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Draft a franchise left tackle if Michael Roos isn't the answer. Poor pass protection will stump VY's growth as a passer.

Draft a number one wide receiver. The WR should never take plays offs because VY can keep plays alive with his feet.

Don't surround VY with rookie WR's. IMHO David Givens isn't a number one wide receiver, but the vet will help VY's grow as a passer.

Don't fire Jeff Fisher if the Titans have a bad season. Continuity is key in VY's growth as a QB. A change in system could set VY back years.

It doesn't sound like Norm Chow is fitting a square peg in a round hole. I love the fact that the Titans are watching film of the "option" to take full advantage of VY's strengths.
Sunshine2 said:
Don't fire Jeff Fisher if the Titans have a bad season. Continuity is key in VY's growth as a QB. A change in system could set VY back years.

then they don't wanna fire Chow either (since it's his system)

and how many years exactly will it set him back ?
he's only been here a few months ........... it can't set him back any further than his tenure
Puck said:
then they don't wanna fire Chow either (since it's his system)

and how many years exactly will it set him back ?
he's only been here a few months ........... it can't set him back any further than his tenure

I agree. Keeping continuity with the same OC is also key.

My Blueprint is for the next 4 years. Mike Vick's growth as a QB was stumped by a new OC and a new system. Dan Reeves warned the Atlanta Falcons owner his firing would set Vick back a couple of years and he was right. In Vicks second year under Reeves, Vick had his best year as a QB putting up career highs in passing yardage, TD's and QB rating. IMHO if Reeves was still coach Vick would be a better QB today.
Hoffa said:
IF they have a bad season because Fisher lost control of the team again, then you have to consider it.

This is where conventional thinking is flawed.

Why should it be assumed that anyone else could "keep control" of the team?

Having a bad season has a lot to do with how well the other teams play on any given Sunday.

The notion of Fisher lacking job security because of the Titan's w/l record is crazy talk.
Well...many would argue with that.

VY needs time to develop and watch the game from the Titans point of view, keeping the OC is vital as..................
Slackmaster said:
Why should it be assumed that anyone else could "keep control" of the team?

The notion of Fisher lacking job security because of the Titan's w/l record is crazy talk.
If Fisher loses control of the team like he did last year, he must go. There are lot's of cases where new coach's have taken over programs and regained control, like Couglin with the Giants.
And I'm not talking his job security is in jeporady because of the w/l record, but because of the team's lack of disipline that we saw last year.
Hoffa said:
If Fisher loses control of the team like he did last year, he must go. There are lot's of cases where new coach's have taken over programs and regained control, like Couglin with the Giants.
And I'm not talking his job security is in jeporady because of the w/l record, but because of the team's lack of disipline that we saw last year.
I completely agree and mentioned it during the bye week.

Fisher's strength is dealing with the media. He's always been average with the X's and O's (IMO) but he's always had players working hard for him. Last year, the team seemed to lack concentration, discipline and intensity outside of the Ravens game and Fisher didn't address it. By November, the players had mailed it in. The final two games were a total and complete embarrassments. Fisher waited until after the season to deal with an issue that should have been taken care of in September.
Amen! I would have said Oct. rather than Sept., but the last quarter of the season was completely unacceptable. A coach is responsible for what he gets out of his players. It's not everything, but it's a HUGE consideration. If Fisher doesn't right the ship this season, he deserves to go, much as I've loved him. I don't care about the record that much, if we go 5-11, but we're playing good, hard football, and we just didn't get the W a few times, that's ok. (not ok, but doesn't deserve firing). If we're 6-9 at the last game, and don't come to play hard to close at home against the pats and get pushed around, and players quit, Fisher doesn't deserve to stay.
I don't think Schwartz has any real fans on here. Maybe there are a few that don't think he needs to be fired, but I don't think I've ever really heard a pro-schwartz argument, usually just "it's not ALL his fault".
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