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On ESPN today, 4-16, they were talking about Vince Youngs NFL career. He has hired his family lawyer to be his agent, (this lawyer helped raise Vince while his dad served time). His dad is now his buisness manager. Hummmmm. His agent/lawyer accually said, "Just send me Carson Palmers contract, and I'll change the numbers". Hummmmm. I wasn't the only one saying, "Things that make you go Hummmmm" on this one. Vince is also hiring something called 'Team Vince' to help negotiate his up and coming contract. This is becoming very interesting. I wonderlic (ha-ha) how long 'Team Vince' is going to keep QB Vince out of camp? If he is picked at #3, I can almost guarantee he won't sign until #4, #5 and #6 do. Those picks could be D'Brick, Hawk, Mario, Leinart, Cutler or a few other big names.
As for ESPNs panel, they seemed torn on were he would get selected. One thinks that Vince is the Second Coming and another stated that he COULD fall as far as #7. One mentioned a poll saying #20.
But any way, I'm still furious about how these contracts are handled. WHY do we, or any other team, pay a player possibly millions of dollars to sit on the bench for a year? We MIGHT take Young (or whomever), with #3, sit through negotiations for a month or 2, fight to get him into camp, pay him some out-of-this-world amount of money KNOWING he will be the teams bench warmer in 2006? Why? Because that's the way it's done.
Well I'm here to tell you that I've got some wild ideas about how this could be handled. Two ideas to be of fact. One of the ideas I posted here last year and seemed to draw some attention. It goes a little like this;
A player does not sign a contract until after his first full year in the NFL. His first year in the NFL, he will be payed a minimum based on where he is selected in the draft. Let's say, using madeup salary figures, #1 gets 2 million, #2 gets 1.8 million, #3 gets 1.6 million and so on down the line. The idea is, is to let the player possibly prove what he is worth in the NFL BEFORE paying him out the a$$. It takes alot of the gambling out of these players and allows the team to keep the money for proven players. The only flaw being, is that the player has no ties to the team that selected him. If he pans out in his first year, Jevon Kearse, he could end up getting more money than he would have got if he had signed as a rookie. There could be something thrown in that forces the player to stay with the team for atleast 3 years unless that team refuses to sign him in his second year. Hope you all can follow my thinking.
My second idea is insane, but try to understand the impact of it. If Vince Young signed a contract TODAY without being selected in the draft yet, saying that he wants 22 million for 3 years, would we select him? Does this fall under Price Tagging, probably! Let's say Leinarts tag is 25 million for 3 years, Cutlers is 19 million for 3 years, Vince wants 22 million for 3 years and Mario wants 17 million for 3 years (I'm making up these figures as I go along just to make a point). Would that change the way we would select our #3 choice? Then some player decides to lower his tag price to try to push himself up in the draft. Having a hard time deciding between Leinart and Young?, well Young will save your team 3 million. Instead of being the draft, this is more like Rookie Free Agency. It is insane, but it would change the way the draft would be handled
Collective bargaining, the salary cap and the player's association have created the beast that now exists. Yes, it's insane to pay a guy that much money who has yet to play a down in the NFL, however, more than likely he won't be around long enough to collect it all.

If you had these 1 year rookie contracts, the league would be in more of a financial mess than it is at present. Also, the league does have incentive based bonuses in place to compensate players who exceeded their contract's worth, i.e., Reynaldo Hill.
i think the second idea would make everything really difficult, but the first one definately makes sense, since there are a lot of rookies that are busts
Based on your first idea what happens if the Titans take Vince with the 3rd pick and McNair comes back. Then Vince rides the pine watching Steve for a year. At the end of that year Vince has done nothing on the field. Now Dud could/would use this as a barganing tool with Major Adams (Vinces agent).

The NFLPA would never allow the slotted NBA type system to get by. Think about every time a 4th rounder turns out to be a real monster. The team that drafted him gets him for 4th round money. Under your system the team may have to pony up big money for a player they could have had on the cheap for 3 years. How do you decide who is more valuable in after year one. The "franchise" QB you drafted in the first round and sat on the bench or the 4th round RB that got a 1000 yards. Tell vince that Gerald Riggs Jr. is going to be making about what he is. Tell Dud he has to pay a 4th rounder like a 1st rounder.
elfinmagic53 said:
Collective bargaining, the salary cap and the player's association have created the beast that now exists. Yes, it's insane to pay a guy that much money who has yet to play a down in the NFL, however, more than likely he won't be around long enough to collect it all.

If you had these 1 year rookie contracts, the league would be in more of a financial mess than it is at present. Also, the league does have incentive based bonuses in place to compensate players who exceeded their contract's worth, i.e., Reynaldo Hill.:brow:

great post there Suzie Kolbert. that was Melissa Starkish!

fitantians, what do you think the players union would say?
i'd imagine it would end there... i dunno... :hmm:
My thoughts:

Implement a set pay scale for rookies, with signing bonuses commensurate to their draft position, and heavy incentive bonuses. So if a 4th round RB exploded as a rookie (a la Domanick Davis or Samkon Gado), he'd end up making as much or more than a top 10 pick who flopped, or sat all year long. (This would also allow teams to let QB's sit for a year or two without getting an immediate return-on-investement.)

Now for some of the screwier ideas:

Implement a sliding scale where a player's salary jumps every year throughout his rookie contract...I'm talking 200-400% increases annually. This would provide an incentive for teams to get their guys locked down long-term after 3 or 4 years. However, just to make things interesting....I'd also stipulate that the intial rookie contracts not count against the salary cap; this would give teams a bit more flexibility under the cap, while putting more money in the players' pockets.

I'd also like to see a system implemented that rewarded teams for keeping longtime veteran players in the fold....perhaps some kind of cap relief commensurate with the player's tenure, or something like that. Or maybe allow each team to select one or two players whose base salaries are not counted against the cap...but no player can count more than once in his career.

I realize that these are little more than the ramblings of a madman...but it's a slow day, and there's nothing else going on. :kiss:
Was anything concerning rookie contracts addressed in the CBA? I think this season will show a record number of holdouts. I can see the Titans drafting a QB at #3 only to see him sit out mini-camps and into training camp so that the Titans wouldn't use him until mid-season or later even if the #1 goes down.
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