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see, the thing is as smack returners and all that, we must benefit our own forum and self police ourselves... Titan Jeff took a risk going along with my insane ideas about how a user group for smack could be beneficial... to a certain extent we have changed smacks perception here a bit, but if we transform his news articles to smack topics it's sorta like he shot himself in the foot... organized smack, in my mind should result in 1) less moderation, 2) funnier, quality smack... less lame stuff and fewer name calling personal penalties / warnings, bans, etc... also we are exporting smack and drawing in members too... some pan out... some just visit and stay away... so far so good... we just need a few more in the trawl rotation and we need to agitate texanstalk some... we ran them all off... we need to hog tie some texans and drag them back here... that is a trophy to me... catch a troll...

think of yourself hunting for trolls... if Jags and Dawgs joins this forum we just collared a kitty...

Yes I know I'm a diabolical genius.
Most of the posters on the Jags site come back with weak smack from what I have seen. But every once and a while one or two will poke there heads in and a much better smack talkers.

No one is going to get banned over there with what we have done. We riled them up a bit but Tailgator and J&D have both joked around with me. A couple others accept me from there posts and the replies. It was pretty weak when I got there though. Allot of name calling and trailer jokes about tenn fans. I put the fire out pretty quickly though making them look pretty dumb talking about it. I ripped into Dav and he was not even the one who made the original posts.

What is the Texans link again?

Overalls said:
I was glad when the "REAL UT" won the National championship. I have never really followed college football closely. I would check the scores and the national rankings. I have always rooted for ALL Texas teams on the college level. I like it when Rice does well. I am equally happy when San Jac does well. I do have a college degree, but it's just from a low level school that San Jac usually beats up on. Before the draft I wanted the Texans to get some sweet heart deal and trade down a FEW spots. When the Saints picked up Drew I figured that wasn't going to happen and I started to buy into the Reggie Bush hype. I have absolutely nothing against Vince Young, I just didn't believe he was our biggest need. When the Texans signed Mario the day before the draft, I was disapointed. I wasn't disapointed in him as a player and if we would have picked him with the #2 pick in the draft I would have been happy. Now, a month later, I am happy about our pick. I feel Mario could be a beast for us at DE. Before the draft I trolled a number of boards. Some wanted us to trade them Carr. Some wanted us to trade them davis. We now have both players and hopefully a franchise type DE.
One thing we don't have is the Vince Young homers overtaking our board like at the Titans board. I can understand having a fondness for a player, but the way some are lifting him to diety status is sickining. I felt sorry for the Jags when the Razorbacks invaded last year because of MJ, but there is no pro team in Arkansas so I can see a number of those fans sticking with the team when he leaves. A large number of the "new" Titans fans admit they are also Cowboy fans. Can you imagine a bunch of Cowboy fans coming in here claiming to be Texan fans? A number of their new fans also admit that they are really just Vince Young fans. That sounds like they really have no loyalty to the team itself and will be typing the fingers off about starting Vince if Billy makes a misstep. There is already a QB contraversy simmering under the Steve McNair talk. Once McNair is out of the picture I can see this turning into a flame war.
The last group of "new" Titans fans are an embarassment to the Houston area. Even in the face of "true" Titan fans calling them lousey fans, we have former Oiler fans crawling over to the Titans and licking Buds boots. How can a 'true" Oilers fan from Texas stoop so low as to root for a team that traitered out the state. How can a fan of the franchise, that knows the teams history be buddy buddy with cowboy fans. That teams fan base has fallen so shallow because of this one draft pick. A pick that didn't fit their system. A pick that the coaches were not in favor of.

So thank you Titans FO for being the wind to the Texas chaff.

thoughts on post??? Blazing Arrow??? BR??? SLEDGE???

go ahead and start a TEXANS TALK thread... just as you did for the Jags...

if you go of topic in my forum the pooch gets it! :ha:
Carr Bomb, MuddmonsterT, tahuyaman

Hey I just noticed Underalls if trying to form his own smack returners. I knew Carr Bomb and Muddmoster were chums but tahuyaman has also made it pretty obvious he is one too.

That is comedy IMO.
I can't say that I totally disagree with him. We went through the same thing in Knoxville with Manning, but I will say that he spends entirely too much time worrying about it. It's a real burr under his saddle.
Just wait until Vince Young wins the MVP or something... With every success Vince Young has the worse it will be for the ex-Oiler types who follow the Texans but are Longhorn fans. Vince Young is going to be awesome.

I wonder if the Wayne incident makes Harrison number one now.

Manning no like!

OK so Cow filth has spilled over to the Jags boad and here is a ranting from FiloGirl

"The tacks, lets see....they got whatshisname.....oh yea. Young. The one player who you think is going to take you to the SuperBowl promiseland, all by himself. Kicked out the vet that held your team together for a decade, for a kid with ZERO NFL experience and is oh so tight with his newfound sugar daddy Bud. S'alright. Vince Young, meet Mario Williams, turf THEN Mario Williams. Nothing personal. What else...hmm...I don't seem to see anything else positive to add...other than PacMan may be on roster more than in jail this season? "

I figure this deserve more of a response then just from me. I have not totally decided how I am going to respond yet. The rest of the post is not very pleasant either. It seems that a SMACK DOWN is in order.

Here is the link

Board is at


I am sure Broken Record and BioPolar should have something interesting to say?
Jag moderators I guess killed the string. Funny two that I was posting on got killed. Both I had owned the Jags guy on now he it is gone. Oh well.

Wow actually I got the Jaguar smack down. They deleted almost every string I posted on. And took out all but one that has to do with the Titans. I guess when it gets to hot for the Jags they hide under a moderator?
One of the guys was running pretty weak smack so I decided to follow along wait for him to trip up. He did eventually saying something to the effect that he did not poop where he eats. I got this in: Your right you scratch at the door and get let out. Good kitty.

The entire thread was killed. I sent a message to one of the mods asking why with no response. It is sad when a mod on a board is so weak that he deletes entire strings with no warning email or anything. It just shows a lack of class.
Nice zing about deleting my threads. I did not want to bring it up directly. I have made some comments on it but people think I am talking about the Ghost guy on the Colts board. Its funny they do the exact same **** but do not ban me. In all honestly they have no reason under there rules to do so.

I know a few of them hate me. I would say Jagator2005 is definatly one of them. He was one of the people who I burned and my post was taken. Stigma is another one. I think ultimatly he was the reason for the deletion.

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