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Everyone has talked about brining Kerry Collins in if McNair leaves, but what about Joey Harrington? I know he's been talking to the Dolphins, but we could offer him a realistic chance of starting for the whole year, not like Miami who will definitely go for Culpepper as soon as he gets healthy. I know Harrington isn't the best QB, but I'd rather have him than Collins. What does everyone think?
I think it is a possiblity that I'd look into before going after Collins. Doug Flutie said on NFL network that 5 teams have contacted him. I wonder if we are one of them.
Doug Flutie might be a good option as far as mentoring Young, but he's said that he doesn't want to play for anyone but the Patriots.
Don't waste your money on a Quarterback with delusions of being your starter... Let Volek do his thing. Get Vince in the game around Week 10.

You'd probably win more games than you did this year.

What you need to be doing, is trying to get Ray-Ray in that trade for McNair.
I think it's OK to have a QB that has delusions of being a starter. In fact, I wouldn't really want a guy that didn't think he could compete for the job. Now, as a vet, you have to know that Vince is going to get his turn. But a guy like Harrington could step up the competition in training camp and provide similar aspects to his game to run some of the VY plays. Of course, VY is going to run the Chow designed VY plays better. But Harrington - if he can be had at a reasonable price - is not a terrible stopgap. If he does well, you probably can trade him for some value when VY's ready to go. Seems like a reasonable tack to take.

The problem with Harrington is that there are potentially 1 or 2 teams out there that think he's potentially underrated and could be a starter and will be willing to pay more for him.
I'm just saying let them have Harrington. Volek is already there, and for all anyone knows, he may be the next DelHomme.... I mean has he ever had a chance to be the man??

This time next year, people may be willing to give you a third, maybe a second for Volek.

In the games I've seen(and I admit, they weren't alot) but I haven't seen anything that would warrant paying Joey when you already have Volek.

and I'm a Joey Harrington fan from wishing the Texans signed him in '02.
word has it that Millen fabricated the Browns scenario to get Miami to up the ante for Joey, I think all they were offering was a 6th
I'd rather have Harrington that Collins, at least Joey can move around a little bit, when was the last time you saw Collins dancing around the pocket...............
thunderkyss said:
Don't waste your money on a Quarterback with delusions of being your starter... Let Volek do his thing. Get Vince in the game around Week 10.

i agree. i think volek will get hurt between week 4 & 8, he looks like a highschool kid out there he wont make. i say if we have 4 losses by week 6 let vince go, if we're gona be loosing anyway, lets at least give him some practice. i know letting mcnair sit was good, but young is more ready, and you cant learn much from a clipboard.
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