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That quote was great.

That article hit the nail on the head why so many of us have serious doubts about him becoming a Titan. Its not just his Wonderlic.
This guy raises character issues that none of us have seen.....Including him. Nothing but a bash article.

And a classless one at that.
Only three facts in the article.

1. Poor initial Wonderlic then a 16. (plenty of NFL greats that re-took or got a 16)
2. Chose his buddy for his agent. (poor judgement)
3. He didn't wear a suit to meet the president.

The rest was spin and hype. I don't know Vince that well, but I don't think he has a criminal record or h/o night club incidents or emotional short-comings. I'm particularly irritated a major premise of the article was "the NCAA aint the NFL". No SHI7! Every other NFL great had to make the same transition and to speculate that Vince can't do it because he doesn't know how, or have the desire or ability, to is preposterous. If the article were fair he'd reference NFL greats that were draft sleepers or NFL bombs that did wear a suit.
I read the article and it is just an opinion piece. I don't see anything that shows Young has "bad" character. Is this guy saying that Young was the only player that goes around with a "posse"? Some may call them "a group of friends". According to John McClain, Major Adams is a well respected attorney that is legit. getting into the sports agent business and that Young isn't his only client.

I have said I would like to draft Young, but ONLY after he has been put thru the ringer by our staff. The tests at combine etc., I couldn't care a hill of beans about. I care about what our staff sees when they put him to the test. I do find it ironic that suddenly Young is a bad and immature person eventhough everything during his career at Texas point to otherwise. Makes you wonder if this guy who wrote this has an agenda.
I'm a hundred percent with Gunny on this one, I want Bush. I would like leinart if we have to take a qb, but I'm not dumb enough to be angry if the team gets VY. I don't see how we can mess this draft up. We can either get one of the big three or trade down and get Hawk, Ferguson, or Cutler.
I honestly don't see one shred of evidence that Vince Young has any character deficiencies (I don't like neckties, either);I DO think Young has gotten the worst pre-draft counsel and management I've seen in a while.
This article wasn't about character deficiencies, it was that guy's opinion on if Young is showing that he has what it takes (beyond athleticism) to make it as an NFL pro QB. Mostly, he discussed the will to prepare constantly, and how important that is, and used the three things he mentioned to say that he's not using the opportunities he has to show that he can be prepared when he needs to be. I searched the article just to be sure, and he doesn't even use the word character. It's not about potential off the field issues getting in the way, it's about him being willing/able to do the training/studying off the field to succede. While it may draw some quick points, I don't think it's that bad an analysis. I wasn't a "bash" article, and I don't think it's inappropriate to view Young's ability/williness to work at entering the NFL based on what he's been doing since the Rose Bowl.
GoTitans3801 said:
..., it's about him being willing/able to do the training/studying off the field to succede.
All that time spent watching films every waking moment hasnt' put any rings on Peyton's finger.

It's a balance of ability, dedication, and LUCK...
Come does this guy know what effort Young is putting in? Is he saying based on these 3 incidents that Young isn't preparing himself for the NFL? If he is, he is the immature one. Has he been following Young around 24/7? How does he know if Young hasn't been working out etc. to get ready?

The article is an opinion piece.
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