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I had the misfortune of going to the jets-pats game last night and I think that without a doubt that Jets fans are the worst people ever. I've been to plenty of titans games and a handful of giants games and I've never had a problem with any of their fans. However, this was my first jet game and I think it's easy to say I'm never going to another one. I know the eagles and raiders have horrible fans also...but I'm gonna say the jets are the worst (28 fights and a stabbing last week led the owners to not sell beer last night at the stadium)
I think the NFL should step in and take away home games from stadiums that can't control the fans from assaulting.

Should be fairly easy to administer the policy. eg- set a number of incidents where a home fan undeniably assaulted a visiting fan equals loss of 1 home game next season. Obviously, the incidents would have to be criminal, assault, damage of property etc.
Well, at least you took part in history...555th and last episode of MNF on ABC.
That's a small consolation I know but what do you expect from a bunch of freezing yankees that have had to walk to work all week? (transit strike) That and the no beer thing too? That's a recipe for disaster.
I'm not sure if I should wear a Titans Jersey or not when I go see them in Philly next season. I definately will at the Redskins game, they don't scare me.(by the way if anyone wants to join me in Philly next year let me know, i'm gonna pay rape prices from a ticket broker though.)

I am not to far away from Philly,I live in Southern NJ...I am 100% going to the Stinkin'Lincoln next season.I DO NOT wear jerseys anymore though,I have enough scars from when I played.I will in fact be sporting some Titans gear and also some Oilers gear also.These Iggles fans are the worst,but Jets fans are similar........>>SAD PEOPLE<<,Keep in touch,I can get Tix fairly cheap.Lets get a row of Titans fans chearing Matt Lienart on....
ya'll know nothing until you meet Collingwood fans. You wouldnt find a bigger bunch of bogan drop kicks in your life, also not one Collingwood fan has a full set of teeth.
The worst part of all the fan violence in NY is it's fan on fan. It isn't fans of the other teams getting stabbed, The guy that did the stabbing was a Jets fan who stabbed to Jets fans.
I've worn Oiler and Titan jerseys to both Giant and Jet home games as well as in Baltimore. Generally, you'll get comments from the "peanut gallery" but that's all you'll get. I'll give it right back. I'm born and raised in New Jersey and I'm not afraid or ashamed to wear my favorite team's jersey into any facility. I will agree though that Jet fans are pretty rough around the edges. Alcohol has a lot to do with it. Raven fans are a close second.

Giant fans handle themselves pretty well. It may have to do with the twenty something year waiting list and the fact that if you are ejected from a game and you are a season ticket holder, you lose your seats forever. That also goes for anyone else sitting in your seat or seats. Meaning if you sell your tickets to a buddy at work and he gets thrown out, you lose your tickets. In other words, the Giants hold their fans somewhat responsible for the actions or themselves as well as others. Good policy if you ask me...
Hey Grunny

I played college ball @ Syracuse University,semi-pro locally.I am getting to old to take the pounding on my body or I'd still be playing.....also I am fat and out of shape(Unless you consider round a shape) now,Thanks for asking though.
NjTitanGuy420 said:
I played college ball @ Syracuse University,semi-pro locally.I am getting to old to take the pounding on my body or I'd still be playing.....also I am fat and out of shape(Unless you consider round a shape) now,Thanks for asking though.

Actually Gunny, what he's trying to say is he has a "well rounded" physique:lol:
Jets fans are bad. Jag-wire fans are nearly as bad or worse. Some of them beat someone wearing another team jersey, and hospitalized him, in a parking garage earlier this year.

Edit: I thought he'd died, but I was mistaken.
I'm not fat, I'm big-boned.
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