clinton/Obama '08 baby!!!

oh, here is something I dug up trolling around. It seems some of ya'll don't like these folks too much... I dunno...

This is Bipolar trying to make goodwill...

and banter mate!

read up on this full circle.

smile is active link.

this is posted at Patriots Planet. Could entice a Bolts vs. Pats War.:brow:
damn straiht. T4Ten... jay has told me about you.
we are the same you and I.

he says we all need to head for the chargers site.

says we need to organize a smack invasion on the raiders.

he says the are due.

I think they are due.

so, we unite the afc west.

buddy with the broncos.
buddy with the bolts.

let the Chiefs come to their aid. :ha:

what do you guys think. ???
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