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nendzone said:
You're acting like someone outplayed those guys in camp. Who? Raymond completely dropped to the back of the pack once the real games started, IMO. Antoine Harris is the only guy who put up a fight for one of those final spots at DB, but it's not like he stood out that much, either.

Neither Nickey or Gardner are safe for the long haul. Gardner wouldn't even be on the roster if Waddell hadn't gotten hurt, I'm guessing.

maybe they didnt outplay them. but history has shown us that both of those guys suck. and their upside is slim to none... their ceiling has been reached... you know?!?!

all i'm sayin is lets get some new benchwarmers in that may actually turn into something rather than the ones that have reached their potential.
paraconspiracy said:
why the hell is this guy still on the team?
why did we cut nande and let "donnie friggin nickey" back on. i know nande hadnt proved much yet... but he was good in college and the most athletic LB out of the whole draft last year. slow in the head... yes. but he woulda had time. instead we keep donnie f'n nickey.

someone please explain so maybe i can go to sleep tonight without my head in the toilet

Nickey is a special teams stud. Thats why.
It strikes me as a bit funny that people complain about the "projects" the Titans bring in who don't amount to anything -- even reliable special teams players -- but they are always very ready to get rid of the guys who's ceilings have been reached even if they ARE reliable special teams players, in favor of the unknown who may have more upside.

Nickey moreso than Gardner in that regard as a realiable special teamer, though. Gardner really is lucky that Waddell got hurt.

I would be perfectly fine with them swapping out Nickey for a proven special teams player who may still have more upside at DB. I'm not so anxious for them to get rid of Nickey for a completely unproven "project".
any time someone has 3/4 years experience over a guy he is going to be better. i would always take a rookie 4th (or fifth.. dont remember which he was) rounder over a 3/4 years experienced special teams only guy.

it strikes me a bit funny that people complain about not having LB depth, speed on defense, but want to keep special teams players who aren't helping either.. just to be on the "safe side" only to complain later about how bad said special team players suck when they are actually needed at a real position.

nande isn't a project. he is about as expected from his draft posistion. he isn't a calico or a woolfolk. he didnt get drafted three rounds too early based on potential. he is a rookie that needs to understand the game better. that is all.
our "project" players have all understood the game but where playing positions that were pretty new and unnatural for them. (woolfolk- WR to DB.. calico LB to WR) so yes they were a stretch. i'm not arguing for those guys at all. nande has always been a LB and a damn strong one too.

looking for a future starting MLB thats strong as an ox and fast as a RB?... well he left yesterday
All draft picks are unproven projects. Regardless of round.

And Tulloch is the "MLB of the future" here. He got the coaches' attention in camp when Nande did not.
as a second day pick, you have to earn your roster spot on special teams. if he cant be trusted on special teams he cant be active. if you have someone who cant be active for the games its a waste of a roster spot.

thats what the practice squad is for.
i guess we'll just disagree. i think a special teams player is a waste of a spot when there is talent waiting to be nurtured... you dont. tulloch feels more like a weak side lb to me cause i dont think he's strong enough and will get handled by linemen in the middle. theres a history of some good undersized MLB's though.. so whatever
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