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avvie said:
And, it restates in a more direct way what I've been saying since the Rose Bowl: Nobody on this board EVER mentioned Vince Young (that I'm aware of) until that game was won, and suddenly it was as if Leinart had never existed after I sat through reading hundreds of posts about how great Lienart is, and how badly these fans wanted him. There's always a bigger picture to see, and the sudden "jockjumping" on VY was painful to watch.
Say what you want avvie but there was one poster who was supporting Vince Young even before the Rose Bowl.

Check out the links... the Rose Bowl merely sealed the deal. Take note of the dates. I was sure only to include relevant pre Rose Bowl dates.
There are tons on maximus' posts that are in support of Vince Young. Not all of his predictions pan out perfectly but it's very clear that he was the guy that was pouring the VY kool-aid early on. I at one time thought Leinart was the guy... maximus got me looking at Vince Young and once the Rose Bowl was all said and done... I was 100% sold.

This post is very striking to me.
I personally wanted Matt Leinart, I thought he would be a better fit here, especially with Norm Chow being our OC. But VY will still be great.
Gunny said:
I remember mentioned him after the Rose Bowl against Michigan where he killed them.

That was the first game where I really sat up and took notice of him.

From that point on I wanted him as QB of the Titans, although I didn't think they had a realistic shot at him with the amount of school he still had reamaining.
moose4now said:
That was the first game where I really sat up and took notice of him.

From that point on I wanted him as QB of the Titans, although I didn't think they had a realistic shot at him with the amount of school he still had reamaining.

Yeah that is when I noticed him too...granted I dont get a chance to watch much college games. I never thought we'd have a shot at him.

But then again I never thought we'd have a shot at Antrel Rolle when I thought he was the best college CB.
That guy often posts on the houston rockets board, and I'm not kidding, he has pissed off many people, including me, and is always negative, and is not open to ideas. He's very closed minded. And I'm not even sure how he is a fan of any team, cause he's so negative so much of the time. I can't remember him ever having one positive post on that board in all my time there. Not one. Always degrading other posters as stupid.
It is fun to have debate topics with people, and see what they have to say. But with Overalls he just omits what you have to say, and thinks its stupid. Not every idea or post is great, but show respect towards other people's opinions. He has some good points once in a while, but you can't have a good discussion with him because of the way he is.
Crash Override said:
But with Overalls he just omits what you have to say, and thinks its stupid. He has some good points once in a while, but you can't have a good discussion with him because of the way he is.

CO, just judging by your post count, it looks like you're kinda new, so maybe this will help:

Overalls just likes playing smack. He's really a good guy, and he knows he doesn't have four legs to stand on when it comes to defending the Mighty Cows. But he still enjoys the smack game, and none of the criticisms leveled at him faze fact, he enjoys it.
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
Say what you want avvie but there was one poster who was supporting Vince Young even before the Rose Bowl.

Okay, like I said, that I knew of.

Now run a search on posts about Matt Leinart during the same season previous to the Rose Bowl. see now? :yes:

The defense rests :) (sometimes a bit too much...)
I don't have to run that search. I knew exactly what you meant. I just wanted to point out that maximus was touting Young... he told me to watch him before the hype wave crashed. When I had the chance to watch the Longhorns last season... I did... had maximus not told me to, odds are I might have been watching another game, likely an SEC game.

btw- early on last year I was crying for us to go out and get Leinart.
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