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Casino kicks arse.

I saw 2 trailers this morning that I was legitimately interested in...

The first was "Everything Must Go". I have to say, I hate Will Ferrell but I loved him in "Stranger Than Fiction" and this looks to be in the same vein. Plus Biggie's son is the little kid in the movie.

The second was the Steve Carrell and Ryan Gosling movie "Crazy Stupid Love". It has Julianne Moore and Emma Stone in it, too. I mean, it could be a funny movie. Then again, it could blow goats. Who knows...

I think I'm going to see "Your Highness" tomorrow, that looks to be pretty funny.
Insidious - 6/10 just for the first half. Then it is downhill from there.

Waiting for Superman - 8/10 Great documentary I recommend it to everyone.
Black Swan-

A psycho-thriller designed to look like a character study which follows a ballet star's descent into madness. Very interesting, but by the time the film ended I wasn't sure what was real and what was hallucination. Good rent though.
I've been contemplating going to Your Highness. On the one hand, Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman = win. On the other hand, it looks so stupid... Too stupid. I love stupid movies like Hot Rod, but this one looks like they're trying to hard.

Maybe you have to go see it blazed?... Because that's exactly the type of movie it looks like.
I've been contemplating going to Your Highness. On the one hand, Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman = win. On the other hand, it looks so stupid... Too stupid. I love stupid movies like Hot Rod, but this one looks like they're trying to hard.

Maybe you have to go see it blazed?... Because that's exactly the type of movie it looks like.

:brow: Yep.

Going to the beer festival first so this may be a long day.
I almost did get drunk with friends last night in order to see Your Highness. Maybe tonight.

But I just got 127 Hours and The Fighter so I may just watch those instead.
^Both are great.

I was excited about Your Highness when Danny McBride first mentioned it about a year ago... but seeing the trailers really did nothing for me. Kind of a let down. I'll still watch, but not expecting much.
I guess I'm the only person in America who does not find Danny McBride funny at all. He was tolerable in Pineapple Express, but that's about it.
I liked Foot Fist Way. He's usually good, even if the movie isn't.

HotRod was awesome though. Probably a top 5 comedy of mine. And I thought it was going to just be stupid.
Little Miss Sunshine

Didn't pay attention to all the Oscar buzz and just took this movie at face value, and I gotta say, I was enjoying this...until the final 10 minutes, then it just got...strange and a little uncomfortable, though I bet all the pedobears watching were loving it.

If you've heard of this movie, then you've heard Juno comparisons, and I thought it was much better, so even if you hate Juno and those pointless, pretentious and pretending-to-be-clever movies whose only purpose of being made is to promote their boring, 2 note indie music... You still might like LMS, because unlike Juno, I thought LMS was actually heart-warming.

Solid family flick, 6/10, would have gave it higher but hated the last 10 minutes.
But I just got 127 Hours and The Fighter so I may just watch those instead.

127 hours is on my queue. Christian Bale owned The Fighter. Every time he wasn't on screen, it got dull. If you're going to watch The Fighter for boxing, you'll be disappointed, it's nothing but a performance movie (i.e. There Will Be Blood), so if you're into those, you'll love it, if not, you'll be bored.
And speaking of bad endings, also recently watched "Haute Tension".

Oh boy, this French horror would have gone down as a great iconic slasher, but the stupid, lazy cop-out ending tarnished its potential legacy for me.

Sorry, I have higher standards for the French than Americans when it comes to horror, but I'll still give it 5/10 because the blood and gore doesn't disappoint. And the movie is eye candy, the cinematography was gorgeous, it had that grainy "SAW" look, which I love.
Your Highness - 3/10

Truly a disaster. I walked out after about 40 minutes. We even chugged several beers down in the car before going in... Still didn't do anything. I don't think being high would've made it good either. It was like 11:45 when we walked out and couldn't get a refund but they let us swap movies... Only options were Lincoln Lawyer and Source Code. I've already seen Lincoln Lawyer so it was Source Code or nothing.

Source Code - 5.5/10

It sucked as I expected. But it's getting great reviews which is confusing to me. It's kind of like Vantage Point in ways (which blew chunks). 8 minutes shown in multiple different ways. Better than I expected, but I was expecting something simply horrendous.
Just got done watching the show Friday Night Lights. Really good, one of the most underrated shows I've ever seen. And it's much better than the movie in my opinion especially because of the superior acting and writing, so if you liked the movie in any fashion, good chance you'll love the show. Even though the show is focused on characters and relationships, the actual football scenes were still quite strong, I was pretty impressed.

9/10 for the entire series. Season 4 was probably my favorite.
127 Hours - 9/10

Couldn't have been any better. To take a story so confined and isolated and make it work so well is impressive. Franco did an awesome job. Such a shame he had to be in the Your Highness crapfest.

The Fighter - 9/10

Awesome movie. Felt like I was watching a classic. I'm a big fan of Bale and Wahlberg, and the acting was great all around. I've never cared too much for Amy Adams, but she did a great job too. The only thing I was scratching my head about was Micky's (Mark Wahlberg's) weight which was 146 lbs. There's just no way. Why does Christian Bale have to gain/lose so much weight in all of his roles??? The dude is jacked in both Batman films, smaller than anyone I know in the Machinist, and about my size (but more awkward shaped) in The Fighter.

Both movies make my top 5 list of 2010, easily.
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