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Across the Universe - 9/10

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Across The Universe was absolute crap to me. I've heard you've had to drop acid and be a hippie to appreciate it, but it was lost on me. Good music though. :ha:
lol I give simpsons a 7/10. It was just a long version of the current show. Had the movie been made 10 years ago, it would have probably been great.

Just watched 'Talk to Me'. It was ok, but didn't do much for me. Average. 6-7/10
I finally saw I Am Legend.
Okay, but I didn't find it gripping at all. Cast Away (Tom Hanks) was a better acting-against-oneself movie. 6/10
KamikaZ said:
Across The Universe was absolute crap to me. I've heard you've had to drop acid and be a hippie to appreciate it, but it was lost on me. Good music though. :ha:

the acid would've definitely helped with the plot, especially in the middle..

but hey weird movies need to be appreciated too:))
Well I saw Aeon Flux in the theater when it came out a few years ago, and I was a bit disappointed. Some of the acting was lame and it felt like something was missing (but I couldn't really put my finger on it).

Well I rewatched it and liked it a bit more the 2nd time around. The weirdness of the movie and the cartoons before it always interested me. The story is pretty decent. And Charlize Theron is a just a winner :brow: Maybe this would seem generous after the first time watching, but now I'll give this a 6.5/10.
No Country For Old Men -
Yet another movie that makes you feel like you just wasted 2 hours of your life for what? I'm getting tired of these films that have something really good going, but the director is simply too lazy to close the story or tries to be creative by being incomplete.
The movie for the most part was good, however the ending was one that ruined the entire point of the movie, because there truly wasn't a point. Guy goes around killing. End story. Good film? ha! Sorry, I'm not simple enough to be won over by a few unlikely (but cool) weapons and a guy that has a built in GPS in his brain.

7/10 being lenient. Sad too, because it had a chance to be great.
The Gloat said:
No Country For Old Men -
Yet another movie that makes you feel like you just wasted 2 hours of your life for what? I'm getting tired of these films that have something really good going, but the director is simply too lazy to close the story or tries to be creative by being incomplete.
The movie for the most part was good, however the ending was one that ruined the entire point of the movie, because there truly wasn't a point. Guy goes around killing. End story. Good film? ha! Sorry, I'm not simple enough to be won over by a few unlikely (but cool) weapons and a guy that has a built in GPS in his brain.

7/10 being lenient. Sad too, because it had a chance to be great.

The movie ends exactly the way the book does, so blaming the Coen brothers for a terrible ending is a little off.


As for understanding what the end actually meant, you have to realize that the author is trying to convey the message that the world has been and is heading in the wrong direction. In his dream, Ed Tom realizes that he can't compete with the new evils of the world and it's time for him to move on. Basically, the whole point of the movie can be summed up in the conversation that Ed Tom has with the Sheriff of El Paso.
yeah, i get that. But still, kinda makes the story pointless. Plus Barden's character, his death was so, I don't know. They just left it out basically. Could have been a hard hitting moment in the movie, but instead was more of a 'uh..ok?' type scene.
The Gloat said:
yeah, i get that. But still, kinda makes the story pointless. Plus Barden's character, his death was so, I don't know. They just left it out basically. Could have been a hard hitting moment in the movie, but instead was more of a 'uh..ok?' type scene.

Yeah, I'll give you that, but that was the only part of the movie that I didn't really like.
The Rise of the Footsoldier - 9/10 - Pretty bad arse movie. It's a story about a British guy who starts out in a "firm" and works his way through the ranks of organized crime in Essex. Very violent and gory, but good.
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. It's a movie about some dude's quest to break the world record high score for Donkey Kong. Basically, it's Hoop Dreams for video game nerds. It's freaking hilarious how seriously some of these "professional gamers" take themselves, especially the guy who holds the original world record, who comes off as a pretentious *****. But I loved pretty much every minute of it.
BigRed3 said:
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. It's a movie about some dude's quest to break the world record high score for Donkey Kong. Basically, it's Hoop Dreams for video game nerds. It's freaking hilarious how seriously some of these "professional gamers" take themselves, especially the guy who holds the original world record, who comes off as a pretentious *****. But I loved pretty much every minute of it.

Where did you find this movie?
also saw THE KINGDOM
personally, I liked it
not sure if it accurately portrays the Saudi culture though
there may have been a few 'over-the-top' moments
but I'm going to go against the grain and say it was a good flick

facing the end of the road, 2 strangers set out to do what they've always wanted to do. there's quite a bit of charm to this film. anytime you put 2 fine actors together like that, you're bound to get something decent out of it
I thought it was good .... a little dry sometimes and maybe not enough focus on the "fun" but a very good film nonetheless

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