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Ok. Odds are if you are a Titans fan you are feeling negative feelings towards one or more parties... Titans have got alot of problems on several fronts. First and foremost the quarterback situation... you know all the players. I'm going to come up with options... combinations. Just vote for one or more... who has cheesed you off the most, It ain't pulic... just a barometer for where people stand as far as who has ticked them off. If you feel the need drop a post and lay some blame... it's all good. Tell Bipolar who you be hatin' on.

And don't worry... there's no rule that says you must begin your post with the phrase, "I be hatin' on __________" ...but it helps. :brow:
"Boo hoo, my veteran isn't getting his 10 million dollars so I'm going to whine and complain to the press. Boo Hoo." I'm sick of Cook. Either make a deal or walk away. I'm tired of the shenanigans.

PS: Great Poll! My write in votes are for the the Redskins and Cowgirls. I've got friends who are Redskin and Cowboys fans respectively. Therefore, I hope we beat them so I can wear my Titans jersey and say "I told you so..."

EDIT: Shenanigans is an awesome word..........:)
GoTitans3801 said:
I'm honestly surprised that there aren't more votes for schwartz, even though we haven't talked about him in a month or so.

Well I voted for that dumb squat. This is his year of reckoning, if the defense sucks this year with all the signings, His butt maybe out as well.
Our coaches, which would probably include Fisher, had better hope for atleast an 8-8 season or think about getting their resumes up dated.
I'd say today, Bus Cook. But Bud Adams is a close second. Not because I disagree with anything he has said, but because the draft is three weeks away, and he is the worst poker player ever.
GoTitans3801 said:
I'm honestly surprised that there aren't more votes for schwartz, even though we haven't talked about him in a month or so.

Well, with the upgrades on defence I decided to give him another year to prove me wrong.
I will go for that greedy agent named Cook, it is his job to get Steve a juicy contract but, he is getting old and he is not in his prime, let him finish his carreer here, get 2 2 year contract and shut the **** up Cook, we need Steve to win more games this year, Volek is not the answer, the rookies is not the answer, if Steve go, then why Floyd Reese and the FO made those efforts and bring help (Givens, Mawae, Hope and Thornton).
poor Cutler, hasnt been mentioned in months and already he is the target of hate.

Not his fault he is 'over-hyped', blame the media.
I be hatin' on Bud Adams. But, errrrmm, BiPolar, why wasn't GUNNY on that list? I be hatin' on him way more than anyone else on that list.:irked: :brow:
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