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Call me a 10 year old, but I'm more interested in Kung Fu Panda 2 than Hangover 2. The later just looks like rehashed bull. Due Date was also unwatchable.
Ok i finished turned out to be ok after one point i wondered why it wasnt called wall street. Wish they would have had less thugs and killing and more parts of what you can do when taking the drug. I give it a 6/10
The critics are hailing it as a pretty terrible movie, I'd lower those expectations. I thought the first one sucked and was more overrated than Avatar.

Read my post on the previous page. I was basically bashing the movie. Most people my age have 95 IQs or lower and don't understand.

I have no such high hopes whatsoever.

If it wasn't free, I wouldn't be seeing it.
i just borrowed Red Riding Hood and Unknown, will watch them this fine weekend.

Ever noticed how 90% of the movies you watch are pure crap. I didn't see Red Riding Hood because I knew it would suck. Unfortunately, I saw Unknown. It was garbage.

I'm trying to be nice by giving you a fair warning. Don't watch either. Also, one day this illegal bullsht you cream your pants for will come back and bite you so hard in the @ss.
Ever noticed how 90% of the movies you watch are pure crap. I didn't see Red Riding Hood because I knew it would suck. Unfortunately, I saw Unknown. It was garbage.

I'm trying to be nice by giving you a fair warning. Don't watch either. Also, one day this illegal bullsht you cream your pants for will come back and bite you so hard in the @ss.

lol i watch all new releases, so 90% of all new movies must be crap.

i watch them as they come in.
Yeah I saw it.. It was decent. Burger is the guy that made The Illusionist and Interview With The Assassin so I figured it would be somewhere along those lines, but with a budget. BC holds his own and DiNero phones it in like he's been doing for 20 years - and Tuesday night at Carmike is $1 popcorn night!

The Hangover: Part II - 7/10

I went in with very low expectations and came out pleased, overall. I saw it for free though.

It is set up exactly the same as the first one in every single way imaginable. However, there were still enough funny parts for me to enjoy it. I also noticed that Liam Neeson was dropped from the movie for some reason. He was supposed to play the tattoo artist.

Take caution when going to see it. If you don't want to see a movie that is just like the first, then skip out on it. It is not as funny as the first by any means since we've already seen so much of the material, but it's enjoyable for a one time watch IMO.

The only problem I had with the big crowd was the fact that a woman (use a stereotype and you'll know exactly the kind of person I'm talking about) brought her baby to the movie and it cried every 15 minutes or so... very loudly. Great parenting! Not only are you bringing your child to an R rated, explicit movie, you're bringing them to one that runs from midnight to 2am! Good effort, dumb*ss.

It is funny and worth seeing.

Not as funny as the first one. If you enjoyed the first one and go in with low expectations you will enjoy it.

Yes they do the camera bit again.

They do most bits... again.
what a shame, I was hoping to see Ian McShane in a decent role since Deadwood ended ..... still waiting I guess

Ian was a bit of a bright spot, but he really just played Al Swearingen with mystical powers and a beard. You know a movie like this is bad when you can't tell when it's over. This movie limps to an ending.

If you wanna see a decent Ian McShane movie check out Sexy Beast - though Ben Kingsly's character is so unbelievably over the top you might not notice Ian as much..

The only problem I had with the big crowd was the fact that a woman (use a stereotype and you'll know exactly the kind of person I'm talking about) brought her baby to the movie and it cried every 15 minutes or so... very loudly. Great parenting! Not only are you bringing your child to an R rated, explicit movie, you're bringing them to one that runs from midnight to 2am! Good effort, dumb*ss.

Agreed 100%. And it's not nearly as bad in these parts as it is in rowdier east coast towns.. The Pirate movie was bad enough without kids shouting, throwing ice cubes and playing monkey bars on the handicapped access area. I think the last 5 movies in a row have had some jerkoff two rows over endlessly texting and taking phone calls. The theaters need to get this stuff under control or lose an even larger portion of the movie-going population.
Agreed 100%. And it's not nearly as bad in these parts as it is in rowdier east coast towns.. The Pirate movie was bad enough without kids shouting, throwing ice cubes and playing monkey bars on the handicapped access area. I think the last 5 movies in a row have had some jerkoff two rows over endlessly texting and taking phone calls. The theaters need to get this stuff under control or lose an even larger portion of the movie-going population.

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