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:lol3: Does anyone see the irony that lies in wino and Hoffa being in pm territory for half the thread? hahaha... I'm so glad I was able to be the one to bust that. hahahaha:ha:

You have made a mess of Muggy's thread now! :hot:

you will pay!!! :boom:
SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
... I'm so glad I was able to be the one to bust that.
I'm so glad you're here too, because

SEC 330 BIPOLAR said:
:lol3: Does anyone see the irony that lies in wino and Hoffa being in pm territory for half the thread? hahaha... I'm so glad I was able to be the one to bust that. hahahaha:ha:

You have made a mess of Muggy's thread now! :hot:

you will pay!!! :boom:

Yeah, I was gonna point out the irony of Hoffa doing essentially what he was getting on Wino for doing (barring the Social Agenda planning, of course...)

But then I would be doing it too...

Anyway, one last time, and sincerely, good luck this year guys. With all the confusion over Volek and some of the negative stuff I'm reading about Brown and Henry, I'm wondering if the Young, White guy era will begin earlier than expected in Tennessee. Well, they've got to get experience at some point.

What's up, how's the wife and kid? You guy planning on tailgating any for the Jets game? Me and a friend plan on arriving downtown somewhat early on game day, maybe we could meet up somewhere. I'll be leaving the ole ball-n-chain and the rug rat at home so maybe we could throw back a couple 2 or three barley-cokes. How's the preseason festivities been going this year?

Say hi to that hottie milf of yours for me. You still hang out at about 30 other NFL team message boards? Was Bob Corker a good mayor? Are there any stingrays in the Chattanooga aquarium? Have you ever seen Rock City?

Ciao for now fella...
oh, everything is fine. you still paying the union dues? :ha:
The baby is getting into EVERYTHING. The wife is doing alright. Her new job is coming along okay. She just went to the store. I think we are having sloppy joes. Some woman from NJ emailed her cell phone number so it looks as if the SR's are gonna have some Jets fans to party with. We can drink some beer pregame. That's an interesting slang... is that what they call them at the union hall? (beers)

I'll be sure to tell the milf you said hi. Yeah, I've been hitting alot of message boards... seems like I just signed up for another one but I never got around to posting there... it was the Green Bay f2fa board.


Corker was a fine mayor on one side of the card and terrible on another. He was big on civic improvement, roads, attractions, ect... but he really slacked bad on the schools and was not much help at all when it came to working with the county seats/commission... all in all he's a douch bag so I'm going to vote for Ford to go to the senate. There are a buttload of stingrays in the aquarium.... I bet the school childeren aren't reaching out to rub their backs this week! Yeah... I saw rock city... I went when I was a kid and I took Mrs. Bipolar there when she was Mrs. ADD... yeah... it was a couple weeks after that I finally :banned:
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