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Welcome To The HFBM Boards
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Welcome Avvie :applause:

sidenote: It should be known that Avvie is a notorious troll. He used to be all over some coltfreaks back in the day. I mean before I ever even began posting. They know him real well. I kinda sorta brought him back over there... meaning I sent a message and then he popped up. That was before their server crashed and they lost everything.

You guys will see. They eat up some avvie. The love them some avvie.

avvie, I know you are going to join freaks again anyways.
Please use this link to go there when you do.
It has a code in it that will credit my account with a member referral.
This user stat is displayed in member profile.
Thanks guys!
I still use the Kermit avatar in my music forums...I think I got it from Gunny, actually.

Yes, I used to hold BiP's position as official Titan troll at Coltfreaks. Even the notorious RockTheDome started showing some respect :eek:

Things changed a bit as life changed and we went into the gutter....might be time to sneak out again :grrhee:

That is...when my internet gets turned back on again :cuss: Long story, but I'm in a hotel on Lana'i right now...

Catch you later!
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